metin , to Media Industry Discussions avatar

Who would have ever guessed that…?

𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙁𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙛𝙚𝙬 𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙠𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙪𝙘𝙚𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙛 𝙞𝙣 𝙛𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙬𝙨

SteveMcCarty , to Japan avatar

Our family friend Mimi Wada co-produced and co-starred in the new "Snack Sakura" that shows ( hostess ) through the experiences of the expert Canadian Greg Girard. It is under 25 minutes and posted for free at or permalink

Other professors used to take me to snacks when I was single, so I was well aware that hostesses were mostly divorced or single mothers. Mimi sheds light on the nature of snacks by saying that has a dark side. Regarding the that Greg mentions, Mimi clarifies that there is a double standard whereby men can go to snacks openly, but it is shameful for to work in them. Now I'm a family man, but I sympathize with such women, who would otherwise have to for close to the minimum wage.

A documentary succeeds insofar as it sheds light on the topic. If you watch it, perhaps let us know your impressions.

@sociology @psychology

thecommunistpig , to Random stuff avatar

Something I don't think many people get is that have all these little slights of hand and obscure procedural rules that have this almost magical tendency to only ever get used to block progressive change.

"No no, we're not arresting people for , that would be UNCONSTITUTIONAL. They're trespassers."

"No no see we really WANT to pass this life saving legislation but this pesky senate rule that we could get rid of at any time has our hands tied"

"No no no its not that we're overriding local autonomy, it's that they just didn't follow the rules that only apply in these super specific circumstances and never any other time!"

hcj , to Non Political Twitter avatar

Interesting considering they claimed that nearly 1
2 million people create an account on X every day


GossiTheDog , to Random stuff avatar

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  • hubertus_munz , avatar


    I think a problem is that people do not have the fundamental social networks in that help to go through difficult situations.

    Virtual as tge replacement live from making people crazy. In general Media only makes money if people go about a topic.

    I guess there must have been a time when for example US have been a rather boring process with little news coverage. Nowadays, media rages about everything since months.

    foncu , to Random stuff Spanish avatar

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  • richard , avatar

    @foncu encuentro super extraño que la gente se pueda negar a que rebajen el valor de un ticket anual en mas de 50%... y menos aun para el y

    Muy extraño.

    Dasus , to Memes in Come on Barbie lets go Party

    Wrong wrong and wrong.

    Honestly, why won't you do 30s of Googling to check what you're saying?

    Communism is when the state owns the economy and you have a planned economy.

    Socialism is the ownership OR regulation of the means of production.

    Yes. We are social democracies.

    But no, social democracies aren't capitalist, dingdong. Let's look at the very first sentence here:

    democracy is a political, social, and economic philosophy within socialism[1]


    You're just conflating market economies and capitalism, like I already explained

    Dasus , to Memes in Come on Barbie lets go Party

    "system built on capitalism"

    You still don't even understand what I mean when I say you're conflating "capitalism" and market economies.

    You think when people buy and sell things, that's "capitalism."

    Is Finland a social democracy?

    And what does this say about what school of thought does social democracies belong to?

    democracy is a political, social, and economic philosophy within socialism[

    "wää wää wää no it's not socialism, it's capitalism, but I refuse to believe it and I don't have to explain myself"

    • you

    Please define socialism for me.

    Because this an official definition

    a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or REGULATED BY the community as a whole.
    "we want a real democratic and pluralist left party—one which unites all those who believe in socialism"

    Even the US has socialist policies, because "pure" capitalism is completely unworkable, because it kills the economy stone dead

    Dasus , to Memes in Come on Barbie lets go Party

    Examples of Socialist market economies include Market Socialism, a form of Socialism built on competing worker-owned co-operatives.

    Honestly. Like seriously honestly adult adult honestly. Why the fuck do you not bother to spend 30 seconds checking concepts you have no idea about, and instead pull shit out of your arse?

    Market socialism isn't defined by worker cooperatives, it's defined by socialism which utilises market economy. Like the socialist democracies of the Nordic countries.

    You can't even define capitalism, yet demand everyone is utilising it.

    If a country doesn't have a planned economy, you won't admit it's not capitalist. Which is so dumb I can't even find the words to describe it.

    "Capitalist social democracies"

    So just refusing reality, huh?

    democracy is a political, social, and economic philosophy within socialism


    How hard is this for you to understand?


    not "withing capitalism"

    Capitalism with regulation is still Capitalism. Socialism is when Workers share ownership of the Means of Production, simple as.

    No, it simply isn't. That's like saying "you're not gay as long as you don't penetrate another mans anus, sexual attraction to men has nothing to do with being homosexual".

    The simple definition of socialism is when the means of production are owned OR REGULATED BY the government.

    Which part of "OR REGULATED" do you not understand?

    This is exactly what I meant with my first comments. Delusional fuckers like you, pretending all market economy is capitalism. Even the US doesn't have "pure" capitalism, as the antitrust laws are by definition socialist policies.

    classy_aardvark , to palestine group avatar

    It’s very clear to me that the English language absolutely lacks the words necessary to describe what’s happening in Palestine.

    News and public orgs have been saying for months that a “humanitarian crisis is looming.”

    What in the fuck is the definition of humanitarian crisis if Gaza isn’t already there?


    Ronial ,

    @classy_aardvark @palestine

    On the other hand, relegating these notions to the past is the best way not to learn from & to repeat its errors (what's happening). New words would bring artificial differences where there's none. It'd be kind of fake. I think the biggest problem is the current frame & huge trend for bad faith. It's the denial of the actual situation & the "official" inaudible spiel that drowns urgency in nonsense. On every subject. , , ...

    kuketzblog , to Media Industry Discussions German avatar

    Ich habe den Eindruck, dass das Weltbild vieler Menschen heute fast ausschließlich von den sozialen Medien geprägt ist. So entstehen selbsternannte Experten unserer Zeit, die ihre Meinungen auf der Grundlage von 15-sekündigen TikTok-Videos oder Instagram-Memes bilden und verbreiten. Dies zeugt von einer bedenklichen Oberflächlichkeit und einem erheblichen Mangel an Selbstreflexion.


    mapache , to News from fediverse avatar

    Part 3 of "A Guide to Implementing ActivityPub in a Static Site (or Any Website)" is just out the oven!

    In this blog post, I explain how to make your blog discoverable in the Fediverse as an account, and also address some of the annoying pitfalls I encountered.

    Full article here:

    If you like it don't forget to follow the @blog !

    -sites -development -web

    itsfoss , to Random stuff avatar

    Bluesky is open to all!

    solicitor , avatar

    @itsfoss is my preferred :mastodon: I don't care about :blobcatcoffee:

    bibliolater , to Non Political Twitter avatar

    "We hypothesize ingroups serve as moral boundaries, that the relative tight constraints morality exerts over ingroup relations loosen in competitive group environments because doing so also serves ingroup interests."

    Hull, K., Warren, C., & Smith, K. (2024). Politics makes bastards of us all: Why moral judgment is politically situational. Political Psychology, 00, 1–17. @politicalscience @psychology

    StitchedInkMedia , to Animals doing stuff avatar
    okpierre , to Random stuff avatar

    Misskey 2023.12.2 is now available

    Download link:

    For those not familiar, it's a decentralized social platform that can interact with other apps like Mastodon, Pixelfed, Pleroma, etc

    Nonilex , to Non Political Twitter avatar

    US stops helping spot foreign meddling amid threats

    The US federal govt has stopped warning some about foreign campaigns on their , reversing a years-long approach to preventing & other actors from interfering in less than a year before the US presidential , acc/to company ofcls.

    rabia_elizabeth , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

    Just left the group chats for two social groups where I live.

    I chronically feel "less than" when I attend, and I have a sneaking feeling there's been backbiting going on, too. There's strong circumstantial evidence of that: for example, workshops I've given have been poorly attended, in contrast to those given by other group members.

    The groups are not supporting me in subtle ways, which usually means "don't let the door hit you in the can on the way out" to us folks. Truth, Ruth.

    Also, much of what goes on in group meetings has to do with Chatting Over Food-Laden Tables, which isn't a great place to be for folks with .

    If Allah SWT wants me to have the typical kinds of relationships that so many people seem to arrive at without much fuss, He will put that in my life. I'm tired of putting effort into it when it usually backfires on me. And now that I'm a , I have plenty to do just learning and praying.


    NicolasCelnik , to Random stuff avatar

    🐤➡️🐘 A mon tour de mettre un pied sur Mastodon !

    Si vous avez des conseils sur la manière dont ça fonctionne par ici, et sur les bons comptes à suivre, je suis preneur.

    On continuera à parler ici politique, écologique, , et

    Ppalement pour @libe, @Reporterre, @socialter.

    Cc @maisouvaleweb, @casilli, @PhilGood, @clementquintard, @arkokabi, @samyb, @Lucas_chancel, @sfoucart, @felix, @timparrique, @oliviertesquet

    ArtBear , to Random stuff avatar

    Day 1
    Where am I? Is this the Fediverse? What is the Mastodon? How do I Calckey? Am I Pixelfed? Do I Lemmy?
    👉 Click on this post to see Thread🧵
    What I've learned so far about condensed to help others.

    1st understanding is I make friends across multiple apps/platforms all at once.

    We're all in making friends & connections together. I no longer lose everything when I use new platforms in addition or instead on Fedi.

    ArtBear OP , avatar

    Rebuilding communities is good.

    Lots more people are getting fed up with the corporate cycle.

    Check out who's come over to the recently with various tools eg:

    ArtBear OP , avatar

    My feeds over time have become much more diverse in subject matter than the corporate silo feeds, if I compare them.

    Corporate media seems so fixated on just recycling the same handful of TODAYS! hot-button bad-take topics. (& full of scammers & spammers)

    In the corporate anger farms I feel myself being pushed to ignore many topics yet be futilely outraged about others.

    Distance has given perspective.

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