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Green_Footballs , to Random stuff avatar

On his garbage website, Trump just effusively thanked Supreme Court extremist Samuel Alito for refusing to recuse himself from January 6 cases.

The corruption is right out in the open.

gentrifiedrose ,

@Green_Footballs yeah white men within the ruling class have consolidated power, there is literally nothing we can do short of mass starvation for the cause to distrupt their control. We can do it but obviously we're fighting a class that has no conscience.

eff , to Random stuff avatar

Using Tor on your phone is a simple way to browse the web anonymously without deep technical knowledge. Here's how to get it working on Android and iPhone.

gentrifiedrose ,

@eff I don't believe there is anything private anymore. The CIA runs so many nodes that it's almost useless.

dangillmor , to Random stuff avatar

It boggles my mind that the Washington Post knew about the insurrectionist flag at the residence of a Supreme Court "Justice" at the time it was flown -- but didn't tell the public what it knew until years later, the NY Times did report it.

Journalistic malpractice is putting it mildly.

gentrifiedrose ,

@dangillmor RW billionaires own all media

w7voa , to Random stuff avatar

(AP) — Former President Donald Trump, at his rally this week in the Bronx, invited two rappers on stage who have been charged in a sweeping gang case, with one of them facing attempted murder charges.

gentrifiedrose ,

@w7voa He loves murder more than he hates black people

GossiTheDog , to Random stuff avatar

"Nobody uses Mastodon"


gentrifiedrose ,

@GossiTheDog I've never used mastadon

parismarx , to Random stuff avatar

African AI workers, mostly from Kenya, released an open letter to Joe Biden this week asking him stop US tech companies from “systemically abusing and exploiting African workers” and to end the “modern day slavery” they’re subjected to.

gentrifiedrose ,

@parismarx Imperialism, as long as men have power the rape and pillaging will only get worse.

w7voa , to Random stuff avatar

NY Times - Last summer, two years after an upside-down American flag was flown outside the Virginia home of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., another provocative symbol was displayed at his vacation house in New Jersey.

gentrifiedrose ,

@w7voa If a justice makes enough money to fly a flag upsidedown and own a beach house, they're not going to practice law wisely or adjudicate with compassion.

malwaretech , (edited ) to Random stuff avatar

After posting on LinkedIn about resigning from my job due to burnout, I learned that the most common response to hearing that someone is experiencing burnout is to DM them an ask if they'll contribute their newly acquired free time to your project or organization for free 🥴

gentrifiedrose ,

@malwaretech That doesn't sound promising

parismarx , to Random stuff avatar

“I have seen the extremely restrictive off-boarding agreement that contains nondisclosure and non-disparagement provisions former OpenAI employees are subject to. It forbids them, for the rest of their lives, from criticizing their former employer.”

#openai #tech #ai

gentrifiedrose ,

@parismarx If anyone sexually harasses you, by law they cannot gag you so go ahead and disparage them if they do

michelemccarthy , to Random stuff avatar

scary lawyerguy:

Of the many double standards employed by the media, Biden needing every speech to be some combination of Lincoln and Cicero while Trump's public appearances are 90 minutes of word salad, non sequiturs, and dictatorial musings that get no push back, is among the worst.

gentrifiedrose ,

@michelemccarthy They're both terrible public speakers and weren't great in school. Very mediocre. You don't have to be great but I'd never suspect we'd lower the bar to the point where we'd be debating over an orange predator and genocidal president who can scarcely string a sentence together.

themaskerscomic , to Random stuff avatar

I'm especially annoyed today. Like both from people who think surgical masks are what to wear for Covid (when we know you need respirators like n95/ kf95/ kn95 or higher,) and also angered by people who want to ban masks for identity issues like NC. But maybe the combined ignorance will just result in surgical masks being banned and actual respirators being used instead? Either way the ignorance is killing me. Just wear an n95 and let others do the same. We are trying to protect each other.

gentrifiedrose ,

@themaskerscomic Mask deniers: I will sue my surgeon if he doesn't wear a mask and I become disabled. How so? 😂

rbreich , to Random stuff avatar

Half of Amazon warehouse workers struggle with food and housing costs.

A third of the workers have had to rely on at least one government assistance program.

Amazon's stock hit an all time high in April. Jeff Bezos is now worth $203 billion.

This is what oligarchy looks like.

gentrifiedrose ,

@rbreich we had an oligarchy decades ago, this is just straight fascism

susurros , to palestine group avatar

More "insubordination" in the face of genocide!

"The president of Sonoma State University was placed on leave Wednesday, a day after he released a controversial campuswide message on the Israel-Hamas war that said the university would pursue 'divestment strategies' and endorsed an academic boycott of Israeli universities.

"California State University Chancellor Mildred García announced the decision in a statement posted to the CSU website, saying that Sonoma State President Mike Lee was taken off the job for his 'insubordination' in making the statement without 'appropriate approvals.'"


gentrifiedrose ,

@susurros @palestine The ordinary hero's among us

luckytran , to Random stuff avatar
gentrifiedrose ,

@luckytran corporations deliberately poisoning consumers. And then providing a biohazard weapon which these people use to infect others.

malwaretech , to Random stuff avatar

Bruh. I just want a nice luxury EV that doesn't fund the world's most obnoxious man baby and his awful social media platform. If you're gonna lock BYD out of the US market, at least ask one of the US manufactures to make some good cars first.

gentrifiedrose ,

@malwaretech Elon's piece of shit cars are killing people. Hes not building more ports. Repairs take 2-3 months. Why is Biden supporting this cretin?

gentrifiedrose , to Random stuff

McKenzie Scott is no philanthropist. Her wealth grows at a rate so fast she could never give it away fast enough. For tax purposes and her image she has to give it away. But once you exceed several million, you can live off the interest due to the financial system benefiting the wealthy. You can make up to $30k a month just off of interest on 3 million. Most people have little comprehension of what a crime it is to be wealthy.

luckytran , to Random stuff avatar

This North Carolina bill is ridiculous. It justifies punishing protestors for blocking emergency vehicles, yet bans wearing masks for health reasons. This bill is dangerously anti-public health and restricts people's ability to protest and exercise their First Amendment rights.

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  • gentrifiedrose ,

    @luckytran Someone working with small particles that could affect breathing can wear masks but we're not allowed to wear masks due to viruses that have killed millions.

    lowqualityfacts , to Random stuff avatar

    Journalists: The student protestors appear to be college-aged individuals. Most of them are wearing Columbia sweatshirts. They're carrying overpriced textbooks. We have verified that they are enrolled in classes and are paying tuition to the university.

    NYPD: Wow these Antifa agitators are using alarmingly advanced infiltration tactics.

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @lowqualityfacts They got into an Ivy League school only to one day protest genocide?? Brilliant minds to predict their future and college activities 😂

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @lowqualityfacts And guess what? They plan to graduate and pursue careers that are within their majors. THE LONG CON.

    rbreich , to Random stuff avatar

    You know something has gone terribly wrong when 94% of teachers have to dip into their own pockets to buy school supplies while the average Wall Street employee gets a bonus of $176,500. Hello?

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @rbreich I think the CEO of my company received a bonus of $60k a month.

    molly0xfff , to Random stuff avatar

    If you've ever found yourself missing the "good old days" of the , what is it that you miss? (Interpret "it" broadly: specific websites? types of activities? feelings? etc.) And approximately when were those good old days?

    No wrong answers — I'm working on an article and wanted to get some outside thoughts.

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @molly0xfff The ads and marketing alone make the internet not just dangerous but frought with privacy violations that I didn't see coming. I don't want anyone to know what i'm looking at for the sole reason that I once enjoyed privacy.

    VPS_Reports , to Random stuff avatar

    IDENTIFIED: Meet racist Zionist provocateur David Kaminsky, who attacked and spat on pro-Palestine protesters at the UCLA student encampment. Kaminsky is openly boasting about his hate crime on social media.

    IDENTIFIED: Meet racist Zionist provocateur David Kaminsky, who attacked and spat on pro-Palestine protesters at the UCLA student encampment. Kaminsky is openly boasting about his hate crime on social media.

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @VPS_Reports Keep ur head straight, do not get distracted. Black protestors practiced being spit on and insulted in order to have the training necessary to gain freedom. We can do this. We can survive and win despite abuse. But not without therapy and support. During the protest, keep that energy, its only temporary. The goal is so close.

    igd_news , to Random stuff avatar

    Politicians from both ruling parties are comparing anti-war protesters on school campuses to the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville and some are even calling for the National Guard to be used against them on campus.

    These are calculated attacks designed to dehumanize human beings in the eyes of the public, attack solidarity, and grease the wheels of repression. These calls for systematic state violence echo the attacks against anti-war, divestment, and anti-apartheid protesters in the 1960s and 1980s.

    Solidarity is our weapon. Use it.

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @igd_news The military has always been used against the working class fighting for their rights.

    JeremyMallin , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

    I originally thought the hashtag ActuallyAutistic was specifically that in part because many of us (as I do) overuse the word "actually".—I learned a long time ago its true origin and meaning though.

    I was curious (and still am) what other words we tend to overuse. For me I've come up with these so far:

    • actually
    • indeed
    • fascinating
    • interesting

    Are there any other common ones?

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @JoBlakely @punishmenthurts @JeremyMallin @actuallyautistic Guess why so many white people want guns and limit gun control when they are the ones doing all of the shooting. When you do wrong things, paranoia is the price you pay.

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @ScottSoCal @JoBlakely @punishmenthurts @JeremyMallin @actuallyautistic When it didn't work they removed the right to own guns for felons and turned black men into felons.

    w7voa , to Random stuff avatar

    "I serve with some real scumbags. Matt Gaetz, he paid minors to have sex with him at drug parties. Bob Good endorsed my opponent, a known neo-Nazi. These people used to walk around with white hoods at night. Now they’re walking around with white hoods in the daytime.” - Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) on CNN today

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @w7voa Its always about rape. When I was first homeless after rape, it took about 5+ years to understand that this was state violence and all money can be traced to rape, not drugs. Drugs are the accessory to wealthy, rape is the destination. Money just buys it and also buys impunity and elaborate covers.

    rbreich , to Random stuff avatar

    In 2025:

    The top 1% will get an average tax cut of $60,000+

    The bottom 60% will get an average tax cut of

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @rbreich My friends father paid so little taxes that he financed her home in a major city.

    rbreich , to Random stuff avatar

    Ginni Thomas was directly involved in efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

    Yet Clarence Thomas didn't recuse himself from arguments today in a case about the January 6 insurrection.

    How is this not a scandal of epic proportions?

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @rbreich Supreme court judges are permitted to commit sedition.

    GossiTheDog , to Random stuff avatar

    AI Tech Bros are VERY UPSET that reviewers are REVIEWING PRODUCTS

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @GossiTheDog A brother gets a little power with well thought out reviews and white boi's are mad.

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @GossiTheDog I'd also like to ironically tell the dude about all the time white bruh's were literally killing us, raping, keeping us in poverty and making us homeless by fucking iwth our careers when we were good at it so....your turn!

    pathfinder , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar


    I once wrote about how it was not unrealistic, to think that there was no such thing as an un-traumatised autistic. About how so many of us have known bullying and persecution simply for being different. Not even always for what we may have said or done, but often for simply standing out; in all the ways that we didn't even know we were. How just simply being, was so often an excuse to be attacked or punished. That our very existence, even as hard as we tried to mask, whether we knew that was what we were doing or not, was the cause of so much pain.

    All the scars we carry from misreading situations. Or from believing in something, or someone, and being burnt as a consequence. All the times we've tried to stand up for ourselves, or as often as not for others, and been dismissed and ridiculed. All the misjudgements and disbelieve and times when our intent and purpose have been seen in the ways that were never, ever, meant. The sheer inability for others to see us as we are, or to judge us accordingly. But, always to seem to want to see the worst and to base everything else on that.

    But the more I learn and understand about being autistic. The more I realise that so much of my trauma and the scars that were left, came not just from this overt pain, but from the covert well-meaning of others as well. From my parents and relatives, from friends and teachers. From all the advice and instruction I have received over the years that was meant to shape me in the right way. As a child, to teach me how to grow up, how to behave and act. What was expected and what wasn't. And then, as an adult, how I was supposed to be and how a successful life, with me in it, was supposed to look. All the rules I was supposed to learn, all the codes I was supposed to follow. How to act, how to speak, what to feel, when to feel it. What I was supposed to do and how I was supposed to be.

    Not in any unusual way. Not in any way that you weren't supposed to raise a child, well a normal child anyway. That's what makes this so covert. If you were trying to do this to a child knowing that they were autistic, then it's overt abuse. It is ABA, it is infantilising and punishing a child for always failing to become something, that they had no more chance of becoming than a cat has of becoming a dog. But for those of us who didn't know we were autistic. It was simply the constant hammering of the world trying, without even realising it, to fit a round peg into a square hole and all the pain and disappointment that came from their failure to come even close.

    For me, what made this worse, was that it wasn't as if I didn't know that I was different, not in my heart, but that I thought that I shouldn't be. That I should be able to learn what I was being taught, that I should be able to follow the guidance. That I wasn't any different really from anyone else and so if I failed to act in the right way, or react the way I should, for that matter, then it was my fault. All the patient sighs and familiar looks, simply became just another reinforcement of my failure. Even being told off for the simplest things, became a reminder that something that I should have been able to do, was beyond me and always for the only reason that ever made any sense; that I was broken, that it was my fault somehow.

    Is it any wonder that so much of my life has been about trying to justify myself in the light of this, of trying to become that "good dog". Of judging myself against an impossible standard. A constant lurching from one bad to choice to another, and always because I thought they were the right ones. And for each new failure and inability to even come close, another scar, another reminder of what I wasn't. Further proof that my self-esteem was right to be so low. Of how I was such a failure and a bad person. That I was never going to be a proper son or brother or friend. Because I couldn't even be what I was supposed to be, let alone what I should become.

    Looking back, I can't help thinking about how much of my life I spent living this way; of trying not to repeat the sins of my past. Of not repeating the actions or behaviour that led to those past failures and trauma. Of, in fact, all the effort I put in to not being myself. Because that, I realise now, was what I was trying to do. I was that round peg and trying to hammer myself into the square hole. Because everything I had learnt had taught me to think that this was how I had to be. That this was how you grew. And in so many ways, I can't help feeling angry about this. About the wasted years, about the scars I carry that were never my fault. About the way I was brought up, even though none of it was ever meant, but only ever well-meant.

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @jrdepriest @pathfinder @actuallyautistic I feel exactly the same way. And because of poverty I have to perform femininity.

    w7voa , to Random stuff avatar

    A former Dallas anesthesiologist is facing up to life in prison after being found guilty today by a federal jury on 10 counts of tampering with IV bags and the adulteration of drugs.

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @w7voa That's rare, usually the state goes out of its way to preserve the privileges of the privileged. That's almost always why there are two realities, one for the POC and working class and another for the rest of society. I have seen professional after professional get promoted for this kind of behavior.

    TechConnectify , (edited ) to Random stuff avatar


    No thought is ever complete. There will always be holes to fill!


    If someone has said something which you largely agree with, especially if what they said aligns with your understanding of and goals towards an issue, then the LAST thing they need from you is someone playing devil's advocate. Nitpicking is annoying at best and, in a world where people are looking to drive wedges between allies, dangerous at worst.


    gentrifiedrose ,

    @TechConnectify the devils advocate is always an asshole move

    rbreich , to Random stuff avatar

    Billionaires who condemned Trump are now flocking to his campaign.

    It’s obvious why.

    Biden wants a 25% tax on billionaires.

    Trump wants to double down on tax cuts for the rich.

    All they care about is lining their own pockets no matter the cost to everyone else.

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @rbreich Democrat and republican is resources strategy. It has nothing to do with personal beliefs.

    rbreich , to Random stuff avatar

    The top 0.1% of Americans control $20 trillion in wealth.

    The bottom 50% control $3.7 trillion in wealth.

    Read that back.

    Folks, this is what oligarchy looks like.

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @rbreich We voted for it. And now 60% of the US lives in poverty or paycheck to paycheck with little access to medical care.

    rbreich , to Random stuff avatar

    If the Kroger-Albertsons merger goes through, that combined company + Walmart would control 70% of the grocery market in over 160 cities.

    Think grocery prices are bad now?

    Without competition, it would be a price gouging free-for-all.

    This is why the FTC is suing to stop it.

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @rbreich Grocery stores are racist too. They charge more in poor areas if they exist at all. Small and large grocery stores have physically attacked me, accusing me of stealing. So I can only imagine how many politicians and police they will own after the merger. And how little they will pay employees.

    rbreich , to Random stuff avatar

    Researchers estimate that if the top 1% of Americans paid the full amount of taxes they owed, it would raise $175 billion a year.

    That’s just UNPAID taxes. Not new or higher taxes.

    How about we make them pay their fair share and use the money to invest in the American people?

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @rbreich Doesnt the vast majority go to defense. They've gutted social services, education, infrastructure....

    mastodonmigration , to Random stuff avatar

    The story today is "stochastic terrorism." Not "increasingly caustic and personal attacks" as the New York Times frames the issue.

    What is stochastic violence?

    How Stochastic Terrorism Uses Disgust to Incite Violence >>>

    "Dehumanizing and vilifying a person or group of people can provoke... stochastic terrorism, in which ideologically driven hate speech increases the likelihood that people will violently and unpredictably attack the targets..."

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @mastodonmigration Humans are naturally violent and certain populations are far more predictably violent. It doesn't take a lot to invoke their rage and fear.

    MeanwhileinCanada , to Random stuff avatar

    Bravo to this pet store. So many bunnies end up being sent to the Humane Society after a few months.

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @MeanwhileinCanada Humans are horrible in every way, hundreds of millions of animals are killed because of us

    TheConversationUS , to Random stuff avatar

    The price of asthma medication has soared in the U.S. over the past decade and a half.

    The pharmaceutical company Teva sells QVAR RediHaler, a corticosteroid inhaler, for $286 in the U.S.

    In Germany, Teva sells that same inhaler for $9.

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @TheConversationUS Patients call us all the time for a different prescription when they find out the inhaler is not often covered by insurance. We write scripts for rescue inhalers so insurance will cover a second one for work or school. Its so evil.

    gentrifiedrose , to Privacy

    If anyone doesn't know this. You can schedule your posts to be deleted at set intervals. Social media brings the worst out in us and if you're like me its just a shit poster for my agony and deep recesses of dread and doom. There is no need to keep toots for prosperity. Unless you want to.

    rbreich , to Random stuff avatar

    In the past decade, Boeing spent nearly $70 billion on buybacks and dividends while simultaneously cutting corners on production.

    This mindset is all too common in corporate America: Maximize profits and investor returns no matter the cost to everyone else.


    gentrifiedrose ,
    luckytran , to Random stuff avatar

    Anti-maskers: “We should be free to choose to do what we want.”

    Also anti-maskers: “I don’t feel comfortable sitting next to somebody with a mask on.”


    gentrifiedrose ,

    @luckytran Isn't the point of wearing a mask is that you don't know who is and isn't sick?

    hosford42 , to neurodivergence group avatar

    Requirements to put in a job description to discourage or filter out autistic people:

    • Comfortable with ambiguity
    • Strong people skills
    • Good culture fit
    • Multitasking
    • A fast-paced dynamic environment
    • Bachelor's degree or better

    I see these things and think you don't want my >30 years of programming and machine learning experience, or my problem-solving skills and comprehensive knowledge that had people mistaking me for one of the team's PhDs, or my solutions that have proven patent-worthy. Your loss.


    gentrifiedrose ,

    @TanekRune @jcmrva @hosford42 @sentient_water @actuallyautistic @neurodivergence I am trying but one friend is controlling me with her hyper sensitivity and accusations of not being there for her. Shes older than I am, old enough to know you're responsible for yourself and your own feelings. She's burnt me out quicker than anyone else. I follow her rules but I have limitations that deserve consideration too. All I asked is that she tells me what she needs instead of punishing me and accusing me.

    rbreich , to Random stuff avatar

    First it was Boehringer. Now drugmaker AstraZeneca has followed suit by capping out-of-pocket costs for inhalers to $35/mo. That’s down from over $600. But this doesn’t happen by itself.

    It took pressure by lawmakers like Sen. Bernie Sanders and from engaged consumer activists.

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @rbreich Some patients pay $200+ and insurance won't give them an extra one even if they'd die without it. Tell me how and bring out our very best....

    jerry , to Random stuff avatar

    I am counting down the 100 days left till my term as a CISO comes to an end with some humor and wisdom I've picked up over the past 4 years.

    100 days left...

    It can be intimidating to deal with external security researchers that have identified security defects in your products and are looking to gain some PR exposure. The initial response of many companies is to trot out the lawyers with threats of legal action. For the most part, security researchers are reaching out because they want partner with you. They ARE going to write about problems with your products, but you can be seen as embracing the process and using it as an opportunity to improve, or you can be viewed as obstinate and trying to hide your flaws. I've had the opportunity to work with many researchers over the years, and I've found in every single instance, kindness, responsiveness, and just taking their feedback seriously goes a long way.

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @jerry IT bruhs are tricky to deal with. Mess with them and they'll get you back. be nice and they may fuck with you or they may not. But one thing is true, treat all humans as equal and you'd be surprised at how it minimizes your risk. Thats risk management. When I worked in IT, they called me "nice" and it's really offensive lmao. Men who ace risk management and improve morale, decrease legal events are strong tough managers. It sucks to be a woman in a mans job.

    rbreich , (edited ) to Random stuff avatar
    gentrifiedrose ,

    @rbreich People also don't realize that the interest on even 1% of that wealth is thousands of times more than thousands of people could earn in a life time.

    GossiTheDog , to Random stuff avatar

    Huge US healthcare provider Change Healthcare has a “cybersecurity incident” going on for 15 hours and has shut down systems.

    gentrifiedrose ,

    @GossiTheDog What it cost human lives is so much worse.

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