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Mammothmothman ,

Land of the fee and the home of the grave

Mammothmothman ,

Bibi needs Hamas. He has no power without the "threat" Hamas poses to Israel. No real action towards stopping Hamas will be made. Just increasing brutality on the people caught between Hamas and Israel.

Mammothmothman ,

The show was mid. Sorbo is a fucking terrible actor.

Mammothmothman ,

I get the one where the whole head is red.

Mammothmothman ,

He alone cant put out the dumpster fire of corporate flaming shit that is DC.

Mammothmothman ,

Like Russia or China. Am i right komrade.

Mammothmothman ,

Conservatives conserving nothing but an ideology of consumption and waste.

Heiltsuk Nation demands removal of Bella Bella RCMP officer ( )

According to a press release issued Friday by the Heiltsuk Nation, the protest follows a meeting between Heiltsuk and RCMP leadership on Wednesday, during which the Heiltsuk learned RCMP have initiated a transfer for the officer in question. However, in the meantime, they have been told the officer will remain on active duty in...

Mammothmothman ,

i like to add cheese to mine and it makes it super creamy and tasty i also dont buy Krap brand.

Mammothmothman ,

When Muhammad didn't go to the mountain...

Mammothmothman ,

You are already there america. It happened after citizens United.

Mammothmothman ,

America is already there. Been there since citizens united.

Mammothmothman ,

Its even more true when the most violent in a protest are working with the cops or are cops themselves.

Mammothmothman ,

Go astroturf elsewhere asshole.

Mammothmothman ,

Please keep self victimizing. Its telling.

Mammothmothman ,


Mammothmothman ,


Mammothmothman ,

So posting on fediverse is going to change any of that how?

Mammothmothman ,

Im just pissed off at all this high minded gobshite about how capitalism is the source of all evil and immediately jumping into this fantasy of a perfect anrchism without any conceptualization of how to get from A to B. Not to mention that my "tankie" comment was sarcastic satire of lemmy comment sections whenever captialism is mentioned.

Mammothmothman ,

Trashy people are always going to be trashy.

Mammothmothman ,

Its just a video game. I will never sign anything like this and hope the government ignores this.

Mammothmothman ,

Slippery slope fallacy.

Mammothmothman ,

8 hour day doing physical labor will do it.

Florida deputies who fatally shot US airman burst into wrong apartment, attorney says ( )

Deputies responding to a disturbance call at a Florida apartment complex burst into the wrong unit and fatally shot a Black U.S. Air Force airman who was home alone when they saw he was armed with a gun, an attorney for the man’s family said Wednesday....

Mammothmothman ,

They know they are the tyrants mentioned in the 2A

Pierre Poilievre called lobbyists 'utterly useless,' but they're still attending his fundraisers ( )

As Pierre Poilievre presents himself as both a prime minister in waiting and a champion of "the working-class people," he's headlined roughly 50 fundraisers at private venues since becoming Conservative leader in 2022 — some of them in Canada's wealthiest neighbourhoods and most exclusive clubs....

Mammothmothman ,

Same here friend. But they were lies Their parents told them and so on and so on so it's understandable how they thought they were doing the right thing.

Mammothmothman ,

God is a 3 letter word created for stupid people to think they have the whole fucking universe wrapped up in a neet little package inside their heads.

Mammothmothman ,

Your example is a complex number. An irrational number would be Pi or sqrt(5)

Mammothmothman ,

Imagine whatever you want.

Mammothmothman ,

I want to believe this story but I need some proof.

Pierre Poilievre Wants a Carbon Tax Election | The Walrus ( )

REMEMBER BREXIT? That time a Conservative Party directed widespread voter frustration at a single easy scapegoat, smothered the public with misinformation, and were rewarded with their biggest electoral victory in decades? Something similar is happening today in Canada....

Mammothmothman ,

That shirt has serious don't dead open inside vibes

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