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[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

laverabe ,

Every vegan I've ever spoke with is rude, condescending, and Iamverysmart material. Probably due to lack of essential amino acid intake for proper brain function.

laverabe ,

It wasn't a personal attack. I could see how it could be read that way but the second sentence was a point of science not insult. It's hard to convey intention in text.

They are just my observations and interactions with vegans, and the science is clear that most vegans have nutritional deficiencies. It is extremely difficult to actually get everything you need without meat, and you essentially have to plan every single meal in a food planner. I know... I've tried it and even planned to a tee it is near impossible to have a balanced diet without meat. I wish it was.

laverabe ,

A vegan diet - which only contains plant-based foods - can lead to deficiencies in calcium, iodine and other vital mineral nutrients. This is particularly risky for people who need extra nutrients and for growing children and adolescents. For these reasons, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE) [German Nutrition Society] advises against following a completely vegan diet.

laverabe ,

you didn’t know how to wipe your own bum until I taught you. I think I have a handle on 9/11, liberal vs. conservative politics

I agree completely with the one exception being the current aging generation that is so completely brainwashed by Murdock et al, that think the working class are the badies, among other misconceptions...

laverabe ,

over 30. I personally prefer more serious discussion because I'm a dork. I'm not into most sports, jokes, video games or other whimsical stuff. I like some of that stuff IRL, but I consider the internet primarily of use for deeper discussion of topics that most people might not necessarily have an interest in. Like NASAs nuclear powered project Orion spacecraft in the 1960s.

Peoples eyes normally glaze over when I talk about that stuff offline, but there are billions online, and usually someone else finds that niche stuff as interesting as me.

It would be nice if you could select which topics interest you rather than having to block every community that does not.

laverabe ,

On a small scale yeah. The sun heats rocks and they're able to store heat for up to an hour or so. Cats can attest to that.

Same with large bodies of water; the ocean, lakes, pools, etc.

laverabe ,

I mean US spent trillions in Iraq, more spending doesn't mean more effective.

laverabe ,

I just consider any comment after Jun 2023 to be compromised. Anyone who stayed after that date either doesn't have a clue, or is sponsored content.

laverabe ,

What the heck is sicko mode and making hay?

laverabe ,

Because you can very easily already calculate the increased cost of natural disasters; droughts, floods, severe storms with wind and hail damage, crop spoilage, etc that is occurring right now. The future disasters will be worse.

As explained in the article they take the cost of current disasters and multiply the known effects of global warming to calculate what costs will be. They can only calculate what they know.

The costs are probably more like 1000x anyway because there is no way to really apply an accounting system to a complete calamity that would happen if numerous very likely feedback loops happen, as they hint to in the article.

laverabe ,

People don't live in rural areas primarily because of the distance to their jobs and a lack of infrastructure. Otherwise most people would choose rural living over living in a dense city if all other factors were equal.

Closeness to nature, lack of pollution/ city noise, free use of the earth and land, etc.

laverabe ,

until Israel bombs them back and starts a new war

laverabe ,

The entire premise of the article is the exact opposite - that Trump did better when turnout was high.

A new poll suggests it's Republicans who should be rooting for higher turnout.

laverabe , (edited )

Try searching org.breezyweather in fdroid. For some reason I had to type it exactly like that.

laverabe ,

Is there an alternate survey site that could be used other than Microsoft? The site is pretty much impossible to see in dark browser mode as well (light grey text on white background).

Aside from that though, what is the difference between Lemmy and sublinks?

laverabe ,

Admins, mods, users; we're all human. I dunno if it's some big secret but I use /c/asklemmy posts as informal posts, and just consider the highest comment as the most popular opinion. Imperfect but effective.

I asked what community Lemmy most needs, and the most up voted comment was 'cranes trains and excavators and stuff like that'. I made the sub and it's been pretty popular. Maybe you guys could take the same approach, just an informal asklemmy post asking for input before any site changes?

laverabe ,

Ours had all of that. I think many of the bad things you hear about US education is mostly a concerted narrative to try to denigrate the importance of publicly funded schools. IE to reduce funding and line private schools pockets.

laverabe ,

It is highly likely that exactly zero Russias nukes work. Nuclear maintenance is extremely expensive, and there is a zero percent chance that corruption that we witnessed in tank maintenance and other areas of their military did not spread to their nuclear program. It has also been 34 years since they successful a launched a nuke.

Russia as a country has never launched a nuke (USSR did) so it's seriously debatable if they even have the capability.

And I'm not advocating for war, but Russia needs to have consequences for their actions, and the world needs to respond resolutely and immediately before this gets any worse.

Joe Biden calls trans people “fabric of our nation” in Trans Day of Visibility proclamation ( )

In commemoration of the upcoming Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV), President Joe Biden issued a statement praising trans people’s contributions to society and describing actions his administration has taken to counter transphobic bullying and extremism. Additionally, many members of Biden’s Department of Health and Human...

laverabe ,

Voting 3rd part has the opposite effect. Republicans voted 3rd part in 92 to shift policy and lost the presidency for 8 years, and the appointment of 2 lifetime supreme court justices.

laverabe ,

That has nothing to do with elections and everything to do with the direction news media has taken. Outrage sells, reasonable politics not so much.

laverabe , (edited )

yeah but your *OP's statement 'he sold almost all of his shares' isn't really accurate as he really only sold 19% of his shares

laverabe ,

is there a way to do the opposite of to the moon GME? What's the opposite of that? Crash & Burn 🪨🔥🪨🔥🪨🔥

laverabe ,

oops, my mistake. added correction

laverabe ,

UN Security Council passes resolution calling for Gaza ceasefire
2 days ago
By Raffi Berg,BBC News
Watch: Moment UN passes Gaza ceasefire resolution

The UN Security Council has called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, after the US did not veto the measure in a shift from its previous position. It also demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. It is the first time the council has called for a ceasefire since the war began in October after several failed attempts. The move by the US signals growing divergence between it and its ally Israel over Israel's offensive in Gaza.

Seems like action to me. Yeah a lot more needs to be done, but his words and actions are meeting.

laverabe ,

You joke but Lemmy is at the same point as Reddit was when they first started. Reddit just IPO'd at 34/share, up to 68 now. 12 billion USD valuation.

I think Lemmy has a lot more potential than most people think it does... The idea is laughable, but so was $12 billion reddit in 2008 . Not in monetary terms, but in how information could be communicated throughout the world in 20 years.

laverabe ,

Zombies live a long time

The House GOP just gave Biden’s campaign a huge gift: Roughly 80 percent of House Republicans just lined up behind a plan to cut Social Security and ban all abortions ( )

Donald Trump would be on track to win a historic landslide in November — if so many US voters didn’t find him personally repugnant....

laverabe ,

I dunno if you know but the US has 2 branches of govt that are democratically elected... One could argue the legislative branch is actually far more powerful than the executive.

laverabe ,

It's unusual this was down voted. I took your statement as to say Trump is better at messaging, and it's something Biden needs to do better.

Everyone seemed to take the tone as support for Trump, which doesn't appear to be the intent.

laverabe , (edited )

Do they still make those portable power strips for checking batteries? Those were so handy instead of having to use a multimeter.

edit: these little flexible strips:

laverabe ,

Why add a symbol that is almost solely used by totalitarian governments?

The hammer and sickle remains commonplace in self-declared socialist states, such as China, Cuba, North Korea, Laos, and Vietnam, but also some former Soviet republics following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, such as Belarus and Russia.

Are there any countries that use the symbol that are actually nice places to live with good governments?

laverabe ,

The MPLA abandoned its former Marxist ideology at its third party congress in 1990, and declared social democracy to be its new platform.

laverabe ,

I understand what it means, and I support what it is trying to do in theory. The problem is there has never been a government, to my knowledge, that has embraced the ideology that has not turned to corruption/totalitarianism. In these countries, the proletariat are deprived of their rights and fare far worse. That is what the hammer and sickle represents.

I'm happy to change my mind if an example can prove otherwise, but to my knowledge the most effective form of government is that of a social democracy, which is represented by a red rose.

laverabe ,

Nice civility

The swastika is thus understood to be a symbol of auspiciousness and good fortune

Symbols can have meanings that are different than what they turn into. Hammer and sickle is almost unanimously considered to be a symbol of Stalin USSR totalitarian communism where millions perished.

laverabe ,

Interesting. That being said I don't understand the lemmygrad peoples desire for the Hammer and sickle as a symbol. Like almost nothing good has come from it. Even in Angola it seems to be viewed as a somewhat tarnished period in their history.

Google, Apple breakups on the agenda as global regulators target tech ( )

Big Tech is facing its biggest challenge in decades as antitrust regulators on both sides of the Atlantic crack down on alleged anti-competitive practices that could result in break-up orders to Apple and Alphabet's Google, a first for the industry....

laverabe ,

you can’t force Apple to...

yes they can

laverabe ,

It's by design. Almost all blankets have polyester or some synthetics. It's basically like sleeping under plastic bottles. Excellent for heat retention. Absolutely shit for heat regulation.

Pure cotton is better, but not as ideal as wool. Your life will change under a wool blanket. Wool blankets are insanely expensive, but you can find utility wool blankets for pretty cheap (very scratchy), you just have to sandwich them between some thin layers so you don't feel the scratchiness. You can layer them multiple times and it is very difficult to have too many as they breathe very well.

laverabe , (edited )

Atlas Shrugged, Cloud Atlas, I think the one with Tom Hanks. Thought it might be an interesting movie because of the title and Tom Hanks, but I could tell within the first five minutes it was nothing but propaganda. I saw a couple other people leaving along with me.

laverabe ,

very deceptive title from the source author. OP please insert [, the privacy partner, Onerep's ] in place of "its" to make it clear Mozilla didn't do anything wrong here.

Mozilla could do something wrong, but I entirely read this as Mozilla's CEO had ties to data brokers and ditched Mozilla's privacy partner because of that.

laverabe ,

All of those problems are because of political corruption, not raw money in/out. The US spends 3.5% of GDP on military, a lot, but not the most. Ranked #10 globally for military spending per GDP. Russia spends more than the US.

US is not Rome, at least not yet, or anytime in the immediate future.

laverabe ,

That's all well and good, but I just don't understand. Can you rephrase that in how it relates to an Olympic size swimming pool?

laverabe ,

Smashes, he says, smashes! Have a smashing good day chap. Pip pip!

laverabe ,

so are users, are you volunteering? Moderators don't get paid, they're literally just users who occasionally hit the delete button when some makes a post that in general summary looks something like "FCK U ASRHLE, U SCK BLLZ!", stuff that doesn't contribute to the public good.

How does a person who knows nothing about programming edit a code base? I wouldn't know where to start. I could edit a text file, that's about it.

Threads is automatically hiding comments that mention Pixelfed ( )

For anyone wondering if Threads and Facebook at large will be a fine neighbor in the space and compatible with other apps/services in the fediverse: they’re already automatically hiding comments that mention Pixelfed

Thread showing meta hid a comment that mentioned Pixelfed
laverabe ,

for better or worse LW is the largest instance, so joining another instance always poses the 'risk' of being defederated.

the federation model definitely has some weaknesses

laverabe ,

ok like 90% of Lemmy uses Linux. We know we all use linux, so when someone comes along and says something like "Windoze sucks, you should install Linux and free the penguin", 90% of your downvotes are coming from those Linux users who are facepalming at the futility.

It's like walking into a bar and yelling at the top of your lungs that everyone there should try alcohol, that it's way better than water.

laverabe ,

Yes I know a lot of people on .ml are not tankies but .ml admin is repeatedly banning anti tankie discussion. See my other comment above. Look at the modlogs and you'll find people being banned for critical thinking. I blocked the instance because Lemmy <> . The code can always be forked.

User accounts can be migrated to new instances with version 19

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