heyfluxay , to Random stuff
@heyfluxay@retro.pizza avatar

Lord trying to browse in a mobile browser is a HORRIBLE experience.

jeckel , to Random stuff French
@jeckel@phpc.social avatar

Is there any maintained activitypub PHP library ? I looked at and which are based on PHP but they both use their own implementation. (Same for wordpress)

m0bi13 , to Random stuff Polish
@m0bi13@pol.social avatar

A to Wy znacie? 😉

kbin Enhancement Suite?

Napisany przez społeczność system rozszerzeń ui /kbin-a działający w przeglądarce z *monkey

Tutaj strona:

A tutaj magazyn z dyskusjami i anonsami:


Kto kbinuje to zalecam zerknąć. Właśnie opublikowano wersję 3.0.0:

testing , to Random stuff

compared to the *keys, kbin articles look so different (=ugly) on ​:mastodon_brand:​ ...

testing OP ,

tbf, kbin has plenty of federation issues itself > but i continue to be impressed by kbin's search function which gives insights into both microblogging fedi and the threadiverse

Melpomene , to Random stuff
@Melpomene@erisly.social avatar

Disappointing is watching literal genocide apologists run rampant all over kbin.social. Not sure if reports are broken or what but nothing has, as of yet been done.

ghose , to Moving to: m/AskMbin! Galician
@ghose@mastodon.gal avatar

hi @AskKbin

please when will you add the languages that are translated in codeberg? thank you

(it's been a while since some of them are 100%, look issues in codeberg)

ThatOneKirbyMain2568 , to /kbin meta
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Made a small update to my userstyle idkbin following the recent update. Colors the user follow & block buttons + some other fixes.

What are your thoughts on Microblogs vs threads? ( kbin.social )

When I first joined Kbin I posted threads due to being a reddit refugee but have started posting microblogs as time went on. I have also noticed some magazines have more threads while others have more microblog posts. For example kbinmeta has more threads while the most active magazine I moderate has mostly microblogs.

/kbin logotype
daredevil , to /kbin meta in What are your thoughts on Microblogs vs threads?
@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, and on has room to grow, I completely agree. While I've tried getting familiar with it in the past, I am by no means an authority on the subject. In fact, this back-and-forth was already helpful for teaching me a bit more. If you feel strongly about this, I might suggest bringing it up here, so that Ernest can look into it when he has time. However, if you'd rather not, then I may find some time to try putting something together later.

testing , to Random stuff

want to try out kbin? just go for it ​:abunhdhappyhop:​

RE: https://kbin.social/m/kbinMeta/t/616639

m0bi13 , to Random stuff Polish
@m0bi13@pol.social avatar

Od dzisiaj mamy na https://bin.pol.social dokładnie tę samą wersję oprogramowania /kbin co na flagowej instancji https://kbin.social

Ostatnie zmiany w projekcie @ernest możecie śledzić na tutaj:


A jest ich sporo 👍

Jeśli potrzebujecie wsparcia w korzystaniu z kbin albo macie do zgłoszenia błędy czy problemy, to niezmiennie zapraszam do pokoju na tutaj:


18+ mstankiewicz , to Random stuff Polish
@mstankiewicz@pol.social avatar

Skoro strzałka w górę na to polubienie na to czym jest strzałka w dół?

PS. Btw moim zdaniem strzałka w górę powinna być udostępnianiem.

m0bi13 , to Random stuff Polish
@m0bi13@pol.social avatar

Siedzę, by zmusić /kbin do pracy na zwykłym hostingu php, nie na vps.

Bo mi się zamarzyła własna jednoosobowa instancja .

Bo bedę miał na nim artykuły w kategoriach (w magazynach /knin, pisane w markdown) jak na blogu, forum w komentarzach (z możliwością odpisania) i zwykłe tootki jak na masto. No i linki do artykułów jak na szmerze.

We własnej domenie.

W wolnej chwili może pogrzebię w templatce, choć "Tokyo by night" bardzo mi sie podoba.

W porównaniu do jednoosobowej instancji -a to powinno być leciutkie. W końcu to php na Symfony. Zwłaszcza jak wytnę agregację przychodzących wpisów z federacji. Normalne fedi zostanie.


mstankiewicz , to Random stuff Polish
@mstankiewicz@pol.social avatar

Powoli dojrzewam do „przeniesienia” z karab.in na inną instancję /kbin. Mam jednak dylemat - kbin.social czy bin.pol.social? Jest jakaś większa różnica?

m0bi13 ,
@m0bi13@pol.social avatar

Tak, to wynik federacji z innymi instancjami lemmy i kbin. Oraz mocnego użycia instancji przez osoby zainteresowane tematem gier. Więc "domyślna" strona główna jest mocno zdominowana.

Normą jest zablokowanie do wyświetlania niechcianych magazynów (ja blokuję 5 o grach, tyle wystarczy) lub włączenie opcji, by na głównej wyświetlać tylko magazyny subskrybowane.

Czyli albo wszystko minus czarna lista, albo biała lista.

Moja strona główna dzięki temu wygląda trochę inaczej niż pokazana przez ciebie. Wybrana skórka "Tokyo Night" i nieco zwiększona czcionka.

Jak widzisz, każdy ma takie https://bin.pol.social, jakie chce.
I to jest w fantastyczne 😍

@mstankiewicz @ftdl

inkican , to Random stuff
@inkican@mastodon.social avatar

I'm not worried that Kbin.social will go away - Reddit is still out there but it'll do something else to Digg its own grave and when that happens, /m/scifi will be waiting.

RookieNerd , to Fediverse
@RookieNerd@hachyderm.io avatar

@fediverse Let's face it. When talking about the Fediverse, it is very hard to sell interoperability between different types of instances as a major advantage.

18+ youronlyone ,
@youronlyone@c.im avatar

@RookieNerd @fediverse

Do not recommend one software and/or one instance.

Using your scenario, would you recommend photography instances based on knowing Mastodon only allows up to 4 “attached” images? Not only that, Mastodon will only display 4 images even if there are more than that?

Or, are you going to recommend designed for images. Or, maybe , , , , which all allow more than 4 images and will display all the images even if it exceeds their software's attach limit?

Quite frankly, in my opinion, with the image display alone, Mastodon is highly not recommended. So, the number of users and instances Mastodon have does not make it the best software, as you have mentioned earlier, “Mastodon is the level of UX other projects should aim to”. It's not.

The best approach is we understand what the user needs and suggest to them the appropriate software and instances that will suit their needs.

Let's forget about the Fediverse for a while.

We have to remember that not everyone is on Twitter or Facebook. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals who only have an Instagram account. Why? They don't need Twitter and Facebook.

In Korea, for example, they have their own culture and platforms for communication Twitter/Facebook-like, so they don't need those. But many of them have Instagram accounts.

Now, let's go back to the Fediverse.

If those are the users we are reaching out to, then there should be no problem recommending Pixelfed. Because for these target market, their only concern and type of use is to share, well, photos or their latest digital artwork. They don't care about a Twitter/Facebook-like experience or use.

That brings us back to the features of . It is an “added benefit”.

  1. Users who want to follow this content creator can do so using their existing account.

Okay, you can't do this with , the last time I checked, however, you can do it with . That's a Lemmy limitation, not the fediverse.

  1. For the content creator who migrated to the fediverse, in particular, Pixelfed in our scenario, they have a greater reach because they're federated.

(Extra: You can actually turn Pixelfed into a regular Twitter-like software if you are using the web UI. Although, last time I heard it will be removed eventually.)

(Extra 2: BookWyrm also allows Twitter-like feeds and interaction, it's not restricted to just books.)

prysmcat , to Random stuff
@prysmcat@universeodon.com avatar

@T2pub So apparently Gabor started a subreddit thingie for Pebble people to join? Because we don't already have enough to figure out between Mastodon and BlueSky, and because I guess he and the others can't be bothered to just hang out with us on either of those? No, I'm not feeling terribly gracious about it because just... why? But anyway, for anyone who wants it... https://www.reddit.com/r/pebble_is/

youronlyone ,
@youronlyone@c.im avatar

@prysmcat If they chose a or instance (which are connected to the network), then it would have been fine.

But since it's . Nope. Nah.

See for example: https://kbin.social && https://r.nf

Posts from there will appear in the Fediverse, so you don't have to create a new account, you just have to follow.


vintprox , to Discord
@vintprox@techhub.social avatar

deserves a set of more performant and native applications than being attributed to a page in 's playbook. Stay with me: are we really just going to blindly accept flaws of this messenger and promote it at the same time?

The fact that it only has got to the head of Discord it's long overdue to verify this popular distribution, I think, is worth a comment on itself, but I'll digress. It is nice that enthusiasts made arrangements for this verification and I have zero disagreements with the result. I'm just stupified that, in all this effort, Discord is treated like some spoon-fed royal baby - at least, according to reactions I see.

So, what was it... Flathub already had a library of nice actively developed before these news. I don't see the point in exaggerating the scales on some centralized chat thingabob with well-known and problems, that's all. Thank you for visiting my talk! ❤

vintprox OP ,
@vintprox@techhub.social avatar

Give my threads back, Discord!

Oh, what a dummy, sweet summer child me... Entrusting one feature (that goes astray from and VoIP nature which this piece of garbage was supposed to keep focus on) with link aggregation and presentation: I'm speaking of Discord's forum threads.

After a week of quality time with , I return to "server" (Discord's term for group) to check up on channels. Lurking, scrolling through this joke of a bulletin board in search of older posts proved futile. Most of the are simply gone! It took me long enough to make these pretty cards, now for them to evaporate without any communication from Discord...

You know what? I'm done with that bite more than they can chew, all the while trashing my content! , - shut the front door!!!

I could post this showcase of links on or potential - now I know this better. Hello, . Welcome , my cool abode!

weirdwriter , to Random stuff

so, is a fork of but does anyone know if the community as a whole opted to keep the accessibility design Kbin had alive? https://kbin.melroy.org/m/updates/t/55330/Mbin-is-born-Fork-of-kbin

melroy , to Random stuff
@melroy@mastodon.melroy.org avatar

Mbin is alive and kicking! A community-focused fork of Kbin, which has tons of improvements, features and bug fixes. Mbin is a federated content aggregator, voting, discussion and microblogging platform.

Feel free to host your own instance on the fediverse! If you are already running Kbin; migrating is straightforward towards Mbin and experience the benefits yourself.


LaurensHof , to News from fediverse
@LaurensHof@fediversereport.com avatar

Last Week in Fediverse – ep 40

Three stories that all relate to governance, in their own different ways. Mbin is a new fork of Kbin, due to governance issues at Kbin. A research paper on that gives some structure to how different Mastodon servers organise their rules. And Owncast runs into issues with how Apple governs access to the App Store.

Kbin and Mbin

Kbin has a new fork, called Mbin. It got created recently as a response to the struggles with governance at Kbin. Kbin has its creator Ernest in control of the project, who in an update this week let people know that there are multiple issues going on at the same time: the increased costs of the servers, which lead to delays in the delivery of development milestones (which are criteria for getting funding), as well as other major personal life events currently happening.

The control of the Kbin project is not very delegated, so when the main server kbin.social had problems this week, other Kbin core developers were not able to help with the problems. This was further illustrated this week, when the admin of the Infosec cluster of servers (they run a server of most fediverse software) announced that they will shut down their Kbin server, fedia.io. Admin Jerry Bell gives technical errors, as well as significantly higher requirements compared to Lemmy as the main reasons.

As a response to the situation, the fork Mbin has been recently created, the name a reference to Melroy van den Berg, one of the Kbin core developers who started this fork. A major goal of the fork is to create a better community-owned structure, where no single developer controls the project. Adding updates to the project requires consensus in a discussion on their Matrix channels, after which the changes can be made. The project proposes a from of Collective Code Construction Contract as governance, but the actual proposed method of getting consensus is not decided upon yet, with quite a bit of room of ambiguity (“issues/changes in the community first and have some consensus (WIP: we are still looking into some voting tool that might help here)”)

For now, this fork has allowed the fedia.io server to continue their operation, as the fork solved the most pressing errors that were present while using Kbin. One thing to watch for is how this fork will impact other updates to Kbin that have been on the backburner: for example, Kbin’s API is still not released as part of the core project, preventing Kbin apps such as Artemis to gain wider usage.

Mastodon server rules – research paper

Mastodon Rules: Characterizing Formal Rules on Popular Mastodon Instances is a recently published research article that compares and characterises the rules of the most popular Mastodon servers. The researchers find that “Rules on Mastodon often pay particular attention to issues of harassment and hate — strongly reflecting the spirit of the Mastodon Covenant. We speculate that these rules may have emerged in response to problems of other platforms, and reflect a lack of support for instance maintainers.”

The report compares the rules on Mastodon servers to those on subreddits, and comes up with some interesting findings: “[R]ules about Hate Speech, Harassment, and Doxxing/Personal Info are far more common on Mastodon, while rules about Consequences/Moderation/Enforcement, Behavior/Content/Format Allowed, and Links & Outside Content are much less common. This contrast may suggest that these spaces have different values and purposes.” and “rules on Mastodon often explicitly engage with systemic oppression across many different intersectional identities beyond what is required by the Mastodon Covenant.”

And finally, this line in the report is a good indication of why I want to spend my time on the fediverse: “Mastodon instances seem to have more of an orientation towards justice”.

Owncast and the Apple App Store

Owncast creator Gabe Kangas announced that he has been working on an iOS and tvOS app for fediverse streaming platform Owncast. However, he stated that it is unlikely that this app will be released due to Apple’s App store policies. The app allowed you to browse the directory of streams on Owncast, add private server streams, and get notified when your favourite streamers were going live. Apple however refuses to approve the app into the App store, because of content rights. Apple’s position is that Owncast can only provide access to a catalog if they own the rights for the content in this catalog. As Owncast is only an intermediary portal for independently hosted servers, this is simply impossible to do. Gabe Kangas describes Owncast’s directory as similar to a podcast app. Podcasting apps can read out any podcast RSS feeds, without any permission or agreement by the podcast itself.

Gabe Kangas also states that he has been trying take a legal approach to this, but struggled finding representation that fully understands what Owncast is doing. It is an important story for the fediverse, as it is trying to expand beyond microblogging. It seems possible that someone building a PeerTube directory app might run into similar troubles.

The links

If you want to receive this update directly in your mailbox every week, subscribe below. Thanks for reading!


rimu , to News from fediverse
@rimu@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

has been forked, with many of the kbin developers moving to the new fork, called "Mbin"


vintprox Mod , to dR Bulletin Board
@vintprox@kbin.melroy.org avatar

Custom CSS updates | dR Bulletin Board

Whenever you visit , you will see slight changes in the header. I moved instance's home link to the right to prevent any accidental exits. And there is now a solid icon just in case.

If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a reply.

vintprox OP Mod , (edited )
@vintprox@kbin.melroy.org avatar

After some work by contributors of to introduce an indication of magazine in the top bar, I'm happy to say that it's more clear now WHERE on the site you happen to be. Happily, my little CSS trick has adapted to it quickly, but I made icon smaller to prevent it stealing space.

Again, thanks to the Mbin contributors! There is a lot of work done already, and I feel confident with this fork of to improve one of the store fronts of Fediverse.

ArtBear , to Random stuff
@ArtBear@mastodonapp.uk avatar

Day 1
Where am I? Is this the Fediverse? What is the Mastodon? How do I Calckey? Am I Pixelfed? Do I Lemmy?
👉 Click on this post to see Thread🧵
What I've learned so far about condensed to help others.

1st understanding is I make friends across multiple apps/platforms all at once.

We're all in making friends & connections together. I no longer lose everything when I use new platforms in addition or instead on Fedi.

ArtBear OP ,
@ArtBear@mastodonapp.uk avatar

Fediverse evolves not stagnates:

  1. decisions taken to boost community not profits=better decisions

  2. new platforms join & enhance, not compete

  3. we keep our connections & time investment while being able to access new developments

  4. Fediverse devs quite often quicker, more agile & innovative than corporate profit constrained devs!

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