@altlife@me.dm cover
@altlife@me.dm avatar



35 | She/her/hers | Indian | Aspiring Eternal Optimist | Be Kind | Remain Happy
PS: Please don't use my photographs without permission. 🙏🏼

Header: Lend yourself to others, but give yourself to yourself. Quote by Michel de Montaigne

Avatar: A girl with her dear teacher smiling at you. I am the girl. 🤭

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altlife , to Random stuff
@altlife@me.dm avatar

आँखें करती है बया दिल की तमन्नाएं सारी
हर बार नहीं जज़्बात मोहताज़ होते है अल्फ़ाज़ों के
खुद को दर्द में सभी पाते हैं दर्द में खुद को कोई एक अकेला
ऐसे तोह कितना आसान होता कि हर लिखने वाला शायर होता

altlife OP ,
@altlife@me.dm avatar

@quoidian haha no wrote something in Hindi. :) Meaning would get lost in translation so didn't translate/write in English. :)

altlife OP ,
@altlife@me.dm avatar

@juergen_hubert @quoidian I did not know that. Thank you for explaining. I changed it to Hindi. :) I hope it helps and I'll keep it in mind for future such posts. It's a very cool feature.

altlife OP ,
@altlife@me.dm avatar

@juergen_hubert @quoidian 💯🙏🏼🪷

altlife , to Photography
@altlife@me.dm avatar
w7voa , (edited ) to Random stuff
@w7voa@journa.host avatar

India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, says he has spoken with Russian President Vladimir Putin and congratulated him on his re-election, adding that the two leaders “agreed to work together to further deepen and expand India-Russia Special & Privileged Strategic Partnership in the years ahead.”

altlife ,
@altlife@me.dm avatar

@w7voa His name is Narendra Modi.

altlife , to Random stuff
@altlife@me.dm avatar

Day 163.

Israel has killed over 13,000 children in Gaza since
October 7, acc to UNICEF. The agency added that many children are so malnourished they do not
"even have the energy to cry."
"There are thousands more injured, or we don't even
know where they are. They might be trapped
beneath debris," - UNICEF Executive Director
Catherine Russell added.


Gargron , to Random stuff
@Gargron@mastodon.social avatar

Today it’s been one year since we got married! I’m a very lucky guy 🙂

altlife ,
@altlife@me.dm avatar

@Gargron congratulations! 💐

Gargron , to Random stuff
@Gargron@mastodon.social avatar

Oh, today is my 8th anniversary of working on Mastodon. I was 23 when I started, finishing my last year of university, still living at my parent's place. I had no idea what I was getting myself into or that it would consume the next 8 years of my life almost completely.

altlife ,
@altlife@me.dm avatar

@Gargron Thank you for creating our digital good place! 🙏🏼🪷

altlife , to Random stuff
@altlife@me.dm avatar

In my teenage years I was often told, if I continue to have antipatriarchal views in life, I'll end up as an old single woman with a cat. I'd get offended with the idea of it & continued to waste my time on such inane debates. Speaking from experience, it's the best thing that can happen to you. If anyone says that to you, thank that person profusely for you've been blessed. Who wouldn't want to spend an eternity with 🐈‍⬛️🐕?? Happiness is being with your furry companions.

altlife OP ,
@altlife@me.dm avatar

@BackFromTheDud I don't get it. 🤷🏻‍♀️

altlife OP ,
@altlife@me.dm avatar

@BackFromTheDud hahaha. My Zuri when she goes for sunbathing used to bring such presents for me at times. I've often lectured her on not killing squirrels but she doesn't care obviously. She continues to kick them around long after their spirit has left. Poor 🐿

altlife OP ,
@altlife@me.dm avatar

@wmd 🤭🤭

altlife OP ,
@altlife@me.dm avatar

@wmd laughing because I remembered the hindi words for witch are chudail or daayan, which are commonly used as abusive terms. But often they allude to women who are independent or free spirited. Nothing to do with magic or witchcraft as is almost always the case. The worst of Hindi abuses focus on demeaning the female figure associated with the man getting abused. Pity the pariarchs for the lack of originality. I've an excellent list of gender neutral abuses if they're looking for ideas. 🤭

altlife OP ,
@altlife@me.dm avatar
altlife OP ,
@altlife@me.dm avatar
altlife OP ,
@altlife@me.dm avatar
mondoweiss , to israel group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

Israeli soldiers have photographed themselves posing with the lingerie of Palestinian women they have displaced or killed in Gaza. They join a long line of conquest images, from Abu Ghraib images to the spectacle of Jim Crow-era lynchings.


@palestine @israel

altlife ,
@altlife@me.dm avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel Such mind numbing depravity. Sick of watching people lose a little more of their humanity each day.

altlife , to Random stuff
@altlife@me.dm avatar

Officer Daniel Auderer, who laughed & downplayed Kandula’s death, suggesting that she had “limited value” and that the city should “just write a check.”

Putra shokam nirantaram.

No amount of money will bring peace to Jaahnavi's parents who will spend rest of their lives grieving. There's no pain greater than losing your children then to remember the culprit who not only killed but treated her like a minor inconvenience is appalling. No child or parents deserve this. 💔


altlife , to Random stuff
@altlife@me.dm avatar

It is impossible to build one's own happiness on the unhappiness of others.
If we say nothing about Israel’s brazen slaughter of Palestinians, even as it is livestreamed into the most private recesses of our personal lives, we are complicit in it.
Israel is committing crimes against humanity. The unconscionable slaughter of civilians by Hamas as well as by Israel, are a consequence of the siege and occupation.

The world must intervene.
Day 136.

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  • altlife , to India
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    Kalpana Chawla in her short life span of only 40 years taught children especially girls to dream, to believe, to have faith & to toil to make one's dream come alive. She made true the adage that "Nothing is Impossible" to achieve if you strive towards it with complete sincerity, compassion & discipline. Kalpana Chawla and her fellow crew members finally became one with the stars shining brightly in the vastness up above.

    Kalpana Chawla's call from space with then PM of India, IK Gujral from.

    GossiTheDog , to Random stuff
    @GossiTheDog@cyberplace.social avatar
    altlife ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @GossiTheDog why would anyone make their cat smoke cigarettes? It's sad and disgusting. 💔

    altlife , to Random stuff
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    Good Morning to everyone except those who continue to defend/endorse genocidal assault in Gaza.
    To the enablers of genocide, may Tyrion Lannister's curse come true for you.
    'A day will come when you think you are safe and happy, and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth.'

    Day 116.

    altlife , to Random stuff
    @altlife@me.dm avatar
    appassionato , to palestine group
    @appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

    Journalists killed since the start of the war

    The list does not include the members of their families.


    altlife ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @appassionato @palestine Heartbreaking.

    altlife , to Photography
    @altlife@me.dm avatar
    davidho , (edited ) to Random stuff
    @davidho@mastodon.world avatar

    Did I do this right?

    altlife ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @davidho 🤭

    appassionato , to India
    @appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

    Indian soldiers march during the full-dress rehearsal for the Republic Day parade in New Delhi, India. REUTERS/Altaf Hussain


    altlife ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @appassionato @photography watching republic day parade is a tradition. Looking forward to it already!

    w7voa , to Random stuff
    @w7voa@journa.host avatar

    First day on campus as an adjunct assistant professor to teach a multimedia journalism course.

    altlife ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @w7voa all the best! 🪷🙌🏻

    Green_Footballs , to Random stuff
    @Green_Footballs@mastodon.social avatar
    altlife ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @Green_Footballs 🤭😂

    altlife , to Photography
    @altlife@me.dm avatar
    altlife OP ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @juergen_hubert how nice. I love 🦚🦚

    juergen_hubert , to Random stuff
    @juergen_hubert@thefolklore.cafe avatar
    altlife ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @juergen_hubert 🙌🏻👏🏼

    altlife , to Photography
    @altlife@me.dm avatar
    altlife , to Random stuff
    @altlife@me.dm avatar
    altlife OP ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @juergen_hubert maybe you are meant to revisit them again and its not yet a goodbye. :)

    altlife OP ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @juergen_hubert that's lovely. Is it available in English also? I would love to read German folktales! I've also written a children's story for my niece. If you're interested in reading, I would be happy to share.
    One of my favorite authors is German. Herman Hesse. I think I've read most of his writings. :)

    altlife OP ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @juergen_hubert thank you I'll check them out.

    Happy reading. :)

    altlife , to Random stuff
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    Hello world!

    My name is Priyanka Singh. Born in New Delhi, India, I've been traveling since past few years to continue my learnings about life. Academically I did my postgraduation in literature and worked for a decade in publishing. I also worked in a non profit for a few years and this year I intend to start a free progress school in my parent's village in Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand. I'm looking to connect with people ideating innovation in education. Thank you for reading. 🪷

    altlife OP ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @juergen_hubert 🙏🏼 Thank you.

    altlife OP ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @appassionato @bookstodon Thank you for sharing these. I'm not looking for literature. I'm looking for people working in the field, experiential schools or individuals exploring alternate modes of education.

    altlife OP ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @realn2s @appassionato @bookstodon Thanks Cladius. I've a few German friends here who can help translate. Appreciate it. 🙏🏼

    ArtBear , to Random stuff
    @ArtBear@catodon.social avatar

    Making sausage sandwiches! I'm like a trailblazing culinary genius with this amazing idea I invented!!

    I will say I really like the Linda McCartney Red Onion & Rosemary bangers. Proper tasty!

    altlife ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @ArtBear @vegan @cooking @wfpb @vegancooking @cooking @plantbased You named all my favorite things to make 🤭

    litteracarolina , to histodons group
    @litteracarolina@mastodon.online avatar

    One of my students wants to do a project on word separation in manuscripts. The project is very interesting, but unfortunately I have no experience with any Indian languages/scripts. Can anyone recommend

    a) a database of transcribed (not transliterated) Sanskrit texts;


    b) a palaeographical manual for Sanskrit?


    altlife ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @litteracarolina @histodons Hello do you still need help with this?

    altlife ,
    @altlife@me.dm avatar

    @litteracarolina @histodons please send your email.

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