

Oh god, please don’t make me talk about myself.

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LoamImprovement ,

Yeah, it's incredible how the 'seethe and cope' crew never get called out on being shit-stirrers and directly attacking liberals, but the minute you make a joke about convicted felon Donald Trump, all of a sudden cries for 'unity' and 'civility' come out of the woodwork.

Almost like they're massive hypocrites who never gave a flying fuck about unity and use crocodile tears and both sides-ism to avoid accountability for the things they say and do.

LoamImprovement ,

Yeah, lucky bastard has a wall behind him instead of a hallway.

LoamImprovement ,

I bought a Blahaj the other week and my god it is so soft. I've been cuddling with it every night since.

LoamImprovement ,

Sounds like the company needs to increase its bus factor. Luckily, I can help the company by not doing any of this nonsense, to pressure execs into hiring more staff so that the team is robust enough to weather a catastrophe.

LoamImprovement ,

You wouldn't shutter a studio that produced a critically acclaimed game and then tell your remaining employees they need to make more games like that one.

LoamImprovement ,

As a lifelong customer of Dwarven Forge, I understand your pain.

LoamImprovement ,

The for-profit prison industry will never allow it to happen.

LoamImprovement ,

The crazy thing is, I enjoy washing dishes. I just don't want to do it 40+ hours a week and still not be able to afford to live.

LoamImprovement ,

I look like the archetypical IT guy. 30s, balding, overweight, like I'm constantly about to have a nervous breakdown (I am.)

LoamImprovement ,

Well yeah, but have you thought about how doing something might impact profits this quarter? Unacceptable!

LoamImprovement ,

Fuck around and make somebody else find out, chapter five billion.

LoamImprovement ,

Oh shit, that's him? I loved Tales of Middle Earth, used to plug way too much time into that game. I should give it a look now that it's on steam.

LoamImprovement ,

Admittedly, I had only just scraped the surface of Angband likes but I love what the game did with the feat tiering, I was compelled to keep playing.

LoamImprovement ,

It was slim, but I had hoped that we might get an Arx Fatalis 2 what with the Fatal Fortress easter egg. No more, I guess.

LoamImprovement ,

So I know it's a joke, but isn't this why dietary antioxidants are good for you, is because they literally help inhibit the oxidation of your body?

LoamImprovement ,

And they're probably carving themselves a nice bonus out of the tax write-off for the studio closure.

LoamImprovement ,

JFC. Imagine saying 'Strike One' out loud in person if you're on a date or something. Someone does that to me, the date is over. I don't have a lot of self-respect, but I have enough not to tolerate that bullshit.

LoamImprovement ,

Another kid with a baking soda volcano stole the show!

LoamImprovement ,

I mean, let's not forget that the early consoles had their own pitfalls, a period of gaming that spawned tropes like 'Nintendo Hard' and 'Guide Dang It' in order to, among other things, pad out the length of what we would consider an otherwise barebones game, and to sell time on their hints and tips hotline. I do feel like there was less bullshit in the past, but it definitely still existed.

LoamImprovement ,

It's funny, boots theory has been largely retired since the rich can no longer get the kind of quality that lasts decades. They could certainly afford it, it's just not available for purchase - capitalism killed it off.

LoamImprovement ,

For me personally, it just got to me that Sony gave negative shits while Arrowhead was fighting an uphill battle getting their game playable in the face of overnight success, and now that everything is great and the hard work is done, Sony's seeing dollar signs and pushing their fucking corpo bullshit on a studio that sees zero benefit and suffers all the fallout. They're all too happy to shit where Arrowhead eats and it pisses me off.

LoamImprovement ,

I mean, there's a number of reasons that might be the case, not the least of which being it's a group activity, which is really beneficial for social creatures like humans.

LoamImprovement ,

Imagine having a golden goose and wanting to make pâté out of it. Sure does make me want to buy Ghost of Tsushima when it comes out, totally.

LoamImprovement ,

I mean, hopefully Sony reverses course on this decision and we can go back to playing a good game. What you describe is the most likely outcome.

LoamImprovement ,

Sony dropped an announcement requiring PSN accounts, even for PC players with no cross play enabled, presumably because it makes the numbers look better to their shareholders. Apparently it was supposed to be a requirement at launch but the PSN servers were busted and it was preventing people from getting in so they 'temporarily' disabled it.

LoamImprovement ,

I mean, that's not really so bad considering you can unlock the battle passes without spending a dime past your initial investment. The timing of the nerfs might be coincidental - I do also seem to remember a Breaker - Railgun - Shield Pack monoculture being a pretty big issue.

LoamImprovement ,

I mean, that's the game, isn't it? You either grind out the super credits, and the fact that's an option at all is the Hallmark of a good game, or you pay for instant gratification. Live service doesn't support itself.

LoamImprovement ,

I actually found a file format that VLC won't play, .MJP, yanked off of our network's security camera system. It requires the security company's proprietary video player.

LoamImprovement ,

I don't know what that is - I'll have to look into it on Monday.

LoamImprovement ,

Like I think that's the thing that pisses me off the most about this - Sony clearly didn't give two shits about this game on launch with servers underprepared and overwhelmed for weeks after, but as soon as they smelled money they were more than ready to shit where Arrowhead eats with this godawful requirement.

LoamImprovement ,

I half expect to see "Depressed Boeing employees come forth with shocking allegations, then go up to rooftops" on another one of these sites.

Tesla Lays Off Entire Team Behind Brakes ( www.theonion.com )

AUSTIN, TX—In the latest round of layoffs for the company’s struggling automotive division, electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla fired the entire team behind brakes, sources confirmed Wednesday. “As we continue to rightsize the Tesla workforce, we have come to the decision that stopping the car is no longer a critical...

LoamImprovement ,

But if it's raining you'll void the warranty!

LoamImprovement ,

I mean, I'm not trying to play DA for shitty-ass Boeing here, but coincidences do happen. I'm certainly more likely to believe this death was a result of bad luck than the suicide from a guy who told his family, and I quote: "If anything happens, it's not suicide."

LoamImprovement ,

I mean, let's not pretend Ford was paying his employees well and setting workweek standards because it was the right thing to do - he did it because he wanted to retain productive employees and also to make them customers, and that it happened to actually be beneficial for them and the working world at large is a byproduct. Not often mentioned with that $5 workday is the fact that he would send agents to employees' homes to ensure they were being kept clean and that the employees themselves weren't drinking.

LoamImprovement ,

I preferred the switch lite with a protective case that gave the grips a little more body, made it way more comfortable to hold. At least until I picked up a Steam Deck, which ended up being pretty much everything I wanted out of portable gaming, and waaaay easier to emulate on.

LoamImprovement ,

Yep, played the yar har edition, it was a pretty good experience up until a major bug prevented me from picking up a key in late game. It's a good game notwithstanding that, I'd be happy to pay for it - on my platform of choice, where my library has been since before the Epic Game Store even existed.

I recently picked up Dead Island 2 legally because it released on Steam, and it had some bullshit Epic software trying to install in the background to verify your account. Thankfully you can disable it from config.ini, but it still asks you to log in every time you start the game. That's some fucking shameful shit, and I would be more concerned about Steam's near-monopoly status on PC gaming if they tried half the shit Epic did, but until that day comes, I'm happy to give steam my money because their platform puts the least bullshit between me and the game, by far.

LoamImprovement ,

Gee, let me see if I can form a mental picture - You mean the kind of systemic and brutal oppression that goes on today against anyone speaking poorly of the ongoing genocide fueled by the AMIC? Or anyone who's too black for a cop's liking? Or anyone violating the 'anti-camping' laws popping up in cities recently? That kind of systemic and brutal oppression?

I got news for you - Life in America is genuinely terrifying. I'm deep in debt and two paychecks away from getting evicted, most people don't even have that much of a cushion. Eli Lilly sells the medicine I need in order to live for $350 a vial. If I don't keep my nose down to the grindstone, it will, in fact, completely ruin what life I have left, and the same is also true of my friends and family. Don't fucking lecture me on dystopia, I know exactly what it is.

LoamImprovement ,

"Capitalism where you don't die if you can't produce" is the goal. "Capitalism where you're still comfortable if you can't produce" would be better, but I can't imagine it happening in my lifetime.

Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet

I plugged into ethernet (as wifi w/captive portal does not work for me). I think clearnet worked but I have no interest in that. Egress Tor traffic was blocked and so was VPN. I’m not interested in editing all my scripts and configs to use clearnet, so the library’s internet is useless to me (unless I bother to try a tor...

LoamImprovement ,

I mean, I asked at a library if I could plug into the Ethernet because my laptop had an RJ45 port and I needed to download something sizable for work and the WiFi was dropping it. They let me hook up on one of the library computer ports and I left it the way I found it.

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