@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar



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AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly. They think being in a resistance is sexy, because they consume media that glorifies it. They dress it up and hide the realities while amplifying the parts that are heroic and good looking, and think that's what being in a resistance is like. Couple that with Main Character Syndrome and you've got a bunch of tankies who think they're going to kick ass at organizing a resistance and all be leaders when in fact most of them are going to do something stupid, get caught by the fascist regime, and die in a camp.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

At least Biden allows the protests to happen. Under Trump, the first protest would be the last as he would immediately mobilize the National Guard and authorize the use of lethal force to suppress it.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

This is literally the thieving rich taking what they can before they fuck off to their private islands or bunkers or whatever they have before the whole thing comes tumbling down. Their plan is to wait it out until the poors are dead and then reemerge to reclaim the world and shape it in their image.

Now, I know how crazy that sounds, but they know that things can't keep going like this forever. Something has to give, eventually

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Sure, it sounds good, until they rewrite the definition of "child rape" to be "gender-affirming care" or "hosting a drag queen story hour" or it's not "rape" if a white guy does it.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

The leafy top is called a haulm and on commercial farms the harvester has a header that removes the haulm before the main part of the harvester scoops up the potatoes. Anyone who's played Farming Simulator is familiar with these machines, such as the Ropa Panther 2.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Shannon Kroner is a PSYCHOLOGIST. She wrote a book about vaccines, as a psychologist.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

She's a psychologist who works primarily with special education/special needs kids, and believes that a lot of developmental disabilities are the result of vaccinations.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Can a solar sail propel an object to relativistic speeds? The whole point of space travel is to go to other planets at a speed fast enough that the people going there will not be dead or elderly by the time they reach their destination. The only way to do that is by achieving light speed or damn near it. I do not want to board a solar sail vessel bound for Proxima Centauri b (4.22ly) and be dust by the time I get there.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

I've got a trebuchet in storage, but I need a crew to man it.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

My human, you have to know that they submitted this bill knowing full well it hasn't got any chance of being taken seriously on the floor. There's only one reason a lawmaker would even draft a bill like this, and that one reason is to get attention. A shiny bauble to distract us all. Any stage magician can tell you that magic is all about misdirection. If I've got you staring at the card in my left hand, you don't notice the deck in my right hand. So, the thing you should be doing, is asking what they've got hidden up their sleeve.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly. And he wasn't elected, he was appointed. So, if I were him I'd be like "Yeah, I AM corrupt! Everything you're saying is true! And what the fuck do you think you can do about it?"

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

See: Tea Party Republicans.

They absolutely are what happened when the rubes got tired of the lip service and demanded action.

Now, if only the radicals of the left could do the same, grow tired of the lip service, and hijack the Democratic Party.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

And they think they're protected by that profit motive. Because they vastly overestimate how much their health and lives are actually worth. If you break it down by the numbers, they actually lose money the longer they keep you alive. At the moment you become a loss center instead of a profit center, they deny coverage.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Something about this insurer stinks. How long does it take to drop a drug from their coverage, usually? And did they know the twins would need this drug before the mother knew? If that's the case, then her employer, who was also the insurance provider, had access to her healthcare records. They had access to all her information and likely paid her OB/GYN on the sly to tell them what was going on with the twins while in the womb.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

I'm still waiting for this shit to come full circle back to how it was with Cable, where someone links the various streaming services together in one convenient app and they tell you you can switch and save!

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

One thing people are afraid of though is being "duped". In a world where everyone is afraid of deception, they want all the products they consume to be clearly labeled. My partner thinks that they've been steadily replacing all meat with lab-grown and just not telling anyone and not labeling the packaging. Like, one day she stopped buying the chicken breasts she'd normally get, saying that "it doesn't taste right. It doesn't taste how it did pre-pandemic. They've done something to it."

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

If my partner is insane, the pandemic did it to her. And how could it not, it killed her dad among several other people she loved.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

And MTG really won because her Democratic opponent was getting death threats from her initial rabid support base. He actually left Georgia during the 2016 election and his wife divorced him because of the amount of hate mail, death threats, and doxxing he received. Now, she only suffered no consequences because she never publicly called for him to be threatened. It's easy to win an election when your voter base is so violent that they force your opponent to flee the State for his and his family's safety.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

I got a coworker who does this. He's a company man through and through because he actually believes that one day it'll be his boots getting licked.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

And it's never explicitly said whose wedding he was at. For all we know, he might have been the groom. But they don't want to hear that he might have done what people did back then and got married.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Most of SCOTUS is not in favor of "broad immunity", for exactly this scenario. They want to make sure that Trump is never held responsible for his actions while in office, and that every President after Trump(if he doesn't declare himself President for life) is criminally liable for everything. Trump has even said that he'll have Biden prosecuted if he wins.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah. Because someone who merely "meets expectations", you don't know what they're thinking. They could be plotting something and you wouldn't know. Many employers pride themselves on thinking they know what their employees are thinking while on the clock. Meanwhile, the "quiet quitters" are the hardest to read.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, look at all the stories of Taliban fighters who feel depressed because after they "won" their revolution, they had to put their guns down and go get real jobs. And the irony is that the jobs they are working are the same ones they would have had under the old regime.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

They seem to be making a lot of "states rights" arguments. At this point we should just let the several States just be nations unto themselves. It's clearly what the Federalist Society wants. But then each State will have to provide for its own defense, have to print its own currency, and there won't be any organization to regulate commerce between these new separate nations.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly. They use those to build this lie that they are this grand untouchable class of super beings, but if the OceanGate 2 scandal showed us anything, they are not invincible. They are mortal just like us.

AutistoMephisto , (edited )
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Here's the thing about YouTube. From the very beginning, it was a video-hosting platform. Users create content. They upload the content to YouTube's servers. Other users view the content, and upload their own. A simple formula, no? That's why their pre-Google slogan was "Broadcast Yourself". The thing is, storing video data long-term is expensive. This is where Google comes into play, because, unless you've got Google's money, you cannot afford to store literally 100s of Yottabytes of video data, not for very long, anyway. Even if YouTube becomes a "mostly-worthless relic", there's nobody who can readily replace it. I suppose someone could create a fediverse version of it where you simply upload your own content to your own server and then sell (or give) access to other users, but it would be slow to start, and small as not everyone can afford their own server to host their content on. Or, a service that aggregates videos by scraping them from from video servers that it has access to, creating a hub for users to enjoy the content made by other users that is stored on their own servers.

Uncommitted voters are not apathetic. The Democratic party is ( www.theguardian.com )

What happens in November is up to Biden – it will not be the fault of the protest voter if Trump is elected. The questions remain: does the Democratic party fear Trump as much as we do? And does it value its voters enough to shift away from an approach to the onslaught in Gaza that a majority of Democratic voters are against?

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly. If Trump wins, he will outright BAN the Democratic Party, at worst. We will all either be Republicans, or we will be prisoners. And if that happens, the only group with the means to oppose him and the GOP Fascists is gone. And yes, the DNC absolutely has the means. They have all the tools they need. Now, I will admit that they lack the will to use those tools, but if Trump wins they'll never get the chance to use them.

AutistoMephisto , (edited )
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Good luck. The Left has been made up of everyone who couldn't form their own parties because they lacked the resources, and so the Democratic Party became the "Big Tent" Party. And so, the Left has become beset by decades of infighting and a mountain of conflicting interests. Getting everyone to unite is hard. If a Democratic candidate at any level takes a stance that one or more factions disagree with, on any issue, it breaks the coalition.

Trump camp plans sit-down with outside groups after FEC relaxes coordination rules ( www.politico.com )

Typically, events such as these are organized by the Koch Family. They handle the nuts-and-bolts and technical end of things. Trump's campaign may have called this meeting, but I guarantee the Kochs will be providing the support....

AutistoMephisto OP , (edited )
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, turns out if you set a bunch of loudspeakers facing away from an area and then blast white noise through them, you can basically create your very own Cone of Silence! They use something similar in office buildings called pink noise. It's basically white noise but at a much lower volume. Just loud enough to prevent you from being overheard halfway across the building, but not enough to drive you crazy. Sound masking is interesting.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

It's only highly visible because he bragged about paying cops hush money. What Tate failed to realize is that hush money applies to both parties. The party accepting the bribe, and the party offering the bribe.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly. And they'll feel its effects and while they suffer they'll only say "Well, at least it's hurting my enemies worse!"

AutistoMephisto , (edited )
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

What research is telling them that people come to Reddit to talk to corporations about products? Where was the survey? And what the fuck is a "high-intent product conversation"? These people are making shit up.

Edit: so, I looked up what a "high intent product conversation" is, and this is the answer I got.

A high-intent product conversation is a conversation with a customer who is actively looking for a solution to a problem or desire and is ready to purchase. High-intent customers are more likely to convert into customers than low-intent customers, who are just browsing or exploring.

So this man really thinks that people come to Reddit looking for shit to buy, because we have problems and desires and they want companies on Reddit to be right there hawking their snake oil cures to all our little problems via their AI marketing reps?

Where did he get that idea? Did he ask actual Reddit users? Was a survey mailed out? What was the sample size? What were the questions on the survey? Did they do a focus group?

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

So they started by making polls and surveys not obvious? That makes sense. If people know that a survey is a survey, especially on a site like Reddit, the users will tell each other and attempt to fuck with the results

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

See Also: r/thisiswhyimbroke

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

They think that the entire reason the Internet exists is to sell things. To make you want to buy things. And if you tell them it's not, they laugh.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

If Trump wins the election, he's going to do what he wants regardless of the Court's ruling. Let's stop pretending that "Even when it accomplishes nothing, following the rules to the bitter end is the noble thing to do." Why the fuck does the Captain need to go down with his ship?

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

This, basically. Google took YouTube and made its algorithm push more long form content for the purpose of generating revenue from ads. Not saying TikTok doesn't have ads in my feed but at least I can skip literally all of them.

AutistoMephisto , (edited )
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

It's like watching a child of abuse grow up to become an abuser. Whatever happened to "Never Again"? I guess what they meant was "Never again to us"? Hitler would be proud of what Israel has become under Netanyahu. He would sing Bibi's praise and shake his hand and call him friend.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

This is the same state which said it was perfectly legal for them to seize border checkpoints from the federal government. They seem to be making "states rights" arguments all over the place. So, apparently we're sliding backwards.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

This all began almost a half-century ago, when conservatives began pouring billions of dollars into researching language and ideas. They wanted to ensure that they would forever dominate political discourse in the USA by making words mean what they wanted them to mean.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

From what I have seen, having a property is a lot like having a physical body. It must be groomed, fed, watered, tended to, mended, etc. It ages, parts wear down, it starts to make creaking noises. And what's more, you have a limited time with that body. Eventually it dies. As to your question, it's getting to the point where the only thing capable of taking care of a property is a corporation, and unlike people, corporations don't die.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly. They only rely on police because for the time being it's cheaper and more cost effective to outsource their violence to the state. The minute they can cut out the middleman, they will.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Cars, new ones at least, depreciate in value the second you drive off the lot in one. This depreciation will slow down after about five years, and stop after 10, after which the car is essentially worthless. At that point the value of the vehicle is dependent upon your care and maintenance of it, the equity you put into keeping it pristine, until eventually the vehicle reaches "classic" status and is worth more as a museum piece. Of course that won't be until long after you've died and left the vehicle to your children, who leave it to theirs, who leave it to theirs, and so on. So, you will never get to enjoy the money of the sale your once-new car after about 50 years of appreciating in value after it becomes a "classic" car.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, but it would only have value to collectors.

AutistoMephisto ,
@AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar

Thankfully, that monopoly on legitimate violence is one that the people can give and take. If the people decide that the state's violence is illegitimate, then it is illegitimate.

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