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youRFate ,

I find it very a very romantic notion to have unknown areas on the world. Like some desert in the far south, beyond which might lie anything.

youRFate ,

Also knee-high boots in the living room while playing with her kids.

Alternatives to Google Docs/sheets?

What are people using in place of Google docs/sheets/etc? I'm looking for a simple program that syncs with the cloud so I can access my documents on my different computers or my Android phone. I run Windows 10 (don't crucify me). I use libre office for things that can stay on one computer, but for things like school notes,...

youRFate ,

A really cool do-it-all Option to de-google / de-cloud yourself is to buy a synology NAS. They come with all the cloud stuff you want, it works really well out of the box:

  • Synology Drive for synced files, sharing files / folders with friends etc.
  • Synology Office (Integrated into Drive)
  • Synology Photos does the photo backup from your mobile devices
  • Synology Calendar for calendar syncing etc

That way you're not moving from one cloud provider to another one you might or might not trust, but you host it all yourself.

youRFate , (edited )

Very true, but I like my NAS to be maintenance-free, and Synology delivers on that. Their apps work out of the box and are installed with basically one click. I fiddle with tech enough at my job, I like my private tech to just work.

Even as a power-user you can do a lot, the synology nas also runs docker, so you can run whatever you'd like on it, not just the synology provided services.

Expanding the hardware is kind of a pain, even with RAM they are kind of weird and you need some approved (synology-brand) ram, or need to fiddle with some system files to make it accept any ram.

Also i’d love if they went with zfs instead of their llvm + btrfs.

youRFate ,

I don’t have an android. On iOS I tried their table thing, it works decently, but not nearly as nicely optimised for the use on an iPad as Apple Numbers is.

youRFate ,

In case you wonder about Guyana: they discovered a lot of oil in the 2010s.

youRFate ,

I guess that does employ a whole bunch of people, but idk if it’s enough to raise the gdp per capita significantly.

Edit: also wrong country, the ESA center is in French Guyana.

youRFate ,

I don’t like that concept. Ban it for everyone, or keep it legal.

youRFate ,

Also features heavily in the altered carbon books, where software tortures you for months in minutes of real time.

youRFate , (edited )

FYI: if you run freebsd you are not affected:

Took me a while to find out so I thought I’d share.

youRFate ,

Restic is my tool of choice for deduplicated encrypted verifiable compressed incremental backups.

youRFate , (edited )

You can’t dedup/compress restic repos at fs level due to the encryption.

Nice thing is you get those even with „dumb“ targets that can‘t do those for you.

youRFate ,

Right, he is paying about 4x minimum wage, which would be about $29/hr, that’s doable.

youRFate ,

Usually just go to the “releases” section in the right, click the latest release, and download the built executable for your system from there.

youRFate ,

Yes, one of my most adult-feeling purchases was a full cutlery set for 12, and basically a cabinet full of different types of plates and bowls, all in sets for 8 ppl, from the same design series. I love this stuff way more than I ever imagined.

youRFate ,

Quite a lot by now. I cook for 3-5 friends semi regularly.

youRFate ,

Oof yes, my Kia ev6 too. Down is next. In my BMW up was next.

youRFate ,

The editor I use when I’m on windows by accident but still have to look at some text files real quick.

youRFate ,

Emacs is, too, but I don’t bother having a proper editor set up. I won’t develop anything on that machine anyways.

I'm locked out of my 6 year old Chipotle account because they now say my email address is invalid when I login. Here is me asking for their help: ( )

I also reached out to them on Twitter but they directed me to this form. I followed up with them on Twitter with what happened in this screenshot but they are now ignoring me.

youRFate ,

Could be a Tld without a domain in front.

youRFate ,

Kreditkarte geht also noch? Dann ist ja alles gut.

youRFate ,

Bold coming from the top innovator of printer behavior that deserves hatred…

youRFate ,

Play Grounded, it’s great, especially in coop.

youRFate ,

Because it’s made by rolling the dough in cloth.

youRFate ,

Müssen nicht mal abgefahren sein, können auch steinharte 5 Jahre alte Dinger sein, dann ist auch egal ob Sommer Winter oder Allwetter…

youRFate ,

That trailer was released almost a year ago…

youRFate ,

There was a post recently where they figured out that you have better forward visibility in an Abrams tank than in several modern suvs and trucks.

youRFate ,

My hair wax has diatomaceous earth in it, does that somehow make me immune to some bugs? :D

Black Friday shoppers spent a record $9.8 billion in U.S. online sales, up 7.5% from last year ( )

Black Friday e-commerce spending popped 7.5% from a year earlier, reaching a record $9.8 billion in the U.S., according to an Adobe Analytics report, a further indication that price-conscious consumers want to spend on the best deals and are hunting for those deals online....

youRFate ,

Ye, I want a specific microwave, but it is currently more expensive than ever…

youRFate ,

Lol 99% of mobile devices not made by Apple. Apple operating systems are based on BSD, not Linux.

youRFate ,

I prefer copyleft licenses too, but I really like BSD for servers and raspberry PIs. Very stable, modern packages, modern versions of security relevant packages like openSSH.

youRFate ,

What is the actual price? This doesn’t seem expensive.

youRFate ,

Brain! Commence weird dream with liminal bathrooms that for some reason can’t be used!

youRFate ,

Someone read some Yuval Noah Harari it seems.

youRFate ,

Brühe, essig, öl.

youRFate ,

Kein Dill nie Dill.

Zwiebeln okay. Gurken bitte Salatgurken in dünnen Scheiben, nicht Gewürz.

youRFate ,

Hilft aber leider echt gut gegen Regen…

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