FediVideo , to Video Games
@FediVideo@social.growyourown.services avatar

Ozoned does live streams and Let's Play videos of modern PC games. You can follow his video channel at:

➡️ @ozoned

...and the livestreaming channel at:

➡️ @ozoned

If the videos haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://video.thepolarbear.co.uk/a/ozoned/videos

Recordings of livestreams appear on the video channel later.

You can also follow his general account at @ozoned

dansup , (edited ) to Random stuff
@dansup@mastodon.social avatar

Fixed Pixelfed federation with Friendica*, and will be working on PeerTube next!

zalasur , to Twitch
@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

Today on Dwarf Fortress: The Sinister Start in the Plane of Myth, my citizens has a sad! 😢

I keep sending them outside to build the outside fort and they are getting fed up. But not to worry, I finished the roof so now they con complete their work in a smelly goo-free environment. Or, at least until I decide to build the fishing hut.


FediVideo , to News from fediverse
@FediVideo@social.growyourown.services avatar

Flipboard Video contains interviews with prominent figures in technology, especially those involved with the Fediverse. You can follow at:

➡️ @flipboard

If the videos haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://flipboard.video/a/flipboard/videos

Flipboard is a social media curation platform with Fediverse integration. You can follow its main account at @Flipboard

mike , to Podcast
@mike@flipboard.social avatar

Molly White is one of the most thoughtful writers and thinkers on the web today. In addition to being a high functioning crypto critic, @molly0xfff is a believer and practitioner in crafting the next era of the web.

Molly believes that human connections are an inextricable part of the web and sees a bright future ahead as those connections move from walled gardens to the open web.

Check out this fantastic conversation with her on the latest episode of on our instance or wherever you get your .


FediVideo , to Random stuff
@FediVideo@social.growyourown.services avatar

More Fun Making It is a video channel about fixing and restoring old computers and consoles, especially the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC etc. You can follow at:

➡️ @morefunmakingit

If the videos haven't all federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://makertube.net/a/morefunmakingit/videos

#FeaturedPeerTube #RetroComputing #ComputingHistory #8Bit #16Bit #ZXSpectrum #Commodore64 #AmstradCPC #Amstrad #Commodore #Sinclair #Electronics #PeerTube #PeerTubers

Rob200 , to News from fediverse
@Rob200@floe.earth avatar

Hey can we add a feature to seperate bookmarked posts into categories. SImilar to how playlists work on and ??

mondoweiss , (edited ) to News from fediverse
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

Mondoweiss is now on , the federated video publishing platform!

Visit our video server to see all of our materials and follow us there for updated video content.

You can watch, comment on, and share all of our video content right here in the fediverse!



@palestine @israel

FediVideo , to Synthesizers
@FediVideo@social.growyourown.services avatar

Polykit designs, builds and repairs synths, drum machines and other electronic music tech. You can follow them at:

➡️ @polykit

If the videos haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://makertube.net/a/polykit/videos

Polykit also runs https://makertube.net, a nice PeerTube server for creative people.

You can follow Polykit's general account at @polykit

FediVideo , to Random stuff
@FediVideo@social.growyourown.services avatar

Meshe is a musician based in Canada publishing lovely quirky songs and videos. You can follow at:

➡️ @meshe

If the videos haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://makertube.net/a/meshe/videos

You can also follow Meshe's general account at https://makertube.net/a/meshe/videos

jbzfn , to Twitch
@jbzfn@mastodon.social avatar
John_Livingston , to Random stuff
@John_Livingston@mamot.fr avatar

Next major version of the livechat plugin will have a now "to-do list" feature!

Here is the user's documentation:

Let me know if you have some feedback on the documentation: is it clear? are they some "english mistakes"?

FediVideo , to Random stuff
@FediVideo@social.growyourown.services avatar

The Space Quest Historian posts in-depth videos about adventure games published by Sierra Online. You can follow at:

➡️ @sqhistorian (NOTE: The videos often contain adult humour and strong language.)

If the videos haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://spectra.video/accounts/sqhistorian

You can also follow their general social media account at @sqhistorian

FediTips , to News from fediverse
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar

Someone asked how they can publish videos on PeerTube (the Fediverse's video platform). There's a guide to publishing on PeerTube here, it includes suggestions for where to sign up (and also how to make your own server if you prefer):

➡️ https://fedi.tips/how-to-publish-videos-and-audio-on-peertube

If you don't want to publish videos and just want help with watching and following PeerTube accounts, there's also a separate guide for that here:

➡️ https://fedi.tips/how-do-i-use-peertube-how-do-i-follow-peertube-accounts-from-mastodon

FediVideo , to Random stuff
@FediVideo@social.growyourown.services avatar

Bacalao is an electronic musician, DJ, remixer and veteran of the Amiga demo scene with eclectic influences. You can follow his videos at:

➡️ @bacalao

If the videos haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at https://v.basspistol.org/a/bacalao/videos

FediVideo , to Linux
@FediVideo@social.growyourown.services avatar

Niccolò Ve is a KDE developer who posts videos about Linux, technology, the internet, online privacy and related topics. You can follow at:

➡️ @veggero

If the videos haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://tube.kockatoo.org/a/veggero/videos

RobertaFidora , to Random stuff
@RobertaFidora@mastodon.social avatar

I've asked this before and don't think there was as much up and running at that point, but are there any great existing platforms for hosting (and related puppet vids) that also give the option to embed privately or "unlisted"?

I currently pay a Vimeo subscription to have no ads and privacy settings on certain playlists, but I'd prefer to put those funds into more recording time and the videos themselves. Any suggestions? 🙃

FediVideo , to Hacking
@FediVideo@social.growyourown.services avatar

Uglyhack posts videos on electronics, teardowns and hardware hacks, you can follow at:

➡️ @uglyhack

If the videos haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://diode.zone/a/uglyhack/videos

(They're also one of the longest-running accounts on PeerTube, first posting in early 2019!)

You can follow their general account at @uglyhack

nerd4cities , to Random stuff
@nerd4cities@mstdn.social avatar

New video for the Nebulized: if there’s any region in the U.S. doing livable streets advocacy better than the Twin Cities, I don’t know what it is. Also: urban freeways are stupid.

kaleb ,
@kaleb@social.coop avatar

@nerd4cities Nebula is great, but my subscription is coming to an end soon and I would love to see you start posting to PeerTube. Even if it’s a delayed option, I am generally happy to wait.

Please consider making https://urbanists.video your home for videos on the Fediverse. My dollar or two a month via Patreon is just a drop in the bucket, but I’m confident I’m not the only person who prioritize support for those who repost to PeerTube


ZDF , to Random stuff German
@ZDF@zdf.social avatar

Hey, vielleicht habt ihr es schon mitbekommen: Zusammen mit der ARD positionieren wir uns neu am Streaming-Markt und starten mit einer der größten Open-Source-Initiativen Deutschlands. "Streaming OS" heißt sie. "OS" steht für "Operating System". Heißt: ARD und ZDF stellen zentrale Komponenten ihrer beiden Streaming-Plattformen öffentlich bereit, also etwa Player, das Login-System, Empfehlungscode oder den Kern unseres Designsystems.
Hier findet ihr mehr Infos: https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/in-eigener-sache/zdf-ard-mediathek-streaming-100.html?at_medium=Social%20Media&at_campaign=Mastodon&at_specific=ZDF

twojays ,
@twojays@ruhr.social avatar

@ZDF so wie es sich bis jetzt liest wird alles neu eingewickelt... Warum wird nicht auf bereits bestehende OSS zurückgegriffen und darauf aufgebaut. zB

FediVideo , to Random stuff
@FediVideo@social.growyourown.services avatar

Rail Casual posts nicely-shot videos of trains and railways, especially in the Pacific Northwest. Videos are edited with an ambient feel, as if you're standing there yourself. You can follow at:

➡️ @rail_casual

If the videos haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://tilvids.com/a/rail_casual/videos

You can also follow their general account at @rail_casual

FediVideo , to Random stuff
@FediVideo@social.growyourown.services avatar

Reece Martin (aka RM Transit) posts in-depth videos about public transport including trains, trams, buses etc and how they relate to urban planning. You can follow their video account at:

➡️ @reece

If the videos haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://video.canadiancivil.com/a/reece/videos

You can also follow their general social media account at @reece and their blog at @reecemartintransit

scanlime , to Random stuff
@scanlime@misc.name avatar

folks be aware Amazon has a video scraper bot that seems capable of extreme bandwidth usage, it was sucking up half a gigabit for 6 hours last night on my server

FediVideo , to Linux
@FediVideo@social.growyourown.services avatar

The Linux Experiment posts videos about Linux, FOSS, tech news and related topics. You can follow them at:

➡️ @thelinuxexperiment

If the videos haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://tilvids.com/a/thelinuxexperiment/videos

You can also follow their general social media account at @thelinuxEXP

notizie , (edited ) to Che succede nel Fediverso? Italian
@notizie@poliverso.org avatar

I dati di maggio sul Fediverso italiano non sono confortanti

Ieri abbiamo dato un'occhiata ai dati mensili disponibili sul repository di @fediverseobserver e quello che abbiamo visto non è di certo un bel segnale per lo stato di salute del Fediverso.


In sostanza il Fediverso italiano, con 11.255 utenti attivi, perde quasi 400 utenti attivi rispetto al mese di aprile, ossia un 3,3%

Ricordiamo che per utente attivo si intende quello che ha avuto accesso alla piattaforma almeno una volta nell'ultimo mese! (grazie @treleonora per la domanda)

A questo bisogna aggiungere che tra le poche istanze che crescono, vi sono le nostre due istanze poliverso.org e poliversity.it, ma con una doverosa precisazione: negli scorsi giorni abbiamo avvisato gli utenti di queste due istanze per ricordare che elimineremo tutti gli account inattivi da più di sei mesi e questo ha provocato un certo risveglio tra alcuni utenti "dormienti". Non è affatto scontato tuttavia che questi utenti resteranno attivi anche durante il prossimo mese (ci rivediamo a giugno).

Qui la tabella con le istanze in crescita:

Qui invece la tabella con le istanze che hanno perso utenti in trmini percentuali:

peppenamir ,
@peppenamir@www.foxyhole.io avatar

@notizie al momento che siamo praticamente sconosciuti sicuramente no, ma un giorno chi lo sa, di una cosa però ne sono sicuro, se si continua cono sto atteggiamento di "protezione" e di chiusura verso praticamente tutto quello che non ci piace sicuramente non si va da nessuna parte. Un annetto fa un certo giornalista chiamato Michele Santoro cercava una piattaforma libera dove divulgare i propri contenuti e non avere rotture di balls in termini di censura da parte di You Tube, e non posso fare a meno di pensare che molti altri personaggi abbiano o abbiano avuto lo stesso problema, ma alla fine sono costretti ad optare per You Tube perché si ci guadagnano anche soldini dalle visualizzazioni, che si permettono prima di tutto di avere una vita agiata, ma anche di produrre contenuti di qualità, perché purtroppo e sottolineo purtroppo viviamo in un mondo di cacca, e tutto gira intorno ai soldi, indipendentemente se vuoi produrre per fini di lucro o fornire un servizio alla gente. Mi sono anche chiesto ( perché il fediverso mi piace tantissimo) cosa succederebbe se uno You Tuber facesse una Live qui su owncast o peertube, a parte i vari problemini tecnici che possono o non possono presentarsi, ma se si rischiano di avere uno sponsor non so fino a che punto gli abitanti del fediverso accetterebbero la cosa, almeno quelli più puristi. Morale della favola vogliamo che il fediverso si espanda? allora bisogna accettare qualcosina che non ci piace, altrimenti ci creiamo la nostra bolla perfetta e ci stiamo dove stiamo. Concludo dicendo che mancano anche le app ufficiali, su e ci siamo e tra poco anche su , ma per il resto si ci arrangia come si può , ovviamente le app non sono di primaria importanza, ma la loro mancanza da l'impressione di "servizio di seconda scelta" quindi scarso

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