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‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services ( )

*What rights do you have to the digital movies, TV shows and music you buy online? That question was on the minds of Telstra TV Box Office customers this month after the company announced it would shut down the service in June. Customers were told that unless they moved over to another service, Fetch, they would no longer be...

fitgse ,

I mean Amazon did this for their mp3s. It was literally just an id3 tag with a unique identifier. Not hard to remove but “good enough” to keep regular people from overly distributing it. You’ll never win against the real Pirate community no matter what you do, so just give people real incentive to buy and actually own.

fitgse ,

A huge amount of nurses have left the field in the last decade. This has been due to poor wages, poor working conditions, and more pressure on nurses. They all burned out.

During Covid, even when we were all clapping for nurses, instead of giving pay raises they’d rather hire contractors and travel nurses to fill positions because pay raises are permanent. A whole bunch of nurses I know left to do temporary travel, sometimes at the hospital they already worked at. This created huge amounts of resentment and nurses left in droves.

The consolidation of our hospitals and health facilities into the hands of a few small companies is leading to a huge collapse of our healthcare, and it is all their own making.

This all started 30 years ago when hospitals stopped being run by a chief medical officer and a chief nursing officer, and instead began being run by MBAs who only looked at numbers and short term profits. Drs and Nurses have no autonomy anymore and are treated like workers on an assembly line.

Get rid of the MBAs. Break up HCA, Tenant, and the other big chains, require all health facilities to be non profits, and maybe we’ll see people who actually want to work in the medical profession again.

fitgse ,

There are plenty of ex nurses that left the profession during covid. It became abundantly clear how little they were respected. Try respecting them again and maybe you won’t have shortages.

fitgse ,

That episode completely missed the point. No one is arguing about pressing the tab key vs pressing the spacebar 4 times. It is purely about whether the tab key inserts a tab character, \t, or a series of spaces.

There are valid arguments both ways. But if you want to piss me off, mix the two!

fitgse ,

This is a tiny portion of black metal in a sub genre . But it isn’t surprising that an extreme genre with a strong counter culture doesn’t have some extreme spin-offs.

Also you can tell which bands are in NSBM because they are all terrible at actually making music.

fitgse ,

Grimm Fandango (one of the best games ever made) along with Myst and Riven also run on Scummvm!

fitgse ,

And he griped about the prospect of missing Barron’s graduation.

“I was looking forward to that graduation, with his mother and father there, and it looks like the judge does not allow me to escape this scam,” he said

Wait, who is Barron’s father?

fitgse ,

Most Americans I know don’t even have a scale in their kitchen!

I (an American) always wonder what a cup of spinach is. Like I can really pack it into a cup or not and there is a huge difference.

fitgse ,

Redhat 5.2 on cd. I learned a lot about compiling kernels as it didn’t support scsi emulation which was required for an ide cd burner. I think I ended up on Mandrake for a while before bouncing around including LFS. Then gentoo for many many years. And I’ve come full circle and been back on fedora for about 10 years now.

fitgse ,

I highly recommend civil discourse. She does an excellent job of breaking down everything going on in the trump cases:

fitgse ,

They have to pay hundreds of millions a year bribing politicians across the world!

Tips for falljng back to sleep

I wake up at 3am to 4am daily as a neighbor makes noise walking their dog. This cannot be helped. Once I am awake, my mind won't stop going over details about everything from the mundane to the critical. Often, I am able to fall asleep again after three or more hours of wakefulness, but only minutes before I have to wake for the...

fitgse ,

Here is what I do, it is a type of visualization meditation.

I have been watching futurama (original seasons) for 20 something years. I have seen each episode literally hundreds of times. I have them burned pretty well into my brain at this point.

I have ripped just the audio track from the DVDs. When I wake up in the middle of the night (2-4 times per night!), I turn on a random episode as audio only.

The goal here is to try to visualize the episode as you only listen to the audio. This forces you to focus on something rather than stress about life. It really helps me stop thinking about anything else. Because I know the episodes so well, it has become quite easy to stay focused on it (like watching with your eyes closed). And since I’ve seen the episodes so many times there is no fear of missing out, so you don’t try to stay awake to finish an episode. I can typically fall back asleep within 5-10 minutes with this technique.

I personally have these on my phone in a playlist and sleep with a single wired ear bud in one ear. I have a sleep timer set for 25 minutes. If I wake up, all I have to do is tap the button on my wired Apple headphones and it’ll continue playing for 25 more minutes. No need to open my eyes or take off my sleep mask.

fitgse ,

Well, for a long time the only thing my tv had was a computer hooked up to it that played random futurama 24/7!

fitgse ,

What about Summoning, specifically Oath Bound?

fitgse ,

I’m 100% in on the metric system, but Fahrenheit is the best way to measure weather.

0F is my freezing point
100F is my boiling point

Fuck freezing/boiling of water!

Celsius is great for science (except space science) or cooking, but weather should be based on humans.

fitgse ,

I’m all for protesting the government and their actions. But I am a bit torn on this.

It’s like being a US tourist while Trump is in office and being denied everything because you are associated with you government.

I hate it too. But I am not my government.

fitgse ,

I saw an article recently that over half of people of whom Medicare is available to are now on Medicare Advantage plans, which are actually private plans that take all your Medicare allotment and may not provide better coverage

It is shocking, but I guess 24/7 commercials on Fox News work 😞

It is a huge scam and the government never should have allowed it…but capitalism at all costs, I guess.

fitgse ,

My understanding is you can’t. Once you sign up for it you forfeit Medicare.

fitgse ,

I really thought in 2016 Bernie would splinter the democrats and we’d have a true left party. I also thought trump would create a new party on the right and the republicans would go back to being republicans. Can you imagine a 4 party system!

To my surprise, the trump dragged the republicans even further to the right, and the democrats moved even more center-right to appease ex-republicans. So the whole nation just moved right, which is sad.

fitgse ,

🍻here’s to all the developers out there who makes sure there site works great not only with Firefox, but also with ublock origin and piholes!

It is always shocking to me how many sites or apps completely fail to load if you dare block google analytics!

fitgse ,

This guy does a ton of really awesome metal album covers!

fitgse ,

Or having a single employee manage an entire store. This is entirely the fault of these stores and their lack of investment in their own employees.

fitgse ,

Cdparanoia to make sure I get a good rip. Then flacenc to convert to flac. Then Picard to tag and organize it.

fitgse ,

40 fucking dollars per month per kid. That might pay for a month’s worth of rice but isn’t a week’s worth for fruits, vegetables, and protein!

fitgse ,

Right. We should be offering way more than $40 a month per kid and the fact that republicans want to cut what is basically a pittance shows how cruel they are.

fitgse ,

I also had this issue. At least tell me why you are blocking me!

fitgse ,

Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I poop on company time!

fitgse ,

And don’t change their goals every 4-8 years. It is hard to accomplish a 10 year project if you can’t guarantee you’ll still be working on it in 10 years.

fitgse ,

306 unread texts? How do you live with that chaos?

fitgse ,

I mean Christopher Lee did put out metal albums…

fitgse ,

Whew! It’s a good thing trucks never go through cross walks or across curb cuts to get into parking lots and drive throughs.

The only reason people ride scooters on the sidewalks is because our infrastructure is severely lacking and you get stuck “sharing” a lane with a 6000+lb truck.

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