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NeptuneOrbit ,

Well this might answer the question about whether his lawyers will get paid.

NeptuneOrbit ,

I just lost brain cells. It's campaign finance violations, not an affair. Also, the government doesn't just get one shot to convict someone. It's not "the big one" but he's still under threat for other actions he chose to take.

NeptuneOrbit ,

Some undecideds, sure. It only takes ten thousand voters in a couple swing states to change the outcome.

NeptuneOrbit ,

Context for the young and otherwise uninitiated. Casey Anthony was accused and ultimately acquitted of drowning her daughter Caylee. It was all over the news between late 2008 and then 2011. People were NOT happy about the acquittal. But then again, those people were not on the jury.

NeptuneOrbit ,

If I recall, sand is a WASTE product of getting pure enough silicon.

NeptuneOrbit ,

His wife's right to spit on the neighbors

NeptuneOrbit ,

I guess if your wife is the traitor it's not a conflict of interest to rule in favor of her Co conspirators

NeptuneOrbit ,

Why, is it tough being a minority or something?

NeptuneOrbit ,

These historical comparisons always get me. Yeah, as a middle class American in 2024 I have a microwave and health insurance which does mean in some ways my life is "better" than Andrew Carnegie's life 130 years ago. But he could just hire a huge staff for his mansion. He could buy whole libraries and gift them to cities.

Your comparisons of a modern doctor to Marilyn Monroe... Well a modern doctor is probably working 60 hours a week to get that $300,000 salary. Marilyn Monroe probably could have just.... Retired while the doctor needs to work another couple decades to pay off student loans....

There's no apple to apple comparison. Standard of living and expectations change. But you can't just erase the simple pleasures of being famously rich because now microwaves exist.

NeptuneOrbit ,

Yeah and they are still bad comparisons. A doctor will command respect and prestige in their community in a way unfortunately a plumber will generally not. Inflation and technological advancements don't really change that.

Your argument seems cousin to the Fox News type about microwaves and refrigerators. I don't really think it makes sense to make these time traveling comparisons at all.

NeptuneOrbit ,

If a flood deposited 3,000 ft of rock, globally, in a few days, where did all that material come from?

There's definitely some cranky info about this "wheel" online. Notably Huff Post surmising it's from ancient aliens.

NeptuneOrbit ,

You had me in the first half, not going to lie.

NeptuneOrbit ,

Authoritarianism is when taxes pay for defense and civil space program?

Yeah I get it, out military is bloated, does bad things, and we keep the industrial complex going buy selling weapons to almost anyone who will buy them.

The government paying SpaceX to build rockets is not authoritarianism.

NeptuneOrbit ,

Everything we don't like is authoritarianism

I mean, I guess you can say "the oligarchs and others making decisions have set our economic system up just so that the vulture capitalists are allowed, no encouraged, to barter with our lives" but it's not really authoritarianism. And part of the packaging is why libertarians think economic injustice isn't a big deal (these cooks and waitresses will just find another job, right?). But it's still a different beast. It's late capitalism. A government ban on seafood buffets? That's authoritarianism.

NeptuneOrbit , (edited )

If I were on SCOTUS I'd tell some PAC to sue and then I'd just automatically hear the case and then I'd rule the Ohio law unconstitutional, because it flies in the face of how a moron thinks our election system goes 🙄

Edit: Down votes and no replies? I guess I dropped my /s

NeptuneOrbit ,

It's a strawman/red herring argument about the Noah's flood.

If a lay person thinks it took millions of years to form the grand canyon, well someone will point out that this rock/fossil/cucumber became preserved in days, so therefore all known fossils and geological formations too could have formed in the weeks during and after a global flood.

NeptuneOrbit ,

It kind of gets into the napkin math. But it's sort of silly.

If most writers can spend the first third of their career focusing on journalism or some type of corporate writing, and then the middle third on publishing novels or whatever, and then the last third teaching, or maybe just riding the fame of the one book that got turned into a movie... Yeah I think trying to be a writer sounds easier than becoming a billionaire.

NeptuneOrbit ,

Is this really true? Pipes, heat exchangers and motors all have lots of copper. Why would a camera have a lot of copper in it?

Google is not being helpful and just returning results of this meme. There is a story out of Houston implying they do not have a lot of copper. And a story out of Honolulu that's pretty ambiguous.

You'd think they basically just be a digital camera, a big lens, power supply, hardwired internet. So I mean I guess you could just cut and harvest the power line, but that will eventually lead down the pole and into concrete. The internet line is apparently fiber optic in many cases.

NeptuneOrbit ,

The housing is probably pretty heavy and there may be a back up battery. But unless there is a powerful motor somewhere to turn the camera (unlikely) then yeah there's only going to be a few ounces of copper.

NeptuneOrbit ,

Abe books. Ebay. If the book is new, bookshop dot org.

But 💯 thriftbooks

NeptuneOrbit ,

I'm not easily finding this piece of art online. Is it some Han dynasty vase with a dragon on it and the Creation museum has gone Full It's a Dinosaur They Lived Among?

NeptuneOrbit ,

Maybe it's a hybrid False Dilemma and a Appeal to hypocrisy?

People have more options than taking your side, or leaving entirely. And not picking one of the two does not mean you are a hypocrite.

NeptuneOrbit ,

There are definitely anti educational themes in some strains of Christianity.

In the circles I grew up in, public school was evil for a variety of reasons. The good Christian families would not send their kids to public colleges either. They'd send them to Christian colleges which in many cases are not accredited. Not a good choice if you want to be an engineer or something. OK if just looking for a godly spouse!

We wanted a science fair at our Christian high school but the leadership was against it, lol.

Home schooling is a popular choice in some Christian circles. It's hard to say that home schooling is a generally pro educational decision.

Think about the Bible. The first story is that God made everything. Cool. The second story is that Adam and Eve wanted knowledge of good and evil and God was like lol no.

Finally, if you want an extreme example, read the book Educated. I guess it's more about a cult that is a family. But yeah.

NeptuneOrbit ,

"We need more of it", you say.

NeptuneOrbit ,

Can you explain how the fruit in the garden in Genesis relates to your comment?

NeptuneOrbit ,

You don't know the story of Adam and Eve? And you are commenting here?

NeptuneOrbit ,


NeptuneOrbit ,

This is a specific reference to the kind of church that emphasizes a personal relation with Jesus as the escape from sin etc. It's like the second reformation. It's not good enough to not be catholic. It's not good enough to go to a Protestant church that doesn't use icons and Latin chants and confessional. Church itself can be a distraction to some non denominational fundamentalists. You should go to church but it's a bare bones place. The emphasis is on you reading your Bible. Etc.

NeptuneOrbit ,

There certainly is a strain of modern American non denominational fundamentalists who think the reformation was the right idea. Catholic priests and all the trappings are a distraction.

Think about a modern Protestant church. It's empty. No art. You show up. Simple sermon. Socializing. The whole emphasis for many modern believers is a personal relationshio with God. Not supposed to be the mega church pastor, or the art, or the nice facilities, or the donuts.

NeptuneOrbit ,

It says pattern so they must have tracked it on a whole adventure.

NeptuneOrbit ,

Apparently "owls to Athens" is common across Europe? "Wood to the forest" is a variant in the US

NeptuneOrbit ,

I don't know. My coworker just said that owls are a symbol of wisdom, and Athens (historically) is the center of wisdom.

NeptuneOrbit ,

Restaurant labor is max 30% of the costs. So in theory even doubling everyone's wages in the restaurant should only create a 30% cost increase.

NeptuneOrbit ,

You'll have to be more specific about what types of restaurants and where. I got my info online.

I see numbers between 20-40% online.

NeptuneOrbit ,

Fast food price points?

One might expect if labor is say, 36% of cost, it could still be the largest line item

NeptuneOrbit ,

I agree that "all powerful" is an ambiguity here. For example, the famous "can he make a boulder so heavy he can't move it?"

There will always be paradoxes in the universe. So you'd have to go to each respective believer to figure out what "all powerful" means. Maybe making a utopia is impossible.

Philosophy is fun

NeptuneOrbit ,

It's peak "middle class fancy" to me. It's not cheap, has not been for a while. But it's the kind of place you could bring three kids and feel fancy, yet not totally blow the budget. It's not "fine dining" but it's a cosplay for a large demographic

NeptuneOrbit ,

Well it had the most up votes! So clearly it was the most generally useful and true response in the whole thread!

NeptuneOrbit ,

Humor IS a quality though. Human voters are able, in aggregate, able to award certain types of humor. Which an LLM is not able to. Which gets recycled with no context, as fact.

The internet would be a vastly different place if sarcasm and in jokes were not regarded as a type of "quality" content.

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