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xionzui ,

I’m not really sure it was just semantics. He was technically correct the light would get some power right away, but the thing everyone would understand when hearing the main assertion, i.e. the light is fully lit and the circuit is in its relatively steady, final state, is very much not true.

xionzui ,

I mean, people are paying for it, right? That’s like the most basic principle of economics. You raise the price to the level the market will bear. It’s not like these are necessities. They’re limited availability entertainment events. Actually, the existence of scalpers who resell for profit implies the price could even be higher.

The part where this becomes a problem is the income inequality among the people who want to go. If everyone had the same income, it would be a matter of who values the show the most. As it is, a lot of people who get to go are a little richer and don’t care about the cost, while some real fans just don’t have the option to go.

xionzui ,

You can try to artificially restrict the prices by limiting access, and maybe you’ll have some success, but as long as there are people out there who are willing to pay more for the tickets, you’re going to be fighting against the market. There’s always going to be someone who finds a way to take advantage. And lowering the prices artificially is directly contrary to the interests of every party involved in creating the show. Maybe the artist is happy with what they make and want to increase access to their show, but the venue, the crew, the label, and the ticket sellers are all going to want to make more if possible.

As I mentioned, the fact that you have scalpers selling for profit on basically every show implies the prices are already artificially low. The way I see it, the only true solution to this issue is fixing the inequality that allows some people to massively out-compete others on price. You can’t really make it cheaper by addressing scarcity in this specific scenario. Only so many people can see the popular artist live. Maybe better simulations of a live show could help. Taylor Swift is doing that to some extent with the theater version.

xionzui ,

Yes, you’re not wrong. I think massive inequality is an issue in general.

xionzui ,

Also, they recently discovered a written record from a crew that was transporting some of the stone by boat using artificial waterways that were dug near Giza and filled during the yearly flood of the Nile.

xionzui ,

Yes, that’s the entire point of “black lives matter”

xionzui ,

So theoretically they could collect data in Europeans from Steam, block those people from accessing the site, and they would be good?

xionzui ,

Yes, blocking all of Europe is what I meant. The point is they are collecting the data from Steam, which already has the data legitimately, not from the users directly. One of the two conditions for complying with GDPR according to the comment above was simply blocking Europeans with no other conditions. It sounds like as long as they do that, they can collect and distribute all the data about Europeans they want.

xionzui ,

The comment above claimed one of two options to comply with GDPR was to block Europeans with no other conditions. Is there additional language in there to mandate that sites that block Europeans cannot collect data about them from other sources as well? If so, the previous comment isn’t accurate

xionzui ,

I love the accusation of working in “legal fiction”

xionzui ,

Sounds like Steam may be allowing refunds for this. Worth a try

xionzui ,

Given the stakes in this particular election, I don’t think it’s a good option

xionzui ,

While that statement could be interpreted either way, I thought the context made it pretty clear what they meant

xionzui ,

So basically, a country that is invaded has the option to either roll over and be destroyed or fight back and become “illegitimate” and should be destroyed anyway? Basically an invader has free rein to do destroy any country they feel like? That’s some nice victim blaming there. Incredibly abusive thinking.

xionzui ,

Weird, last I checked Ukraine was involved in a war against Donbas since 2014 as even western media reported at the time.

It’s almost like Russia has expressed its desire to annex Ukraine for over a decade now and has been sending disguised military units to create a “resistance” to fabricate a justification for “liberating” parts of Ukraine into Russian territory. Weird… It’s not like they explicitly gave that as one of the 20 conflicting reasons for this invasion or anything

xionzui ,

And apparently anything can be made up if you just pretend it didn’t happen

xionzui ,

I’m like 90% sure that post was AI generated

xionzui ,

I went and checked because I hard a hard time believing it. It’s real: https://x.com/Cobratate/status/1783049915800736108

xionzui ,

He would still own a massive share of the stock

xionzui ,

A few for me:

  • Automatically updating entries with app or URL information if they didn’t match and you had to manually search for them. You have to copy the URL, leave the browser, open the app, search for the entry again, and manually add the URL in the current version.
  • Better defaults in the app like which group you log in to or which collection new entries are added to. Keeping all your entries added to a shared collection is a constant chore right now.
  • Better keyboard functionality. It’s basically impossible to navigate with a keyboard on PC right now. Keepass has a global auto type hotkey which made it so you hardly even had to open the app.
xionzui ,

Huh, I figured neither movie was a Spielberg movie. Turns out both are

xionzui ,

Making it very clear to the world you can’t just march into a neighboring sovereign country and take it over is very important for global security. That matters to all of us. We as a society should not accept that.

xionzui ,

Wild speculation: republicanism only exists as a cult created by the propaganda of a political party. Of course one of the core tenets of such a cult would be voting above all else. The Democratic voters are all the other, non-cult members who don’t have any such religious fanaticism about voting

xionzui ,

I watched the entire video in question totally sober

xionzui ,

Yes, the US nuking Israel would definitely be less apocalyptic…

xionzui ,

Where else are people supposed to sit? The left lane is for passing, the right lane is for entering and exiting. The middle lanes are only for driving.

xionzui ,

Did you miss the part where they specifically stated they wanted to break the law?

xionzui ,

All sexual conduct is covered under this law. The issue is they broadly defined “homosexuality” as sexual conduct

xionzui ,

“What do you mean that’s a crime? We do that every day back at the Capitol”

xionzui ,

That was significantly more hinged than the meme. He probably set a record for the pace of lies or misleading statements, but he had a coherent message: windmills not made in US, manufacturing them releases fumes, they kill birds, having them nearby decreases home values, etc

xionzui ,

The message is “wind power bad”

xionzui ,

What job do you do where you can only charge it during work hours, yet the 30 minutes it takes to charge account for 20% of that work time?

XZ Hack - "If this timeline is correct, it’s not the modus operandi of a hobbyist. [...] It wouldn’t be surprising if it was paid for by a state actor." ( lcamtuf.substack.com )

Thought this was a good read exploring some how the "how and why" including several apparent sock puppet accounts that convinced the original dev (Lasse Collin) to hand over the baton.

xionzui ,

i can't see how paying someone would have changed anything in this scenario.

we need more people actively reviewing code and release artifacts

I think you’ve answered your own question there

xionzui ,

Of course you can’t be sure anyone involved, paid or not, isn’t compromised. But if you want more human effort put into a project, people need a reason to do so. Complaining that volunteer contributors don’t spend enough of their time and effort with no compensation isn’t going to solve anything. Maybe AI tools will make that work more available in the near future.

xionzui ,

Your RAM is in GiB and GB. You can measure it either way you prefer. If you prefer big numbers, you can say you have 137,438,953,472 bits of RAM

xionzui ,

As far as I know, RAM only comes in GiB sizes. There is some overhead that reduces the amount you see in the OS though. But that complaint is valid for storage devices if you don’t know the units and expect TB/GB on the box to match the numbers in Windows

xionzui ,

Only Fans is trying to get into video. This is probably what they should be doing, not whatever that TV thing is

Downtown Portland’s office vacancy rate is highest in the nation, report says ( www.oregonlive.com )

"According to Colliers, more than 1.4 million square feet of office space in downtown Portland was available for sublease at the end of 2023. The total available amount of space available for lease downtown was more than 32%. Collier expects that figure to reach 40% over the next year....

Texas AG Ken Paxton Sues Chaturbate, xHamster Over Controversial Age Verification Law ( www.xbiz.com )

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed lawsuits on Tuesday against the parent companies of Chaturbate and xHamster, claiming that the sites are not complying with the state’s controversial age verification law, HB 1181....

xionzui ,

I don’t really understand how the state can make it the site’s responsibility to restrict access from their citizens. The site is not operating out of or incorporated in Texas. If the state doesn’t want their citizens to access something, it’s their responsibility to ensure that.

xionzui ,

They literally just said it’s was 100% due to the information environment you’re in. In what way does that imply stupidity?

xionzui ,

A few things not quite right here. Particles are given mass through interacting directly with the Higgs field itself. They don’t need the boson to be involved. Due to the way the math works out, the Higgs field has a non-zero value everywhere, so everything that interacts with that field is given mass by that.

Also, we know of weakly interacting matter such as neutrinos that can pass directly through other matter most of the time already. Things can be in the same place as long as the fields they’re part of don’t interact in a way that stops it.

Magnetism, electric charge, and light rely on photons, not electrons. Photons are the bosons of the electromagnetic field. Bosons are called force carriers. They get exchanged any time an electromagnetic force acts on anything. Electrons are a particle and made from the electron field. They are involved in a lot of electromagnetic interactions via photons, but not all of them.

xionzui ,

This doesn’t answer the question in the context of this theory, but the current understanding is that light does lose energy as it travels through expanding space. As the space it’s in expands, the wavelength gets longer, and the energy goes down. It doesn’t go anywhere; energy just isn’t conserved in an expanding space-time.

xionzui ,

Light does actually just lose energy to nowhere in our current understanding of expanding space.

xionzui ,

I’m no expert, and I don’t think we know for sure, but it sounds like it might be related to the increase in vacuum energy from the added space. It’s also possible the total amount of net energy in the universe is 0 and conserved

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