inautilo , to Random stuff avatar

“The simplicity of HTML and CSS now feels like a radical act. To build a website with just these tools is a small protest against platform capitalism: a way to assert sustainability, independence, longevity.” — Jarrett Fuller

tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

Neue Website: Was tut die EU für mich?

Das Europaparlament zeigt auf einer neuen Website, wie die EU das Leben ihrer Bürgerinnen und Bürger konkret beeinflusst. Das Parlament hofft so auf mehr Interesse und Akzeptanz vor der Europawahl. Ein Website-Check. Von Niklas Bohlen.


evelyn , to Random stuff avatar

Silly question, but I'll ask anyway. 🫣

Is there any danger to visiting a that got hacked?

Didn't click anything. Just went to the website, found some evil with nothing better to do had taken over the site, and immediately closed the browser tab. Anything for me to worry about? 😶🍪

toran , to Random stuff avatar

: Write-Freely is an open source, self hosted blog and journal solution simply built for , by !

I am seriously thinking of using this for my personal ! 🙂


matt , to Random stuff avatar

Finally launched my new

There's still a lot to be done, but I'm really happy with it so far.

A few highlights:

  • built with
  • deployed in image using (total image size <10MB)
  • pre-compressed (br + gzip) files
  • works w/o JS (menu stays open)
  • mobile first w/ progressive enhancement
  • tiny (<4KiB home, <7KiB for blog post) + very fast!
  • perfect score
  • supports dark mode
  • served from my office server
kubikpixel , to Random stuff avatar

«JavaScript Bloat in 2024»
– by @nikitonsky

Fast Internet is not really available these days. Not because of the connection, but because of the excessive data flow and JavaScript application on the pages. In my opinion, this is often too much of a good thing.


Pepijn , to Random stuff avatar

For 21 years I've ran an informative on .

As an "independent source" it was used by politicians, students, and many everyday people alike.

It was used for & , and triggered some inquires where I assisted in shaping national & international political statements. It's been fun & fulfilling 🙂

In today's siloed internet its usefulness is gone. No more days with 5.000 unique visitors & multiple email inquires.

Today is its last day online. 1/2

karen , to Random stuff avatar
puresick , to Non Political Twitter avatar

Somehow it baffles me that

  • Has its SSL certificate issued by Amazon
  • Embeds a sharing snippet to Twitter

Why not get a SSL certificate from an european company?
And why not at least include Mastodon to the sharing snippet if they have their own instance (

Maybe @admin has some insights into this? 🙂

Screenshot showing a highlighted text on, which triggers a sharing popup. The sharing popup includes sharing via eMail or Twitter.

techbites , to Random stuff avatar

Pixelfed offers a decentralized and privacy-focused alternative to centralized photo-sharing platforms. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process to set up Pixelfed on your Ubuntu server, utilizing Caddy as the web server to streamline the installation and configuration. Follow along to create your self-hosted Pixelfed instance and take control of your photo-sharing experience!

  1. A virtual or dedicated server with Public IP

  2. A domain name

  3. Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy LTS

Setting up the server and installing necessary packages:

Login to your server via SSH and follow the steps below to prepare the server for pixelfed installation.

Add Pixelfed user:

For security reasons it’s recommended to run Pixelfed under a dedicated user.


<strong>sudo adduser pixelfed</strong>

When prompted enter a strong password for the user and store it somewhere safe. We’ll need this later. a user on ubuntuAdd this user to sudo group:

<strong>sudo usermod -aG sudo pixelfed</strong>

Also you should add pixelfed to www-data group to avoid file permission related issues. I’ll discuss more about these at the end of this tutorial.

<strong>sudo usermod -aG www-data pixelfed</strong>

Now switch to pixelfed user:

<strong>sudo su - pixelfed</strong>

Note: You have to run the following commands under pixelfed user to avoid any issues.

Install php 8.2 and Setup PHP-FPM:

We’ll use Php 8.2 for this setup. In order to install php 8.2 on Ubuntu you’ll have to add ondrej/php ppa repository. Run the following commands to do this:

<strong>sudo dpkg -l | grep php | tee packages.txt</strong>
<strong>sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php</strong><strong><em> # Press enter when prompted.</em></strong>
<strong>sudo apt update && sudo apt install php8.2-fpm</strong>

Then run this command to update and install necessary packages for Pixelfed:

<strong>sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install ffmpeg redis git libgl-dev gcc libc6-dev libjpeg-dev make optipng pngquant php8.2-xml php8.2-zip php8.2-tokenizer php8.2-redis php8.2-mbstring php8.2-intl php8.2-iconv php8.2-exif php8.2-curl php8.2-ctype -y php8.2-imagick php8.2-gd php8.2-fpm php8.2-bcmath php8.2-mysql</strong> <strong>mariadb-server</strong>

Now go to /etc/php/8.2/fpm/php.ini and make following changes:

post_max_size (default 8M, set it to your desired post size limit)

upload_max_filesize (default 2M, set this = post_max_size)

max_file_uploads (default 20, set this to your desired attachment limit)

max_execution_time (default 30, consider increasing it to 600 or more)

Save the file. Then go to /etc/php/8.2/fpm/pool.d and copy the www.conf folder:

<strong>cp www.conf pixelfed.conf</strong>

Now open pixelfed.conf in the editor and make the following changes :

**[pixelfed] the username of the app-user as the pool name, e.g. pixelfed

user = pixelfed

group = www-data

listen = /var/run/pixelfed.sock

listen.mode = 0660

Install and Setup Caddy:

Simply run this command to install Caddy on your server:

<strong>sudo apt install -y debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https && curl -1sLf '' | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/caddy-stable-archive-keyring.gpg && curl -1sLf '' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-stable.list && sudo apt update && sudo apt install caddy</strong>

After successful installation of Caddy go to the following link and update /etc/caddy/Caddyfile accordingly. Don’t forget to replace with your own domain !


Install Composer:

Install Composer by following this official Installation Guide.

Install Jpegoptim:

Clone the git repo and run the commands one by one:

<strong>git clone</strong>
<strong>cd jpegoptim</strong>
<strong>sudo ./configure</strong>
<strong>make strip</strong>
<strong>sudo make install</strong>

Setup Database:

First, run the post-installation security script:

<strong>sudo mysql_secure_installation</strong>

Now we need to connect to MariaDB to create a user and database for pixelfed:

<strong>sudo mysql</strong>

Create a database

<strong>create database pixelfed;</strong>

Create a user with a strong password

<strong>create user 'pixelfed'@'localhost' identified by 'STRONG_PA</strong>SSWORD';

Grant the new user rights on the database

<strong>grant all privileges on pixelfed. * to 'pixelfed'@'localhost'</strong>
<strong>flush privileges;</strong>

Install Pixelfed:

Go to /var/www/html:

<strong>cd /var/www/html </strong>

If these directories doesn’t exist create them manually:

<strong>sudo mkdir /var/www && sudo mkdir /var/www/html</strong>

Fix permissions and ownership:

<strong>cd /var/www</strong>
<strong>sudo chown -R pixelfed:www-data html/</strong>

Then go to html directory and clone pixelfed repo:

<strong>cd html</strong>
<strong>git clone -b dev . </strong><br></br>

Fix Permissions:

<strong>sudo chown -R pixelfed:www-data .</strong>
<strong>sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} ;</strong>sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} ;

Also make following changes in config/filesystems.php: File and Dir permissions for Pixelfed### Initialize PHP dependencies:

<strong>composer install --no-ansi --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader</strong>

Update the .env configuration file:

First, make a copy of the .env file:

cp .env.example .env

Now make the following changes in .env: Run Installation Tasks:

Generate the secret APP_KEY

php artisan key:generate

Link the storage directory to the app

php artisan storage:link 

Perform database migrations

php artisan migrate --force

Import Cities

php artisan import:cities 

Cache routes and view

php artisan route:cache && php artisan view:cache

Cache Configuration

php artisan config:cache

Set up job queueing using Horizon

php artisan horizon:install && php artisan horizon:publish

Setup Systemd Service:

Create a service file at /etc/systemd/system/pixelfed.service and add the following config:

[Unit]Description=Pixelfed task queueing via Laravel HorizonAfter=network.targetRequires=mariadbRequires=php8.2-fpmRequires=redisRequires=caddy[Service]Type=simpleExecStart=/usr/bin/php/var/www/html/artisan horizonUser=pixelfedRestart=on-failure[Install]

Now enable and start the service:

sudo systemctl enable --now pixelfed && sudo systemctl start pixelfed

Create your first user:

php artisan user:create 

Follow the instructions …. Visit your website …

And you’re ready 😉 enjoy the awesomeness of Pixelfed !

Wanna listen to a song 🎵 ?

Note: This tutorial covered the fundamental steps to get Pixelfed up and running. There are numerous possibilities for customization, expansion, and optimization. Stay tuned for further tutorials on customization options and troubleshooting guides to maximize your Pixelfed experience.

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aardrian , to Random stuff avatar

I recommend not publishing on Medium, for starters.

Full disclosure, I opened the article to see if its 2024 recommendations were the same as the 2004 or 2014 recommendations (headings, alt text, contrast, etc.) but now I cannot be sure what new insights it contains.

Only one sentence is visible (“I recommend the MDN Docs tutorial for HTML for starters”) before it fades into the Medium overlay requiring you to create an account to read the rest.

NatureMC , avatar

@aardrian @writers 2/2 My conclusion is always the same: My is the most : I own and manage my data myself. My normal provider is cheaper than any platform. I can make WordPress newsletter-capable with a plug-in, integrate it into Fediverse and implement payment systems. All traffic comes to me, not to external companies. Addresses are not lost. Disadvantage: Because I'm not famous, I have to attract readers myself. But I also have to do that on platforms!

paco , to Random stuff avatar

Anybody have some simple recommendation for adding content to a static HTML site? I want to incorporate a live element that follows a certain hashtag. I have a couple ways I can do this:

  1. I can periodically run a program that does stuff, generates HTML, and publishes a new version of my static page. (e.g., every 5 minutes)
  2. I could incorporate some kind of element so that the browser does the pull, but it needs to pull a feed off some server, right?

Anybody have any ideas?

18+ kiranc , to Random stuff avatar

I have a question regarding a semantic HTML construct, and I'd like to know what the current consensus is (if there is one). So here goes:

Should navigation links be placed in an unordered list in a <nav>?

The spec doesn't recommend anything, but examples from MDN ( and WHATWG ( consistently use lists unless the contents are written in prose. Is this still the preference more broadly?

I have some other questions in this area. Safari removes list semantics if you remove the bullets (with exceptions, such as if the list is a child of "nav"), due to alleged "list-itis". At what point do lists become inappropriate? If I have a list of blog posts, and I format them as cards, with a heading, publish date, summary, and an image, is that too much content for each <li>?

Also, MDN and WHATWG point out not all links should be contained in navs (such as footer links), and "nav" should instead signal major blocks of navigation links. Would my prior example of a list of blog posts count as a major block? Should I enclose my list of blog posts in a nav? Does that extend to all section, category, and tag pages listing pages in that section/category/tag?

Feel free to respond if you have opinions, but keep it civil, and boosts are appreciated.

metin , to Firefox avatar

Good article about private browsers to switch to, now that Google is going to annoy us by preventing ad blockers in Chrome:


LaurentiusFisch , to bookstodon group German avatar

Wenn man nach 3 Wochen herausfindet, dass die Links auf der Webseite gar nicht funktionieren ...


SirTapTap , to Twitch avatar

Who's got a and does streams?

I've tried and failed to find a simple, lightweight, ideally quick-to-update widget or whatever to let people know I'm live on youtube.

On Twitch there's lots of options but I don't like Twitch and rarely stream there.

I'm testing just embedding the whole-ass youtube 'waiting room' and seeing how it works, but it's definitely heavy.

Really just need like, a little "🔴Live! click here" widget

metafilter , to Random stuff avatar

Prepare yourself, we're about to toot the horn of MetaFilter!

Mecran01 has shared a post from someone who joined MetaFilter in the early 2000s and grew up reading the site. It's a reflection on themselves, and the site, through changing times personally and on the internet.

arielkroon , to ScienceFiction group avatar

Recently updated the page on my which has a rundown of my involvement with it and where I'm coming from. Not sure if I shared it here before, but it's taking shape into a I like.

@academicchatter @sciencefiction @hydroponictrash @joey @solarpunkcast

arielkroon , to ScienceFiction group avatar

Recently updated the page on my which has a rundown of my involvement with it and where I'm coming from. Not sure if I shared it here before, but it's taking shape into a I like.

@academicchatter @sciencefiction @hydroponictrash @joey @solarpunkcast

bjchan , to Photography avatar

we agree all things online are at our fingertips by now. but sometimes it still takes to the other side of in real only to discover a , and the behind it. this just happened to me. so here i would like to invite you to experience his & yourself… at

samuel , to Random stuff Swedish avatar

I need help with finding free website hosting. I am writing a blog post about how to get started with a personal blog and a custom domain.

My requriements are:

  • Free
  • Must be able to use a custom domain
  • Does not require git

I have tried codeberg pages, gitlab, github and netlify for static sites and they work for me. But I want it to be easy for people without dev skills.

None of the providers in this article worked:

alis , to Random stuff avatar

So it’s only been like five years, but I finally updated my author site, mostly by moving it entirely off my blog. It also now contains online uploads of both Liesmith and The Dragon of Rosemont High, for your reading pleasure.

Landing page? Done. Author page? Done . . . Now the hard part, i.e. moving this blog off a “corporate” WordPress theme and back onto something custom-written . . .


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