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Pyr_Pressure ,

It's because that's the level the average American can understand.

Pyr_Pressure ,

Trump cult will just claim it's all the more likely the jury was rigged.

Pyr_Pressure ,

It's really not that difficult to wear a seatbelt, I don't understand the people that don't. It's less restrictive than the belt holding up your pants and it's not like there is an annoying shoulder strap.

Pyr_Pressure ,

Lots of healthy, happy people with disposable income.

Pyr_Pressure ,

Definitely think owning dogs should require a license and a test of some sort like driving a vehicle.

Can't control a 120lb dog? Class B license instead of Class A license.

Only allowed to buy dogs under 100lbs.

Don't understand how feeding and training works? No license for you.

Licenses for being able to own non-fixed animals as well. Being able to breed dogs and cats needs to come with way more responsibility as well.

Pyr_Pressure , (edited )

I imagine it was a typo*, but this article in Nature reports that in specifics circumstances the median maximum that people can perceive a difference may be around 500hz, with the maximum in their test possibly being as high as 800hz.

Normally though it seems closer to 50-90hz, but I'm on the road and haven't delved too deeply into it

Edit: Type to Typo

Pyr_Pressure ,

Not the original you replied to. And I had a typo when trying to spell typo 😂 just adding to the conversation. Wasn't disputing you, just meant the may have meant refresh rate instead of resolution. Easy mistake. It's still quite disputed how well eyes can tell the difference in refresh rates.

Pyr_Pressure ,

I think there was a case somewhere that the prisoner was sentenced to death, and was executed ina fashion that didn't quite work.

But technically he did die for a minute or two before his heart restarted, and he sued to be released from prison because he technically served his sentence.

Pyr_Pressure ,

Unfortunately it doesn't look like it. I misremembered a few details, he "died" from natural causes in prison, not execution. The court ruled "Schreiber is either alive, in which case he must remain in prison, or he is dead, in which case this appeal is moot."

His name was Benjamin Schreiber.

Pyr_Pressure ,

I mean, HR is being paid. They should be going through the resume and compiling the data themselves.

Instead they require the applicants to do it for free, despite the fact the applicants are probably having to do it dozens of times trying to apply for multiple jobs.

Pyr_Pressure ,

Has the final movie even come out yet? I remember watching the first and second but I thought there was supposed to be a third still on the way?

Feels way too soon for a remake.

Tire toxicity faces fresh scrutiny after salmon die-offs ( )

"You've got a chemical cocktail in these tires that no one really understands and is kept highly confidential by the tire manufacturers," said Nick Molden, CEO of Emissions Analytics. "We struggle to think of another consumer product that is so prevalent in the world and used by virtually everyone, where there is so little known...

Pyr_Pressure ,

Well, we call the stuff we breath "air" despite it being 80% nitrogen. It would be a bit weird saying we breath nitrogen. "Air" is a general catch-all term for the mixture of things that we breath.

AM radio law opposed by tech and auto industries is close to passing | Ars Technica ( )

A controversial bill that would require all new cars to be fitted with AM radios looks set to become a law in the near future. Yesterday, Senator Edward Markey (D-Mass) revealed that the "AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act" now has the support of 60 US Senators, as well as 246 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives, making its...

Pyr_Pressure ,

Do cars really need to have it though? They seem to be the only thing "targeted" to be forced into include something that can receive emergency broadcasts. Why not force homes to be outfitted with an AM radio? Everyone lives somewhere (mostly, unfortunately) but not everyone owns a car. If they really want people to have access to AM radio emergency broadcasts maybe they should supply people with portable AM radios rather than forcing car companies to include it in their cars and increasing the price of vehicles since they will require larger antennae and more wiring than just FM radio or no radio at all.

Pyr_Pressure ,

Can't remember the movie but it had someone get kidnapped by a group of cannibals or something and they kept them alive while chopping body parts of and cauterizing the wound, eating them slowly over time to keep them fresh. Don't think I was able to finish it.

Pyr_Pressure ,

I much prefer random ads anyways. Targeted ads are 90% something You've already recently bought.

With random ads sometimes you see something interesting that you didn't even know you wanted because you didn't know it even existed.

If I'm looking for a laptop I don't care to see 1000 ads for laptops, I'm not going to just click an ad and buy one I need to research and deep dive into the kind I want.

Pyr_Pressure , (edited )

It's not bad, it allows more freedom. You don't have to graduate in 4 years if you don't want. If you're working part time you can just take 3-4 courses a semester instead of 5 courses and just take your time.

You can also choose different time slots for different courses to fit your life style, like only morning courses or only afternoon courses, no courses on Fridays, etc. (depending on the course popularity and how many are available each semester.

Pyr_Pressure ,

It doesn't cost anything to have less people. It costs lots to build houses and infrastructure to support those people.

Pyr_Pressure ,

Personally I've never had an issue with Asus products but have had numerous quality issues with Acer. Bought a number of small Acer laptops and the hinges kept breaking because they only put one screw in the hold the hinge instead of two in many of them.

Pyr_Pressure ,

I quite liked it, don't usually like musical shows but the tunes are catchy and somewhat funny sometimes

Pyr_Pressure ,

It's important to have proof, but it was pretty silly to ask in this situation where it's pretty much impossible to prove.

Pyr_Pressure ,

I wouldn't mind if it were priced to actually make sense.

Like why would anything cost more than $1? Or even $0.01? Just greed and stupidity.

Microtransactions for cosmetic items that cost 25% or more of the base game itself are just insane. A whole game, or 4 cosmetic items, that must have taken sooo much effort to design those items to cost so much.

Pyr_Pressure ,

If they don't make any money they won't bother with microtransactions at all.

So it's either $0.01 for cosmetic items or they don't make cosmetic items at all because You've already paid for the game, and making new things just costs them money.

Pyr_Pressure ,

The very rare need for it seems like it would be best to just rent a camera when needed or buy a better specific use one for a toolbox rather than needing to carry a mediocre one around in your pocket 24/7

Pyr_Pressure ,

Because they do not need to survive like that for long lol they die like immediately after.

Taps will be turned off if water rules are defied: Merritt mayor ( )

Extreme drought conditions and the likelihood of another challenging fire season have prompted a community in one of the driest parts of the province to start managing its water supply early — and turning off the taps for people who don't follow the rules....

Pyr_Pressure ,

It's unfortunate that we can't limit water by litres, so for a family of 4 put a limit of say 100L or something. People do still need to drink and cook unfortunately.

Is my peach tree dead? ( )

I'm not sure what happened but my peach tree isn't getting leaves. The branches on the end are brittle but I did a little cut on the tree bark on the trunk and it was green under so I don't think she's dead. I'm not sure what may have caused this. I thought at first it was because she didn't get enough chill hours but we got...

Pyr_Pressure ,

My grandpa's peach tree had had leaves and flowers for almost a month now, a few hours north of Seattle. Not sure if there are different early/late varieties or not.

Pyr_Pressure ,

It's an outdated expectation but shouldn't be an outdated goal.

No one should need to work after 65 years of age if they don't want to.

There's hardly any chance of that happening nowadays though.

Pyr_Pressure ,

I just want to be able to place my starting warehouse instead of being forced to build around the random start layout :(

Pyr_Pressure ,

To me it's not really a challenge, it's just annoying. It's pretty easy to adapt, but I like having things symmetrical and it annoys me when I get certain layouts. So much that I almost feel like abandoning my settlement immediately upon start.

Pyr_Pressure ,

I would rather the audiobook wait to release by a few weeks/months if it means keeping the same actor.

Pyr_Pressure ,

Again the excuse of 'no politics'


Accepting contracts from Israel is just as political as denying contracts from Israel. You just stated your political stance by accepting. Why do people think it's a free copout?

Pyr_Pressure ,

I'm curious how they came up with 3.48 hours. Does rounding it up to 3.5 really make that much of a difference?

Pyr_Pressure ,

I would assume it's because pooping is a very vulnerable moment, and they prefer to not face the sun and being blinded while doing so.

Pyr_Pressure ,

I'm pro-do-whatever-the-fuck-you-want-as-long-as-it-doesnt-harm-or-negatively-affect-anyone-else

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  • Pyr_Pressure ,

    *and then do nothing but complain about the government instead of the corporations actually responsible?

    Pyr_Pressure ,

    Microsoft handles everything like idiots. Because all they do is try and improve how much money they make, not how good their products are.

    Pyr_Pressure ,

    Why use silver iodide instead of sea salt like what typically happens naturally? Silver iodide sounds expensive to manufacture compared to sea salt.

    Pyr_Pressure ,

    I don't recall any of these errors happening when you just had to actually roll of the rim of your cup.

    But they decided to go digital so they can steal customer data and force people to create unnecessary accounts and download their app.

    Pyr_Pressure ,

    I'm no cell biologist but I don't think immunity works that way. I don't know enough to dispute it though.

    Pyr_Pressure ,

    I know enough about that, the part I was skeptical about though was the assumption that if a mouse is immune for 90 days, a human would be immune for 10 years.

    Pyr_Pressure ,

    I never even knew about them until about 10 years ago, then knew I wanted one immediately after looking them up.

    Then a year later my sister, working at an animal rescue shelter, let me know that one came in after being abandoned due to running off and being picked up by animal control multiple times, and then I immediately got on the list to adopt.

    Apologies for the photo bombardment but definitely one of the best of the dog breeds out there.

    Need to have space though and be more of a partner than a master, to tolerate stubbornness and barks.

    Pyr_Pressure ,

    A lot of times that's where people cross the street. Want people to stop before the spot people might step out into.

    Pyr_Pressure ,

    But... Do you really?

    How much does a fridge filter actually filter? I am perfectly fine with drinking out of the tap, and the fridge is just filtering the tap water...

    To me it just seems like a cash grab.

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  • Pyr_Pressure ,

    I can't even see someone wave the Canadian flag without associating it with those truckers and anti-vaxxers

    Pyr_Pressure ,

    Please try to develop some reading comprehension.

    In the context of

    So would you agree there should be rules about protestors blocking access to planned parenthood? Or is it perfectly fine the way the system is right now, just allowing them to threaten and harass everyone going inside for unhindered rights or assembly?

    It was in direct reply to your comment about planned parenting protestors.

    In none of my comments am I bashing the bridge protestors other than saying they should not be allowed to block traffic, and the right of assembly should have rules and regulations to determine "proper" and "improper" forms of protest.

    I don't even know what you are arguing about.

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