kbal avatar


kbal ,
kbal avatar

Good for Mullvad. Long overdue, as they say. Wish I could still be a customer. Whoever induced them to turn off port forwarding did the world a disservice.

kbal ,
kbal avatar

As well as Denuvo please also make it rely on Windows-only bugs so that we can be extra sure that those dirty Linux users are kept away, and it's not fair that foreigners get to enjoy things in their own language so make sure there's no localization for other countries. And I'd rather not have to know that disabled people can also play so make sure there's none of that "accessibility" crap in there slowing things down. And I heard that telemetry makes everything better so please make sure it records everything we do and reports it all back to headquarters, that really makes games better. Also it'd be nice if there were more ads to keep us entertained while it loads. Okay thanks. You guys are doing a great job. — Signed, a perfectly normal user

kbal ,
kbal avatar

"The only intuitive interface is the nipple. After that, it's all learned." — traditional 20th-century folk wisdom.

kbal ,
kbal avatar

The one time I've asked for a refund on steam was when I mistakenly bought the remastered instead of the original version of an old game I wanted, and found that it had been ruined by the addition of a (not easy to bypass and wouldn't run under wine) "launcher" that was there for the sole purpose of getting you to register an account and log in so they could collect whatever data they wanted.

Would Lemmy Benefit from Implementing Polls? ( slrpnk.net )

A popular way of dealing with discussions, and familiar to most people, I assume. As far as I see it, adding a poll system to Lemmy is a good way to enhance user engagement. I'm not really aware if this has been a topic before or not, tried looking it up but didn't see much juice on the topic, so thought I'd spark it up....

kbal ,
kbal avatar

Most of the fediverse already has polls, and can post things to lemmy groups. So yeah it would be nice to be able to see them properly.

kbal ,
kbal avatar

There's a very long history of calling things like lemmy communities "groups". In my case I'm old and the habit comes from Usenet.

kbal ,
kbal avatar

It's not as if encryption would stop them being able to infiltrate and observe criminal gangs, and generally catch the bad guys. There are all kinds of other tools they can use without having instant push-button access to all communications data.

Encryption doesn't stop them spying on you. It stops them spying on everyone in the world simultaneously all the time with no effort.

kbal ,
kbal avatar

Normal people: Gladly give google maps access to location data at all times and never think about it

Me: Instinctively worry that on the rare occasions I do use google maps it's somehow identifying me and keeping track of all the locations I look at, so I sometimes look at random places I'm not really interested in just to throw off the algorithms.

But most of the time I prefer osmand.

kbal ,
kbal avatar

Oh yeah, I tend to forget that there's an app and it's not just a website.

kbal ,
kbal avatar

Less fun at parties guy: While the diagram leaves it somewhat unclear as to what precise effect that mechanism is intended to achieve, clearly it involves electromagnetism and thus any proper explanation must begin with a full description of quantum field theory...

kbal ,
kbal avatar

Wow, cool, even NBC is catching on to the Fediverse now?

... nope, it's just another blockchain fueled social media system, the main use of which so far seems to be as a haven for QAnon types (according to Wikipedia,) rapidly burning up venture capital. Good luck to them, I guess.

kbal , to Linux
kbal avatar

Update available! This version is very old.

Xscreensaver has apparently been checking for updates and is disappointed that it hasn't had one for 14 months because Debian is too stable. Can anyone recommend a linux screensaver which would work with xfce and can be trusted to never do that?

kbal OP ,
kbal avatar

I was considering keeping xscreensaver and just blocking any network requests it makes at the firewall, but if jwz is going to be like that I guess it's enough motivation to actually look for a replacement.

kbal OP ,
kbal avatar

xfce4-screensaver isn't packaged for debian stable as of yet, but I've built it from source with only minor hacking required to get it to run with the current version of everything else. Problem solved.

kbal OP ,
kbal avatar

I know, it's hard to believe. The confidence with which it announced that an update is available suggests that the actual screensaver was checking for updates on its own. So far as the system package manager is concerned there isn't one.

kbal OP ,
kbal avatar

As it turns out, it's just printing that message if more than 510 days have passed since the timestamp in version.h was updated, which it wasn't when the debian maintainers last applied a patch. So I guess it is taken as given that the program will forever continue to need updates that frequently and that those updates will be forthcoming.

Anyway, in keeping with the author's wishes I'll just use xfce4-screensaver instead. It seems fine.

kbal ,
kbal avatar

What this galaxy's physicists don't yet understand is that if you want to combine all those other forces into one grand unified theory, what you need to do is get in touch with your feelings and become a space wizard.

ibboard , to Linux
@ibboard@hachyderm.io avatar

I understand why you might want to refresh your package cache independently of performing an update.

But why does Apt effectively force you to do two commands just to update?

If my package cache is three weeks old then I'm going to need to do an update before an upgrade, because otherwise packages aren't there. So an update on its own is pointless. It's just going to try and update to non-existent packages.

Yum, DNF and Zypper all have the sense to fetch the latest package list.

kbal , (edited )
kbal avatar

Before moving to debian stable, I was long accustomed to systems which sometimes pushed updates which for my purposes seemed better left for others to try first. So for me it's still three steps rather than two: Update the package index, decide which ones to install, and then do the upgrade.

linuxmagazine , to Privacy
@linuxmagazine@fosstodon.org avatar

From this week's Linux Update: Matthias Wübbeling shows you how to protect your data and operating system from prying eyes with @veracrypt https://www.linux-magazine.com/Issues/2024/279/VeraCrypt

kbal ,
kbal avatar

Interesting to know that it's still around, but why use Veracrypt when there's LUKS?

kbal ,
kbal avatar

That's quite a lot of comments so far with nobody saying

kbal ,
kbal avatar

Sure, or IFS=`echo "\n"` if you like

gisiger , to News from fediverse
@gisiger@nerdculture.de avatar

Wasn't the the friendlier, more diverse, and safer alternative? Well, not so much. Thanks to the FOSS Taliban, another well-loved creator leaves for good.


kbal ,
kbal avatar

Well that's one way to look at it, but bear in mind that complaints about the "FOSS Taliban" ruining everything are getting very close to exactly the sort of thing she's talking about. It just one of the many reasons why social media kinda sucks if you're the sort of person to care about every reply and you get to be too popular.

asmodai , to Random stuff
@asmodai@mastodon.social avatar

"Todd Howard reckons he knows why Starfield was so divisive: It was too 'different than you've seen from us in past'"

No, Todd, it's because you've stripped yet more from what made these games great and all the systems have barely evolved in all these years. It pales to your previous games in many respects.

kbal ,
kbal avatar

What do you mean they haven't evolved? They've been streamlined and simplified in a thousand ways, and player hand-holding has increased by 135%. Also, it crashes less often and you can choose between seven kinds of generators when building your space house. What more do you want in a game?

kbal ,
kbal avatar

Normally when people identify all the "P.C. crap" that Seinfeld complains about as coming from the "extreme left" I figure it's because they've gone so far to the right that from way out there Bill Gates looks like a communist. But it's tempting to give Seinfeld the benefit of the doubt and assume that he might just be confused and ill-informed. The same refusal to accept reality that leaves him unable to let go of the urge to put a llama with a human head in his movie about Pop-Tarts may also have been sufficient to prevent him learning anything at all about politics for the past 30 years.

kbal ,
kbal avatar

I am the summer of your discontent
Made glorious autumn by this son of Fox;
And all the genders that lour'd upon your house
In the shallow waters of television dissolved.

kbal ,
kbal avatar

Why? I don't know, but probably it's the same reason most of us stopped wearing the long pointy shoes.

kbal ,
kbal avatar

The surveillance is somewhat less pervasive where I live, but the methods for selling people on the idea that it's acceptable, inevitable, and for our own good are much the same the world over.

kbal ,
kbal avatar

Whp is this "Lennart Poettering" character, anyway? I suspect he might be secretly working for Microsoft.

SarraceniaWilds , to Random stuff
@SarraceniaWilds@cr8r.gg avatar

they dont need to be smart
make them dumb
make everything dumb immediately

kbal ,
kbal avatar

So this is where the @dangoodin crusade in defence of "smart" TVs began? Someone said try Jellyfin instead and you were all "that's wrong because debit cards"? Who needs TV for entertainment, when we have threads like these.

kbal ,
kbal avatar

The first concrete example mentioned (18 minutes in) seems to neatly sum up the difference in design philosophy.

X11: Four different keyboard input focus modes, where two would suffice.

Wayland: Only one input focus mode, where two would suffice.

kbal ,
kbal avatar

I'm not sure which organizations the law is really aimed at, but it seems like it would mean that anyone in Georgia who wants to get involved with some international NGO — Amnesty International, Extinction Rebellion, Doctors Without Borders, the Red Cross, FSF Europe, or whatever — would be required to register as an agent of foreign influence.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • kbal ,
    kbal avatar

    Sure, but it's difficult to tell if a human was involved in its writing at all. If so, probably not one who knows anything about the subject matter.

    kbal ,
    kbal avatar

    I don't think pleroma or misskey were ever mastodon forks. They're just better alternatives that do something approximately similar.

    kbal , to Skyrim Mods
    kbal avatar

    Well I finally found it necessary to move from 1.6.640 to 1.5.97 and it feels like I just passed the Skyrim final exam.

    kbal , (edited )
    kbal avatar

    The end of the web as I knew it happened 28 years ago, and 20 years ago, and 12 years ago.

    Are there any innovative platforms in the Fediverse?

    I've explored a few platforms within the Fediverse, but most of them seem to be inspired by and mimic existing mainstream social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook. While this familiarity can be comforting, I can't help but wonder if there are any truly innovative and original platforms out there that offer a...

    kbal ,
    kbal avatar

    If you're thinking of it in market terms, then it being a "solved problem" should mean that it's effectively a commodity and nothing radical or game-changing is needed at all to eventually break the monopolies and win all the market share. All that's needed is to offer the same old thing at a slightly lower price, and wait for people to catch on.

    But I disagree; there are plenty of unsolved problems.

    kbal ,
    kbal avatar

    Stay strong. A dwarf planet is a perfectly valid kind of planet, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    kbal ,
    kbal avatar

    Temporarily banning shared IPs from creating new accounts when there are problems would sort of make sense, in a wrong but convenient sort of way. Permanently shadowbanning them only for chat and including existing accounts which have never misbehaved, which is what they've done, can not be so easily excused. It's been like this for years. At some level they must know by now that it was a mistake, but I imagine there's some kind of stupid office politics type of situation preventing them fixing it.

    kbal ,
    kbal avatar

    Weirdly, when I was on an affected VPN and had a Twitch account, I could still stream. Just couldn't use the chat on my own stream. It makes no sense whatsoever, and the main effect it has is just to make users angry with them when they discover they've been shadowbanned for no rational reason.

    Kent , to Medievodons group
    @Kent@kind.social avatar
    kbal ,
    kbal avatar

    I don't know how to read it or anything but I think it's neumatic notation.

    kbal ,
    kbal avatar

    Well, that's one more advantage for tenacity I guess. It doesn't have built-in "cloud saving."

    Anyone know what happened to the r/FirefoxCSS sub?

    EDIT 3 - The r/FirefoxCSS sub 'resurfaced' mid-afternoon today, Saturday 27Apr24... over 4 days after it had closed again due to the 2nd 'gone private' blackout incident triggered for unknown reasons by a person or persons unknown on Tuesday afternoon. Previous and only current Mod 'yawn_zz' reappeared alive and well and...

    kbal ,
    kbal avatar

    I'm sure reddit management will step in and appoint new mods to force it back open any minute now. In the mean time, maybe use !firefoxCSS instead.

    kbal ,
    kbal avatar

    Our societies have previously tolerated a whole lot of spaces where conversations could be had without fear of law enforcement listening in, but many of those have disappeared as communications moved online. Encryption is the only thing that can restore the balance.

    Azarilh , to Linux
    @Azarilh@vivaldi.net avatar

    Another rant because nothing ever works and the community keeps disappointing me.

    Why in the world does everyone say works so good it's "the most reliable KDE distro ever, been using it for 48723698 years!" when in the FIRST day everything keeps breaking? I've been losing the whole day trying to fix KDE Neon, NOTHING works! I just want to play my games... :(

    Genuinely thinking to go back to Windows after 7ish years of daily driving Linux... I've been getting disappointed more and more. I hoped for Linux to improve with reliability, but it never did. It just keeps breaking.

    All this "high customisability" comes at a cost, clearly.

    kbal ,
    kbal avatar

    If you're done with KDE and looking for other options, maybe consider XFCE. Fewer features, more stability.

    kbal ,
    kbal avatar

    Thanks for the recommendation. I've added Verdant and am liking it so far.

    *Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp
    *Complementary Grass Fixes.esp

    ... one or another of which probably helped make the roads stop being so ridiculously overgrown in places. I still have "3D Forest Grass" and "Skyrim Flora Overhaul" installed as well. Not really sure how they all interact, but whatever, grass is looking good.

    kbal , to Go - Weiqi - Baduk
    kbal avatar

    Well, I finally found out how to subscribe to c/baduk from here. Any baduk players still hanging around?

    kbal OP ,
    kbal avatar

    From your server and mastodon-like places in general I guess you'd follow @baduk or address things to that user if you want to post so that lemmy users can see it.

    But it seems to be quite inactive, the intersection of fediverse users and baduk players must be quite small.

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