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BastingChemina ,

I'm not go worried about the load bit Zhou about vibrations.

Wind turbines vibrate, especially of you install them on turbulent airflow such as just on top of a roof. I would be worried that it would cause some long term damage to the structure.

BastingChemina ,

If we want to build a stable 100% renewable energy electrical grid we need backup power station for when there is no sun or wind.

Right now coal and gas power stations are mainly used but renewables option are limited.

Hydro can help to an extent but the locations and power output are limited, battery storage help to smooth production but it's not enough for seasonal variation.

Nuclear could work perfectly but I'm losing hope on trying to convince people that a bit of nuclear would help to each a 100% renewable energy grid.

The last option is biomass, it can be vertuous is the wood resource is well managed or terribly damaging for the environment if not.

Do I think biomass power station are needed of we want to transition.

BastingChemina ,

The Falcon 9 is the safest rocket ever built, source.

BastingChemina ,

Falcon 9 is definitely manned.

The capsule Crew dragon, developed by Spacex for NASA, that flies on the Falcon 9 is the currently the only human rated orbital spacecraft in the US

BastingChemina ,

I don't know where you found this number, the commercial crew contract was awarded by NASA in September 2014 to SpaceX and Boeing (Boeing getting twice the amount of money than SpaceX). It was expected that two crew capsule would be certified by NASA in 2017.

SpaceX only certified the capsule Crew Dragon with a crewed launch in 2020, so 3 years delay. In the mean time NASA is still waiting for Boeing to do its first crewed Starliner launch.

There is plenty of reason to hate Musk but people at SpaceX did accomplish great things.

Without SpaceX NASA would still be relying on Soyuz to send astronauts to the ISS.

BastingChemina ,

  • The president going to New Caledonia, it's a glimmer of hope!
  • Why? Is he going by helicopter?
BastingChemina ,

Unit price labeling is mandatory in France too. This is the only price I'm looking at when shopping.

BastingChemina ,

The warning needs to stay on for two months to keep it relevant.

BastingChemina ,

This was my criteria for buying a house : no pool !

BastingChemina ,

On the other hand I did took care of a pool for a while, it was in a villa that my in laws owned.

We did a few things that helped lowering the maintenance cost and the pool was pristine.

First thing is a salt chlorinator. It keeps a constant (low) chlorine level so the pool stays clean, there is no more chlorine smell and you only need to top up salt after too much rain.

Then we were using hardware store muriatic acid to bring the pH up and baking soda to control alkalinity. We still went to the pool store to get productd for the calcium hardness and cyanuric acid.

The last thing is a bit more involved but this is what made the biggest difference on the bill is to replace the pump with a DC pump directly connected to refurbished solar panels, no batteries, no inverter. This way when there is a lot of sun the pump is running a lot, a little sun and the pump is running a little.

It's perfect since the amount of algae development is proportional to the amount of sunlight. There is almost no electronic in the system, just a extremely reliable DC pump and solar panels that can last for decades, I found that to be a great low-tech solution.

However we were in a tropical country, I have no idea if this would apply in another climate.

130-Nm full-squish carbon fatbike motors through town and trail ( )

Canadian startup No-Bo Power has unveiled a carbon-framed mid-drive explorer rolling chunky fat tires and full suspension that serves as a stylish head-turner around town or a capable off-roader when the weekend warrior takes over.

BastingChemina ,

A carbon fiber frame on a 30kg fat tire off road ebike ? I might be missing something but this sound like a stupid combination.

BastingChemina ,

I'm not from the US so I don't know much about the subject but is it not what the 401k already is?

Basically every worker in the US giving money to the rich so they can play with it for few decades and hopefully at the end the worker is getting the money back with a bit of interest on it.

BastingChemina ,

For the first flight Starship left the launch pad, second flight it reached space, third flight it went to orbit (technically not completely) so hopefully for the fourth flight it will manage to reenter.

BastingChemina ,

I'm using both a the same time, one tab, two space, another tab....

This way everyone is happy.

giotras , to Science Italian avatar
BastingChemina ,

Desalination plants also requires a lot of energy, which is another ressource that carribean islands are struggling with.

BastingChemina ,

WC séparé pour une salle de bains commune.

Les WC dans le salle de bains ça va quand c'est une salle de bain "privée" genre suite parentale.

Last Mile Delivery Is Standardizing With Two Cubic Meter Roro Boxes For E-Cargo Trikes - CleanTechnica ( )

Low-speed, electrified, increasingly autonomous vehicles are going to be the norm, not the outlier. Standardized roro boxes and cargo trikes are part of it.

BastingChemina ,

In a few French cities they use the heat from data centers to heat up public pools

BastingChemina ,

France has been carefully walking on eggs for decades with New Caledonia.

They have been a bit less careful lately and cracked a few eggs.

I don't know much about the situation either.

BastingChemina ,

The argument of China subsidizing EV is always coming back but I would be curious to know the comparison with the US.

The US are subsidizing EV too I would not be surprised if the amount of subsidy per EV produced is much higher for US manufacturers than China.

BastingChemina ,

Is it really a drop in the bucket b when we take the value per vehicle ?

If we compare Ford to BYD for example.

In 2023 Ford sold around 2 millions cars and BYD around 3 millions.

For Ford only 72 608 cars out of these 2 millions were EV (3.6%) For BYD it's was almost 1.6 million EV (53.3%)

In 2023 Ford got $9.2 billions from the US government to produce EV, so around $126 000 per EV sold in 2023.

$126 000*1 600 000 = $2 trillions ! So unless BYD received more than $2 trillions dollars from the Chinese government in 2023 it means that each EV sold by Ford is more subsidized than an EV sold by BYD.

This is not an analysis, I took huge shortcuts in this comment and might have done mistakes in the calculations.

BastingChemina ,

There is often cases where the first class offer exactly the same service as the second class, people are just paying extra to not be with poor people.

BastingChemina ,

I had a roommate who was eating bird eyes pepper as a snack with her 2 years old daughter.

Seeing the 2 years old going for it I thought it should not be too bad so I tried a tiny bite of one. I was definitely wrong.

BastingChemina ,

Its the other way around, to some people cilantro have a similar taste than the smell of stinkbug.

For these people cilantro taste awful.

BastingChemina ,

Always use the right tool to remove a tick.

If you use tweezers or rubbing alcohol you will make the tick spit the blood back in your sister with all the pathogens with it, this is what causes diseases.

With the right tool the tick is very easily removed with a very low risk of infection.

BastingChemina ,

OSM is great for everything non-commercial. Hiking path, finding a playground, public toilets or even the closest with few benches to eat a sandwich.

But for everything commercial and car navigation google maps is unfortunately much better.

BastingChemina ,

The Chinese cars are probably much safer on the road then the huge pedestrian killing machines built by US manufacturers.

BastingChemina ,

On the other hand the engineers building the CERN had to include a system that compensate for the land tides due to the moon and sun gravity.

BastingChemina ,

I was thinking exactly that yesterday, I looked for a way to have few web apps without using ferdium.

BastingChemina ,

Plus the $7500 tax credit for buying an electric car, this is another form of subsidies for car maker.

BastingChemina ,

This is what France is doing.

The subsidy for EV is 27% of the price of the car with a maximum of 4000€. (+3000€ for people with low revenues).

The cost of the car must be under 47000€, the car must weight less than 2400kg and it must have a low environmental impact during its production.

The goal of this last rule is clearly to indirectly exclude cars produced in China. I think tariffs against a specific country is not possible in the European Union so French lawmakers had to come up with a creative solution to exclude Chinese cars.

BastingChemina , (edited )

Most of French power plants are using evaporative cooling. Only 4 out of the 18 are rejecting water into the river.

Swiss green party might not like nuclear power but Switzerland is producing less than 30% of their electricity, the other 70% is imported from neighbors, mostly France.

Soooo they should probably be nice with their neighbors.

Never mind, see comment below

BastingChemina ,

You are right, I have not read my sources properly so o got mixed up between the electricity production and energy production.

Especially with this picture
Nous avons besoin d'énergie

BastingChemina , (edited )

Antoine de St Exupéry is a French aviator and writer who opened airmail route between Europe, Africa and South America.

One day he flew back from Africa to France with a Berber, someone who lived in the Sahara desert. As they flew through the Alps he saw all the waterfalls, lakes, streams, rivers ...

At this point he told the St Exupéry that the god of French people must love them more that their own god.

What's your go-to "Bang for your Buck" filament brand?

As I'm graduating college in a few weeks, I'll be losing access to my university's free printers and filament. I'm going to build up a home lab with a couple printers where I can make goofy little mechanical projects as well as some components for my cars and stuff....

BastingChemina ,

In France I'm buying from ArianePlast. It's good PLA for a decent price.

I have not tried it but they also have "Eco" PLA at 13€/kg

BastingChemina ,

And we get these 100W from transforming food that we find on/in the ground.

BastingChemina ,

Global clipboard synced with the smartphone thanks to KDE connect !

BastingChemina ,

Yes, it's also called Natural Organic Reduction or terramation. This would be my dream.

When I die compost my body and use the compost on a tree in the garden or spread it in a natural reserve. This way if my relative want to visit my grave they go in nature rather than going in a gray cemetery full of concrete.

BastingChemina ,

Je pense que tu pourrais apprécier Rimworld/Dwarf Fortress.

Rimworld est un jeu de survie et de gestion de ressources, tu commence avec trois astronautes écrasés sur une planète inconnue et qui doivent survivre pour rentrer chez eux.

Un peu comme banished mais avec une gestion beaucoup plus fine des personnages et des événements ce qui en fait vraiment un générateur d'histoires. Par example ton chasseur qui se fait attaquer par un animal, tu arrives à le sauver avec les autres colons mais sa jambe s'infecte, tu doit donc l'amputer ou essayer soigner l'infection avec le risque qu'elle se propage. Si tu l'ampute tu peut donc maintenant soit lui mettre une jambe de bois, soit aller voir un village voisin qui a peut être une prothèse bionique, soit développer ton arbre technologique pour pouvoir fabriquer tes prothèses. Pendant que tu te posait la question de la prothese ton chasseur pète un câble (entre la douleur de l'amputation, la bouffe degueu de la colonie, le fait d'être coincé sur un lit d'hôpital sans distraction et sans voir l'extérieur ....) du coup il va cramer la reserve de bouffe ....

Ça en plus de l'aspect survie et gestion des ressources qui est assez poussé ça en fait un jeu sur lequel j'y ai passé des vingt centaines d'heures.

Dwarf fortress c'est l'ancêtre de Rimworld, même concept mais poussé beaucoup plus profond, par contre une courbe d'apprentissage plus rude.

BastingChemina ,

In France the cost for a doctor's visit is 26€. 18.55€ is reimbursed by the public health care insurance and the rest is generally reimbursed by private insurance.

There is a big debate right now because the doctor's unions want the cost of the visit to go up to 30€ !

BastingChemina ,

The goal for alternative transit is not to remove traffic jam, it's to transport people.

9mph is slower than a bike, it fits with my experience. When living in a city (in Europe, it might be different in the US) my feeling was always that bike was the fastest, public transport a bit slower but more comfortable (mainly protected from the elements and car drivers) and lastly car was the slowest and more stressful.

BastingChemina ,

I'm more impressed by the filament holding the weight of the printer.

BastingChemina ,

there are places where fluoride occurs naturally in drinking water at higher concentrations than it is added artificially and there don't seem to be significant health problems.

I'm simply replying that there is places where fluoride occurs naturally in drinking water at higher concentration that it is added artificially and there is significant health problems in these places.

Does it means that fluoride in low concentration like in the US water system is dangerous ? No, it just means that very high concentration can be dangerous.

BastingChemina ,

The three core principles of scouting are:

  • Duty to God (adherence to spiritual principles, loyalty to the religion that expresses them and acceptance of the duties resulting therefrom)
  • Duty to others
  • Duty to self

When asked where religion came into Scouting and Guiding, Baden-Powell replied "It does not come in at all. It is already there. It is a fundamental factor underlying Scouting and Guiding".

So unfortunately removing religion from the scouting would remove one of the core principle of the movement, I don't think it would anytime soon.

Which is a shame because I really enjoyed my time scouting, I think it was a great balance of fun, education and learning responsibilities. But the religion aspect of it make me seriously reconsider to send my kids to do it or not.

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