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kelargo ,

No. A lot of his followers think he is not convicted. That's a shame jury. A lot still think he is president and didn't loose to Joe Biden. The most damning truths about him have been pushed aside and ignored.

kelargo ,

Joe Biden only won by like 43,000 votes across swing states in the electoral college. This journey is not over

kelargo ,

Clippy can get reincarnated with AI, but it will still be crappy.

kelargo ,

Use rsync -avs to move files from NTFS to your new filesystem. XFS is pretty good for lots of files.

kelargo ,

Nothing beats this "grep $1 ~/.bash_history"

kelargo ,

All your base belong to us

kelargo ,

Thanks. I realized the typo after I saved. Oh well.

kelargo ,

Is Eat Babo's the next meme stock being shorted?

kelargo ,

Groklaw still around? It has tons of anti trust details archived.

kelargo ,

New ICE are fully equipped with a lot of extra fancy creature comforts, too. It's not just EVs. It's used to capture the buyers interest. 50 years ago, air conditioning was an extra that cost a lot to add into the car. Are any modern ICE sold without AC or power windows?

kelargo ,

At first I thought the headline referred to 1% people.

The EFF is missing the point with the American Privacy Rights Act ( )

The EFF has been calling for national private legislation for a while but now that we have something on the table they are criticizing it. They are calling for state level laws but the problem with local laws is that there are 50 different states for companies to try to keep track of. The other problem with local legislation is...

kelargo ,

From the start of the universe: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z

kelargo ,

I've been outsourced more than once, while working in an office.

kelargo ,

Inside of other rectangular batteries.

kelargo ,

Cable companies need to be forced to provide alternative last mile providers, just like DSL is for telcos. There's no reason PPPoE can not work in cable network infrastructure.

kelargo ,

Have they turned it off and on again?

kelargo ,

And 100 years later, in one generation, humans land on the moon.

kelargo ,

Both are sell outs to Putin and national security risks.

kelargo ,

My router is an AliExpress N100 mini PC running openbsd. Something like this.

mini PC router

kelargo ,

Something, something, something, and then BREXIT comes to mind. That worked out well.

kelargo ,

Did they die or were they never born?

kelargo ,

Never born, as in the genetic combination wasn't realized.

kelargo ,

Fair enough, but there’s tools like KiCAD that is used to fabricate the electronic systems of the LHC. And efforts with other tools like FreeCAD and LinuxCNC fill in the gap. And please dont under estimate the contributing power of Blender in the creative arts.

kelargo ,

Chromebook eco system might have a word with you.

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