babe , to Random stuff avatar

When you are complaining to a server's admin account about a user, make sure to take a moment and check you haven't accidentally tagged the person you're talking about

FediTips , to Random stuff avatar

Anything online may shut down one day. Even massive services may simply shut down (remember Google Plus?). If a service is centralised, then there is no way of moving your account elsewhere.

However, Mastodon and the Fediverse aren't centralised! They are decentralised and federated, which means you can transfer your account to another server if your current one intends to shut down.

You can find out more about this topic at:


FediTips , to Random stuff avatar

You can transfer your Mastodon account to another Mastodon server if you want to. There are complete step-by-step instructions here:


Transferring your account lets you take your followers, follows, bookmarks, lists, mutes and blocks along with you to the new server. Your existing followers will automatically follow your new account.

Your old posts will remain on the old server, but they will redirect people to your new account.

FediTips , to Random stuff avatar

You can optionally mute someone on Mastodon without hiding their DMs or mentions.

If you're using the website or web app or some mobile apps, the muting process includes an option that says "Allow notifications". If you allow notifications, DMs and mentions will work as normal.

This is useful if you want to stay in touch with someone but you don't want to see their posts in your timeline.

(Also, whatever kind of mute you use, they will not be aware you are muting them.)

FediTips , to Random stuff avatar

In case you missed it, Mastodon's search system has lots of "operators", words you can include in a search to narrow down the results. For example to just show your own posts include from:me in your search.

There is a complete list of operators plus instructions for how to to use them at:


You can use several operators at once to narrow searches further. You can also use a minus sign in front of an operator to exclude certain types of results.

FediTips , to Random stuff avatar

You can use Mastodon with dark mode, light mode or other themes.

On mobile apps this will be in settings, usually under "Appearance" or "Theme" or "Colours".

If you're on your server's website or web app, you can do it this way:

  1. Click ⚙️ Preferences
  2. Click the dropdown menu labelled "Site Theme" and select the theme you want
  3. Click the "Save Changes" button

Some apps and server websites will also have even more options.

More questions answered:


FediTips , to News from fediverse avatar

Someone asked how they can publish videos on PeerTube (the Fediverse's video platform). There's a guide to publishing on PeerTube here, it includes suggestions for where to sign up (and also how to make your own server if you prefer):


If you don't want to publish videos and just want help with watching and following PeerTube accounts, there's also a separate guide for that here:


FediTips , to Random stuff avatar

If there's a problem on your server and you're not sure what to do (for example if you can't log in), you might want to contact your server's admin.

On Mastodon there is always a public email address for your admin on your server's website's About page, just click on "Learn More" or ⋯ to see it. You don't have to be logged in, the About page is visible to everyone.

The About page also has a list of the server's rules which is useful if you're curious about joining the server.

FediTips , to News from fediverse avatar

The Fediverse is deliberately spread out on thousands of independent servers running many types of software, which connect together to form a single social network.

But why is it like this? Why go to all this trouble? Wouldn't a single large server be easier?

Here is a complete list of reasons why it is very important for a social network to be spread out on many independent servers:


(If I'm missing a reason, let me know in the replies!)

antipater , to Random stuff avatar

no seriously idk what i'm supposed to do on this website

AnneTheWriter1 , avatar



Unlike the commercial platforms, there is no algorithm here pushing things into your feed (including trolls & bots). So what you see is 100% based on:

  • who you follow
  • what you RT
  • what hashtags you use and follow

(Yes, you can follow hashtags here!)

It's customary to post an using that hashtag. Tell a bit about yourself & your interests. (You can hashtag keywords for better visibility to other accounts.)

It can take a while to build a following, but your feed will be more positive than on other platforms, with NO ads.

  • Posts here are called "toots" (because the logo is a Mastodon)

  • Always add to images

  • Accounts that end in "" are groups

I recommend you follow:



Reuters News

/ @feditips

/ @hashtaggames

/ @threegoodthings

FediTips , to Random stuff avatar

You can be optionally notified if you forget to add an alt text description to an image, video or audio. Here's how to activate it:

  1. Follow @PleaseCaption
  2. The account will follow you back
  3. If you post media without alt text, PleaseCaption will automatically send you a DM about it

If you want to delete a reminder, ⭐ favourite it and PleaseFollow will delete the reminder.

If you want to stop the reminders, block and unblock the PleaseCaption account.

BeAware , to News from fediverse avatar

FediTip of the day:

If you're new, you might want to post an post littered with hashtags that are related to your interests.

A lot of people browse that hashtag to find new users and help them along.

A lot of instances don't allow full text search, therefore hashtags are their only way of seeing your posts.

BeAware , to News from fediverse avatar

FediTip of the day:

If your profile and posts are set to "public" and you can read this very post, you should have no sense of "privacy" here on Fedi. That means ANYONE can reply.

There's 20,000+ instances and new ones every day, there's NO WAY to tell who is accessing your posts or what they're doing with them.

Fediverse is not some kinda "bastion for privacy" nor is there any sort of "consent" required to see your posts if they are public.

The only way you can be 100% sure that your followers are the only ones that directly see your posts is to make your profile and posts private. Even then, screenshots exist.

Remember, you're on the internet. Once you post it, it's probably not going away. This is true everywhere.

FediTips , to Podcast avatar

Hey podcast fans and podcast makers 👋

You can subscribe to any PeerTube video or audio channel via your favourite podcast app. The RSS feeds on PeerTube are now in a format compatible with podcast apps, more info on how to subscribe here:


If you make a podcast, you can publish it through PeerTube. PeerTube accepts audio file uploads, and you can choose whether to have a blank screen or a still image as artwork.

FediTips , to Random stuff avatar

There is an unofficial reminder bot on the Fediverse. It can remind you minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years later. To use it, just mention the bot in a post or reply and include the period you want to be reminded after. For example:

@ remindme @ 1 week

To be reminded in a DM, include the word "dm" in small letters:

@ remindme @ dm 1 week

(Remove spaces in the address to make it work, I've only included spaces to avoid setting off the bot!)

FediTips , to News from fediverse avatar

The third party Android app Fedilab (which lets you use Mastodon, PeerTube, Pixelfed, Friendica etc) is now free on Google Play, and continues to be free on F-Droid too. If you haven't tried it yet, this might be a good time:



(It was previously paid on Google Play and free on F-Droid.)

There's a review of the app on the website:


#Fedilab #FediTips #Fediverse #FOSS #Mastodon #PeerTube #Friendica

FediTips , to Privacy avatar

Do you want to have a locked-down account on where only people you specifically choose can see your posts?

You need to do two things:

  1. Switch on your account's follow requests, this will allow you to screen who can follow you. (More details at

  2. Set your default posting visibility to "Followers only", so that only people you've chosen can see your posts. (More details in the "Default Visibility" section of

johannab , to Random stuff avatar

Happy Friday!

I just in the past few minutes stumbled upon , a configurable social media wall that lets you configure and display selected public content in a rotating panel based on server, accounts, or hashtags.

You can do this on the fly, or customize and save a link, or install and run your own, by the look of it.

FediTips , to Twitch avatar

The Fediverse has a Twitch-style live streaming and chat platform @owncast:


You can follow OwnCast accounts from Mastodon etc, streams will post when going live.

If you just want to see OwnCast in action:

You can use your Mastodon etc account to verify your identity in OwnCast streams' chat.

Anyone can make an OwnCast server, though at moment it requires some tech skill (more info at

FediTips , to Random stuff avatar

If you're an ordinary Mastodon user, the "block domain" option does not block servers, it just mutes them. It hides their posts from you, but does not hide your posts from them.

Only server admins can do actual blocks through defederation, preferably on a server that has activated "authorized fetch".

For example, if you want to avoid, you need to join a server that has defederated (You can find nice servers that block at

BeAware , to News from fediverse avatar

PSA: Since Threads apparently will be federating replies soon, I thought I should post this again, because there's still a lot of people that don't know.

When a normal user uses "block this domain" it's LITERALLY just a MUTE. The blocked server can still see, interact, and reply to your posts, you just won't be able to see them.

It's kinda like sitting in a room with hungry bears while wearing a blindfold. If you're scared of hungry bears, your best bet is to get out of the room, not put a blindfold on. And by this, I simply mean to migrate to an instance where the blocks are up to your standard on the "instance" level.

Stay informed and make informed decisions, no matter what you choose to do with your Fediverse presence.

#Fediverse #MastoTips #FediTips #Fedi #ActivityPub #Threads #Meta

FediTips , to Random stuff avatar

Content Warnings (CWs) are a way of hiding your post behind a warning message, so that people can choose whether they want to view it right now.

Sometimes CWs might be used for discussing potentially disturbing topics, but they are also useful for lighter things like avoiding film spoilers.

Here's a complete guide to using CWs on the Fediverse, including how to switch them off if you prefer:


Let me know if I've missed something!

lety , to News from fediverse avatar

So a problem I'm having on the #Fediverse that doesn't happen with legacy social media is that I have multiple accounts across multiple services that all show up under the same search.

I primarily use this account hosted on my personal server, but I also have accounts on my #PeerTube server for posting videos and accounts on #Mastodon Social and to test the bleeding edge of their software and use features my server can't support.

None of these are alts in the way that I've had Tumblr alts for specific fandoms or X alts to follow particular subjects. They're all me to the extent that using a different display name or handle doesn't make sense.

The problem occurs when people reach out to me on some of these accounts, and I miss it cause I don't regularly receive notifications from them. I can't even receive the right kind of notification from some of these accounts. For example, PeerTube doesn't get private mentions or tags (outside of video comments), and none of these services render reactions from #Misskey correctly.

#Fedi is still new to many people, and there's a learning curve to "these are all different services under one giant network powered by #ActivityPub". It makes sense that users search for my name, click the first matching account with a photo of me, and interact with that account believing I'll 100% see that interaction.

I'm not quite sure what the ideal solution is, if anyone has any #FediTips for dealing with this specific caveat of our interconnected social network.

For now, I've just added 🔕 to all my ActivityPub accounts besides my main, and hopefully that gives people enough pause to notice the account without it.

FediTips , to Random stuff avatar

You don't have to use Mastodon through its official app! There are many better alternatives including third party apps, your server's website, web apps etc.

Here's a guide to help you get started with exploring all the different kinds of Mastodon apps:


If you're a techy person, there are also some more unusual choices you might like such as retro apps for classic computers of the 1980s/1990s, or CLI/TUI apps for text-based interfaces.

beach , to Random stuff avatar

Help with filters needed!

Say I want to filter out posts containing the exact phrase "Donald Trump" from my feed (I don't – just using that as an example).

But I still want to see posts about Donald Duck and Trump Tower. How do I ensure only the exact phrase "Donald Trump" is filtered. I've looked at the official documentation and also but they seem more directed towards filtering individual words.


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