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catharso ,

hehe, genau wie der eine typ aus meinem büro 😅

hab' mich wund diskutiert mit dem.

bin 'n bissl froh, dass der jetzt woanders ist ☺️

catharso ,

bitwig studio comes with tons of samples.
it's a fantastic daw.

there's a reason a lot of ableton users switch over to bitwig.

reaper is also very good, but a bit clunky for edm/techno/etc.

Would Lemmy Benefit from Implementing Polls? ( )

A popular way of dealing with discussions, and familiar to most people, I assume. As far as I see it, adding a poll system to Lemmy is a good way to enhance user engagement. I'm not really aware if this has been a topic before or not, tried looking it up but didn't see much juice on the topic, so thought I'd spark it up....

catharso , (edited )

Like hundreds of flesh-eating ants all over your body cutting of the soft parts - lips, eyelids, ... - with their tiny but razor sharp mandibles?! 😳

catharso OP ,

Oh mist.

Habe entdoppelt. 🙂

catharso ,

There's a Deep Space 9 episode about that!

catharso ,

i had something similar on my kubuntu/win7 dual-boot.

iirc i fixed it by disabling the powersave of my wifi-adapter.

don't remember the exact command at the moment though. 🤔

catharso ,

I was hoping for a fix for the battery drain that affects all my audio-apps (spotify, musicolet, smart audiobook player, etc.)

But maybe there's a different reason for the drain. Hmm... 🤔

catharso ,

I really like my Soundcore A3i.

And they are on sale every 3-4 weeks for like 35 €.

catharso , (edited )

That's the way i do it and i think it's the absolute best setup.
I use keyboard shortcuts to switch and move windows though.

used too

Have you evolved even further?!

catharso ,

I buy physical usually.

I feel, i tend to abandon ebooks a little more often.
Somehow i feel more committed to actually read most of my ever growing stack of books someday.

Ebook-reader are great nonetheless.

catharso ,

The entirety of the internet on my toilet.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! ( )

I don't like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

catharso ,

Assassinate 'em, you say?

No, just kidding.

I'm just someone watching from Europe, getting a little concerned 😔

catharso ,

full port would have been great but i would have been already very happy if they at least tried to make it run somewhat ok via wine.

catharso ,

I always thought that title would go to us (germany) or to the usa, but yeah, i guess it's a thing we all have in common.

20 years ago i was sure we'd live in a post-scarcity federation-of-planets style paradise by now.

catharso ,

what? since when?

last time i checked getting it to run with wine was a major hassle next to impossible.

catharso , (edited )

Going fishing in rdr2

catharso , (edited )

huh? why is that?

i know we here in germany have plenty of them and i would assume that the rest of the world has them too.

catharso , (edited )

mountainviking ☺️

catharso , (edited )

wofür steht moschen hier?

faschos kopf/haare schütteln?

catharso ,

probably easier to fit the names in the ui and speech bubbles

catharso ,

when you smile with dead eyes into the abyss

catharso ,

My Pixel 6a has 6GB.

I'm very happy with it.

I think 4GB is ok but on the lower end.

8GB is plenty.

BeAware , to ADHD memes avatar
catharso ,

Oversharing without shame.

catharso ,

Ich hab' des gleiche Eimerchen 😃

Unglaublich wie das Internet die Menschen einander näher bringt.

So schön.

catharso OP , (edited )

You the crimer or the crimee?

Actually nevermind. I wish you all the best! 🙂

Prosper etc. 🖖🏼

catharso ,

I would probably use Inkscape or Krita.

catharso ,

I'm an old adult and i went for Invisalign instead of braces two years ago.

Was pricey but an absolute breeze compared to the horror of having braces i experienced over two decades earlier.

catharso ,

is there a better app?

i’m not really in a situation where i can live among natives until i have the basics down

real in-person courses are also nothing i wanna do right now 😅

catharso ,

türkish, just for fun little interactions with my döner-guy 🥙🙂

catharso , (edited )

wenn ich nicht selbst drauf komme, was zangenwörter bedeuten sollen: 😠

wenn ich selbst drauf komme: 😃

catharso , (edited )

ich glaub, der name von einem anderen, ebenfalls sehr aktiven, nutzer hier.

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