LukaszHorodecki , to Random stuff Polish avatar

Pierwszy wpis na „silva rerum” w nowym domu – na gościnnych serwerach Fundacji Technologie dla Ludzi @ftdl.

Specjalne podziękowania dla @m0bi13 za pomoc przy przeprowadzce.

ruudNL , to News from fediverse

Zijn er mensen geïnteresseerd om te helpen bij het hosten van onze fediverse instances?

Zoals je wellicht weet, host ik o.a., en nog een dozijn ad=ndere fediverse instances. Ik zou het wel leuk vinden als iemand met dezelfde interesse voor self-hosting en Fediverse, zou willen helpen met uitbreiden, onderhouden en brainstormen over deze platformen. (Ik heb al wel veel hulp op instance niveau)

Oftewel zijn er andere nerds met wat tijd over?

CultureDesk , (edited ) to Eater National avatar

Apparently it's now a thing for dinner party hosts to ask their guests for money to help with groceries. Eater reporter Amy McCarthy says that's not OK, and offers some suggestions for cutting costs if you want to host but can't afford to. What's your experience with this? Pick as many answers as apply and share any fun stories in the comments.

For more stories like this, follow @Eater's @eater-national-Eater Magazine.

EU_Commission , to Random stuff avatar

Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.

We are working on a solution to ensure our continued presence on your feeds, taking full advantage of Mastodon's identity portability.

And we are even growing the team behind our Mastodon presence, increasing efforts to engage with your comments on our posts.

We are fully committed to being a real part of the conversation in the fediverse.

Interested in our next steps? Follow us as we take on this new chapter.

rasos , avatar

@EU_Commission - I helped to set up (Mastodon) and (PeerTube) showcasing European topics in 15 languages (translated at least on the portal page Do not hesitate to get back to @fairkom (or me) if you require professional support for of just for migrating some accounts or video channels.

jkntech , to Privacy avatar

Over the past decade, there's been a big push to put everything on "the Cloud"; essentially outsourcing your IT infrastructure to someone else, and accessing your data and applications remotely. But with data breaches and outages on the rise, is that really the best policy for you?

flora , to Random stuff avatar

is there a hosting provider that offeres managed email, xmpp, and matrix hosting as a single bundle?

chris , to Random stuff avatar

True or False Mastodon Hosting Question that I'm looking for a definitive answer on?
If you already have a personal website at say:
Then it is not possible to create a Mastodon server where your address would be:
@ john @


Mastodon is often compared to email, but if the above is correct, as I suspect it is because Mastodon is effectively a website, then this is important.

(Spaces added so it doesn't go somewhere unintentional :))

stefan , avatar

@chris Sorry, I haven't really looked at the hosting providers in too much depth, beyond collecting a list here:

danie10 , to Random stuff avatar

High Level Steps to Migrate my Docker Hosting to a Different Hosting Service

The planning took a lot longer than the actual move time, and the downtime for my main blog was really only around 10 minutes. But this has inspired me to also document some of the steps I took for my own future reference. Also, many videos and guid ...continues


thomas , to Random stuff avatar

Are there already elegant solutions for distributing Let's Encrypt certificates to multiple hosts?

Of course, you can have each host request certificates individually, but then you run into ACME API limits at Let's Encrypt relatively quickly, depending on the number of hosts and simultaneous accesses.

I do not want to have to fiddle around.

stefanlaser , to sts group avatar
gunnarsson , to Random stuff Swedish avatar

I was surprised to discover that the DigitalOcean apps platform, through its use of Cloudflare CDN, injects a JavaScript file into my HTML pages. The script is small and hides email addresses from address-scraping bots, so intentions are good, but I find it unacceptable for a hosting provider to modify my content at their discretion. I guess I'm getting old.

ted , to Linux German avatar

Software für Web-Gutscheine gesucht.

Hallo in die Weiten des Fediverse,

kennt jemand eine Web-Software, mit der man Gutscheine verwalten kann? Das ganze soll idealerweise OpenSource, für Linux und zum selber Hosten sein. Wenn die Software ein paar Euros (50 .. 100 €) kostet, ist das aber vermutlich auch ok.

Kunde soll per Webformular Gutscheine kaufen, bezahlen, ausdrucken und verschenken können. Der Beschenkte kommt, löst den Gutschein ein und das Personal kann den Gutschein prüfen und damit entwerten.

So mal ganz grob, wie ich mir das Prinzip vorstelle.

Weiß da einer von euch was oder kennt jemanden, der was wissen könnte?

@linux -hosted

BentiGorlich , to Random stuff avatar

I am very happy to say that I moved away from Strato and I will never use them ever again :cookiemon_smile:

deadsuperhero , to Random stuff avatar

Does anyone know of Fediverse-adjacent companies, like home-grown services for hosting and tools and things like that?

Trying to build out a list, but it's kind of a challenging thing to search for online. Ideally, they should be things developed by members of the Fediverse, but that's not necessarily a requirement.

stefan , avatar
appzer0 , to Random stuff French avatar
otwartezrodlo , to Random stuff Polish avatar

Prośba o poradę. Zdezaktualizował nam się certyfikat SSL na naszej stronie Co robić?

Pewnie trzeba wykupić certyfikat. Tylko: u kogo to trzeba zrobić? Tam gdzie jest domena? Czy tam gdzie jest hosting? (To dwa różne miejsca, dwie różne firmy).

Inna sprawa: nie rozumiem, dlaczego ten certyfikat zdezaktualizował się własnie teraz. Sprawdzałem w historii płatności w obydwu miejscach (u rejestratora domeny i u hostingu) i wcześniej nie płaciłem za certyfikat. A był. A teraz nie ma. Jak to działa?

Inna sprawa: czy jeśli kupię certyfikat SSL to będzie on działał tylko na główną stronę internetową czy na inne usługi też? (np. na e-mail, na SSH, na poddomeny)

EwanCroft , to Random stuff avatar

Because I’m planning on eventually migrating to my own single-user Fediverse instance, what should I use for hosting? How easy is self-hosting?

Resister , to socialwork group avatar

Instance update:

Radical.Social.Work will be moving to a more powerful server! 🥳

There may be some downtime as we make the transition.

I will let you know when to expect this shift and approximate estimation of when we hope to be back up.

Super excited to have additional space to grow this community!


elijah , to Random stuff avatar

Is there a place or hashtag where mastodon / fediverse admins, hosters, hackers, and/or devs hang out?

tunda , to Random stuff German avatar

Über diesen Weg suche ein professionellen Hoster, der Nextcloudinstanzen hostet.

Nicht für eine Einzelperson, sondern für ein Team von bis zu 10 Leuten.

Ja, ich könnte es selber hosten, aber wir sind bereit ein bisschen was für den Service, Hosting+Maintenance+Backup zu bezahlen. (Wir haben nicht die Geldscheiße)

Hat da jemand ein Tipp?

fitheach , to Linux avatar

I've taken out a VPS from Ionos (formerly 1and1). It has 1 vCore, 1 GB RAM, 10GB SSD, unlimited traffic, root access, and a choice of distros, including Debian, Ubuntu & CentOS. Plesk is also offered free, but, I've not used it.

All for the ridiculously cheap price of £1 (£1.20 incl. VAT) per month. At this price it would be rude not to test it, which is what I'm doing.

The spec is limited, but, I can think of hundreds of uses at this price point.

samuel , to Random stuff Swedish avatar

I need help with finding free website hosting. I am writing a blog post about how to get started with a personal blog and a custom domain.

My requriements are:

  • Free
  • Must be able to use a custom domain
  • Does not require git

I have tried codeberg pages, gitlab, github and netlify for static sites and they work for me. But I want it to be easy for people without dev skills.

None of the providers in this article worked:

rabbinathan , to Random stuff avatar

Who pays for ?

This is an older article, but one of the few that I've found discussing the economics of the platform. As it grows, the costs of will, too. Foundations and accounts and hobbyists will survive to a certain capacity.

So what is the breaking point?

Will mastodon become ad supported, with each instance serving mandatory ads to their users?

Will instances become services? How would you keep a from dying immediately as the first to require a subscription? How will you serve users who can't afford to pay?

Will every federated instance receive a per-user stipend from a centralized foundation (Wikipedia survives on donations alone)?

Will the platform require every user to provide some type of distributed processing and storage (is such a thing even feasible)?

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