bibliolater , to History avatar

The Ancient Greeks Who Converted to Buddhism

“…thanks to Alexander the Great, Hellenistic and Buddhist cultures came into contact in the 4th century BCE, creating a cultural synthesis known as Greco-Buddhism.”

length: 19 minutes 10 seconds.

@histodon @histodons

NMBA , to Random stuff avatar

Churches, Courts and neverending Child Abuse. Only a deplorable society allows this endless harm against their children.


Books_of_Jeremiah , to Non Political Twitter avatar

A 1969 letter from a Papal envoy to Vladika Danilo of Montenegro and the Littoral, with an offer of rewards for the removal of Njegoš's chapel and remains and replacing them with a big mausoleum which would house the remains of a Montenegrin woman (who would be canonised).


pernia , to Haiku avatar

hey babes, wanna see me j e r k o f f and c u m? send 20$ usd in monero to this address and dm the transaction id

s m a l l c o c k i n b i o


@MutualAidVisibility @mutual_aid @mutualaid


TheConversationUS , to philosophy group avatar

To make the moon a graveyard goes against the beliefs of various human religions.

Here’s a look at what believers would say about this winter’s attempt to send a probe holding the remains of paying customers to the lunar surface

Trek_Academy , to Podcast avatar


Join us for a discussion of Star Trek Discovery, S5xE6, an episode heavy in exploring spiritualism and religious beliefs in the Star Trek context.


bibliolater , to christianity group avatar

The Origins of the Rapture

"The Rapture: The belief that Jesus will remove all true Christians from the Earth prior to the end of the world and establishment of his kingdom. The belief is mostly found among American Evangelicals and is part of the larger theological framework called Dispensational Premillennialism. But where did this belief come from?"

@christianity @religion @theology

bibliolater , to christianity group avatar

The Origins of the Rapture

"The Rapture: The belief that Jesus will remove all true Christians from the Earth prior to the end of the world and establishment of his kingdom. The belief is mostly found among American Evangelicals and is part of the larger theological framework called Dispensational Premillennialism. But where did this belief come from?"

@christianity @religion @theology

bibliolater , to christianity group avatar

The Origins of the Rapture

"The Rapture: The belief that Jesus will remove all true Christians from the Earth prior to the end of the world and establishment of his kingdom. The belief is mostly found among American Evangelicals and is part of the larger theological framework called Dispensational Premillennialism. But where did this belief come from?"

@christianity @religion @theology

bibliolater , to History avatar

Discussing Teb Tengri and the Religious Views of Chinggis Khan

"Included is discussions of historical sources (Juvaini, Rashid al-Din, the Secret History of the Mongols) letters written by Hulegu Khan and Chinggis Khan's views (or lack there of?) towards Buddhism."

@histodon @histodons

appassionato , to photography group avatar

Worshippers attend the Day of the Spiritual Indoctrinator, annual celebrations at the Vale do Amanhecer (Valley of the Dawn) community in the Planaltina neighbourhood of Brasilia, Brazil. REUTERS/Adriano Machado


appassionato , to photography group avatar

An orthodox faithful Monk attends the Good Friday prayers at the Wukro Cherkos Rock Hewn church in Wukro, Tigray region, Ethiopia. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri


mythologyandhistory , to Random stuff avatar

Let me tell you about a people from !

The Bugis are Muslim, but their belief is strongly influenced by their ancestral .

One centres around the Monitor lizard. The animal is believed to have a human & to be the twin of children. They are treated with respect.

Bugis also categorize people into 5 genders. Each is needed to keep the universe in balance.

Bissu, the which is neither man nor woman, is the intermediary between humans & .

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    Miro_Collas , to Random stuff avatar

    ‘Our culture is dying’: vulture shortage threatens Zoroastrian burial rites | Pakistan | The Guardian

    pernia , to Haiku avatar

    hey babes, wanna see me j e r k o f f and c u m? send 20$ usd in monero to this address and dm the transaction id


    @MutualAidVisibility @mutual_aid @mutualaid


    TexasObserver , to bookstodon group avatar

    In a new memoir, Christa Brown, one of the nation’s best-known clergy abuse survivors and whistleblowers, shares the shocking story of her escape from Baptistland.

    An interview with Investigations Editor Lise Olsen:


    bibliolater , to Religion group avatar

    ‘Resurrection’ to be release in April 2025

    "According to Edward Pentin of the National Catholic Register, the film will cover the events leading up to the Resurrection, but will also follow the intrigues that took place in Herod's palace and conclude with the events that took place in Jerusalem on Easter Sunday."


    SteveMcCarty , to Japan avatar

    Sumadera (須磨寺) is a unique full of iconographic , at the western end of Kōbe (神戸). Perhaps because it's not in Kyōto or Nara, there is little information available online about Sumadera, even in . It was founded in 886 and has its own branch of Kūkai's : Sumadera-ha (真言宗須磨寺派). It is internationally active, and a place for practices rather than an outdoor museum. By the same token, it's free to enter.
    Suma appears in ancient waka poetry (和歌) of 5-7-5-7-7 syllables, and is associated with the Heike Monogatari (平家物語). I was determined to go, despite the rain, because I'd read an article clarifying wabi and sabi with a coincidentally about Suma. The first photos show Sumadera's exchanges with resulting in a display of Tibetan and . Although there was light rain on the beach at first, later up at Sumadera the day turned bright.

    @religion @mythology

    Hindu figure Saraswati
    Buddhist pagoda and Shintō shrine
    Active Buddhist priests

    bibliolater , to Religion group avatar
    SteveMcCarty , to Japan avatar

    For hours I hiked around Kurodani (黒谷) in Kyōto, literally "Black Valley," which is actually a large hill. From Japanese sources I found that the Pure Land (浄土宗) Buddhist saint Hōnen (法然上人) came down from Kurodani on Mt. Hiei in 1175 to build a hut on the hill, which became the major temple Konkaikōmyōji (金戒光明寺). The other temple I visited was Shinshōgokuraku-ji (真正極楽寺) or Shinnyo-dō (真如堂) nearby. Both worship Amitābha (阿弥陀} Buddha, although Shinnyo-dō belongs to the Tendai sect and was founded in 984 during the Heian Period. After the recent rain there was bright green early spring foliage and various flowers to enjoy along with interesting Buddhist statues and architecture.

    @religion @histodons

    Huge temple gate
    Moss robe
    Pagoda of Shinnyo-dō

    spatial_history , to Religion group German avatar
    Kent , to Medievodons group avatar
    SteveMcCarty , to Japan avatar

    Documented 100th different topic, this time the format and content completely unlike anything before, drawing from my familiarity with Kyōto temples (first photo), Shintō shrines, and festivals reenacting the Heian Period of over a thousand years ago. The slideshow is at at

    The pechakucha (third photo) rapid-fire presentations were also a social event in Nishinomiya, between Ōsaka and Kōbe, involving Kōnan University students, teachers, and other English users. The editor of our book A Passion for Japan gave me a cameo in his presentation by discussing my chapter (last photo).

    My chapter "Discovering Japanese Fusion of Religions on the Pilgrimage Island of Shikoku" chronicles my connections to Japan and in situ research. The chapter is free at or
    The Japanese (和訳) version I translated is free to download from


    With some pechakucha event participants.
    Event poster
    Cameo in another presenter's slide.

    kcfromaustcrime , to bookstodon group avatar

    Couple of bookclub gatherings ago, we read Devotion by Hannah Kent. Amazing experience.

    Everything in this story is leading somewhere amazing. It's emotional, beautiful, touching, surprising and so incredibly moving. Sniffed, snuffled and out and out cried my way through the last part of this book.


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  • miki_lou , avatar

    @kcfromaustcrime @bookstodon Finally got hold of this beautifully written multi-levelled love story. Like her other two brilliant novels of , she shows she has done the research and thinking and internalized the stories and feelings of the time and place as well as the relentless control and persecution of the feminine and the 'other'. This 3rd novel is personal for Kent. Highly recommend it.

    bibliolater , to Random stuff avatar

    🧵 : this the first in a series of that will eventually be stitched together into a related to 📚 and 📘. (1)

    bibliolater OP , avatar

    "Studying texts from the cities and countryside and tracking developments over time, Alstola shows that there was notable diversity in the Judeans’ socio-economic status and integration into Babylonian society."

    Alstola, T. (19 Dec. 2019). Judeans in Babylonia, Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. Available From: Brill [Accessed 29 April 2024]

    @histodon @histodons @bookstodon (79)

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