youronlyone , to Non Political Twitter avatar

If you are new to the network (inaccurately called network) and looking for end-user apps for mobile and desktop, check this list:

vintprox , to Discord avatar

deserves a set of more performant and native applications than being attributed to a page in 's playbook. Stay with me: are we really just going to blindly accept flaws of this messenger and promote it at the same time?

The fact that it only has got to the head of Discord it's long overdue to verify this popular distribution, I think, is worth a comment on itself, but I'll digress. It is nice that enthusiasts made arrangements for this verification and I have zero disagreements with the result. I'm just stupified that, in all this effort, Discord is treated like some spoon-fed royal baby - at least, according to reactions I see.

So, what was it... Flathub already had a library of nice actively developed before these news. I don't see the point in exaggerating the scales on some centralized chat thingabob with well-known and problems, that's all. Thank you for visiting my talk! ❤

vintprox OP , avatar

Give my threads back, Discord!

Oh, what a dummy, sweet summer child me... Entrusting one feature (that goes astray from and VoIP nature which this piece of garbage was supposed to keep focus on) with link aggregation and presentation: I'm speaking of Discord's forum threads.

After a week of quality time with , I return to "server" (Discord's term for group) to check up on channels. Lurking, scrolling through this joke of a bulletin board in search of older posts proved futile. Most of the are simply gone! It took me long enough to make these pretty cards, now for them to evaporate without any communication from Discord...

You know what? I'm done with that bite more than they can chew, all the while trashing my content! , - shut the front door!!!

I could post this showcase of links on or potential - now I know this better. Hello, . Welcome , my cool abode!

alternativeto , to Random stuff avatar

is considering blocking Google and Bing crawlers, in order to make AI companies pay for its data, stating that “Reddit can survive without search”. Without an agreement, Reddit posts will not appear in search results anymore.

bouncing , to Random stuff avatar

@arstechnica So, accessible only with its own apps, not through Google or other search engines. With its own /r/ keywords.

Is the new AOL?

tom , to News from fediverse

A community-focused fork of Kbin#kbin

dennisfaucher , to Programming avatar

Borrowed from soychotic on BirdChan:

"Every time I have a question and I rly need help, I post it on and then log into another account and reply to it with an obscenely incorrect answer. Ppl don’t care about helping others but they LOVE correcting others. Works 100% of the time"

ivedonestranger , to Random stuff avatar

Since the rebellion has been quashed and things have gotten quiet. I have been tossing around the idea of setting up a for to share links and stuff like the old days of reddit.

Anyone have any thoughts on that?

derthomas , to Random stuff avatar

It seems like the hype for is over. The few communities I followed are either abandoned or fed solely by bots.
What a shame. Going back to is not an option either though.

TheConversationUS , to Random stuff avatar

“Nones" (atheists, agnostics, or nothing in particular) comprise 30% or more of the adult population in the United States and Canada.

We're launching a special project with AP and RNS to look at their growths, beliefs and nonbeliefs.

Bring your questions to an on (or comment here and I'll bring the question to reddit)

fell , to Discord avatar

It bothers me that we haven't found a really good way to organise knowledge around Technologies yet. We have wikis and forums, and then we have Discord servers and Reddit.

Wikis are a good idea, but surprisingly tedious to maintain. Forums are hard to search through and tend to mix in opinions with information. If you have ever tried to get average people to contribute knowledge to a wiki or a forum, you'll know there is too much friction.

and are easy to use, but are owned by private companies that keep adding to their products.

Is there no middle ground? Something between a and a Discord? The holy grail?

ExiledKing , to Random stuff avatar

It has been a few months since I left Reddit. Where we at with Lemmy vs Kbin?

vintprox Mod , (edited ) to dR Bulletin Board avatar

What qualifies as OC? | dR Bulletin Board

Here on we think of as an original content, or an original creation. Think the entire process of production, from start to finish: can you call this your own work? If preview or anything that sits in the thread you're posting contains copyrighted work of someone else, it's most likely just an adaptation/repost and as such you cannot claim it as OC.

OC threads have this small mark prepended to the title to set it apart from other works. Traditionally, OCs get more liberty from the discovery algorythms. I'm not entirely sure how it works on , compared to , but in any situation think of the reader first and algorythm second.

If the piece you're about to share was made by you and you only, don't hesitate and mark it as the original content! But avoid using OC mark for discussion starters, as they don't prove substantial enough of a work as such...

coupland , to Non Political Twitter avatar

Dear . We walked away from , , and already. You want to force people to disable ? Please, be my guest. You are disposable.

Stupid companies are wonderful. They drive innovation in user-driven alternatives. I can't wait to abandon YouTube as well. Get fukd.

dc , to Random stuff German avatar

@Tutanota macht vieles richtig, und ich fühle mich mit meinen Mails dort sehr wohl. Ich verstehe nur nicht, warum man das Forum auf betreibt, irgendwie fühlt sich dies etwas komisch an ...

snoopy , to France avatar

[Article] La fédiverse n'est pas une startup

Ce post n'a pas de conclusion et n'est pas un essais. C'est un partage d'expérience, d'un ressentit en tant que utilisateur et modo sur :)

En relisant les anciens posts du blog de j'y trouve un certain écho. En tant qu'ancien utilisataire de Reddit, j'avoue que la tentation est forte de vouloir attirer d'avantage de redditaires. Je me retrouve un peu dans ce rôle de prophète (militant libriste) car j'associe les réseaux sociaux capitalistes à du tabagisme passif et de l'exploitation forcé des CGU. Donc, oui je fais chier tout le monde pour la bonne cause. L'enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions.

C'est difficile de cultiver un certain détachement, d'imaginer autre chose que Reddit surtout quand Lemmy ressemble à tout point à Reddit. Ya meme des posts qui ont repris mot pour mot les post publiés sur r/france. J'avoue ça fait bizarre. Est ce que le design du logiciel induit des comportements qu'on va retrouver à une certaine échelle ? Ou est ce que ça dit des choses sur nous-même dans nos interactions sociales et donc explique pourquoi on va utiliser ce réseau social et pas un autre ? Je ne sais pas.

En tout cas, Reddit comme Lemmy et Kbin, sont des agrégateurs de liens classés par thèmes, catégories comme un forum. Visuellement, on peut choisir notre fil d'actu par thématique sans suivre des personnes. Cela se démarque complètement de Firefish, Mastodon où c'est un peu le bordel mais gobalement tu es connecté à des personnes qui pensent à peu près comme toi et vont poster toute sorte de contenu sans forcément le classer sauf s'iel mettent un hashtag/filtres.

Et pour retrouver quelque chose sur mastodon, c'est galère. Il y a quelque chose de l'ordre de l'éphémère, de l'instant. Sur Lemmy, on peut ouvrir des mégafils intemporel qui sont réactivés à chaque fois qu'on commentera dessus car ce sera au premier plan, selon vos paramêtre d'affichage du fil.

En tout cas, pour revenir à ma réflexion, à mes pensées sous la douche, aux liens que nous cultivons avec Reddit, nous nous sommes exprimés sur le sujet du vote qui influence le classement des posts et nos comportements en tant que postaires. On l'a gardé comme tel. On pourrait très bien le retirer et amorcer une rupture. C'est cette voie qu'a choisie Beehaw, une instance de Lemmy. Et d'après certain utilisataires, cela a bel et bien un impact sur nos interactions.

On se cherche une identité et je crois qu'on fait une erreur : on aimerait que ce soit comme avant. Je sais pas si la comparaison avec nos ex, la reconstruction lors d'une rupture amoureuse est foireuse mais j'y vois un parallèle pertinent. Nous devrions oublier twitter, reddit, facebook et trouver notre propre ligne éditoriale sur, ou peut-être pas ?

Finalement, le plus important, est ce que vous plait ? :)


HillClimber , to Discord avatar

A simple, important, and urgent tip for everyone who doesn't follow news closely: Never
install an app if you can use a web browser instead
. If you have installed desktop or phone apps
with web page alternatives (, , , , , , , and many
others), uninstall them! Use Chrome, Safari, Edge, or Firefox to access the application instead.

Why now? There's a serious (8.8 out of 10) vulnerability in the webp library, which is used by
Chrome and by Electron applications, including most of the above apps. While most vendors have not
made an official statement about this flaw yet, it seems likely that many have this flaw, and, if
so, it may give attackers the ability to take over your device by sending a malicious image.

FYI, Electron is a deployment platform that lets developers take their web front-end, and quickly
wrap it in a pseudo-browser to deploy it as a stand-alone desktop or phone app.

While there is no patch yet for most of these apps, and we don't know for sure which apps have
problems, there is a simple thing that you can do to protect yourself from all Electron-related
issues now and in the future: Just use the in-browser web-page version of the application instead
of the desktop or app version. Browsers have much stronger security than Electron and other app
deployment platforms. For example, Chrome has been patched for the above webp problem.

Stay safe: Don't install an app if you can avoid it.

More reading:

Please boost to anyone that should hear this.

mariyadelano , to Random stuff avatar

user activity dropped after protests:

“Most major subreddits show a decrease of between 50 and 90 percent in average daily posts and comments, when compared to a year ago. This suggests the problem is way fewer users, not the same number of users browsing less. The huge and universal dropoff also suggests that people left, either because of the changes or the protests, and they aren’t coming back.”


summeremacs , to Random stuff avatar

I just asked a question on :

Does anyone know of a package that sends marked text/a buffer in Emacs directly to your kindle email address? Can be via mu4e or whatevs. I know I can export it as a doc and send but you have to go through a couple of hoops for that and I'm wondering if an Emacs package could do it instantly.

readbeanicecream , to Non Political Twitter avatar

You already knew that is a great replacement for and can be used with . You also already knew that kbin was a great replacement for . But did you know that kbin can filter by and ; making it a great replace for and ? Learn more at:

forteller , to Random stuff avatar

Final nail in the coffin for apps: Infinity just stopped working.

This will significantly reduce my time spent on the service. Hopefully I will spend it better.

reiver , to Non Political Twitter avatar

"Twitter and Reddit may have only lost a few million users to Mastodon and Lemmy so far, but these are nation-sized numbers, comparable to what Scandinavia is to the United States of America. The incumbents have allowed the fediverse to reach critical mass. It's only gonna get bigger"

⸺ Erlend Sogge Heggen ( @erlend )

ebel , to Random stuff avatar

has killed nearly all mobile apps, right? My old "Reddit is Fun"/rif doesn't work anymore.

What are people using to browse and view Reddit?

renwillis , to Random stuff avatar

Edition Day 8 - An alternative song about drugs and/or alcohol. 😮‍💨🍻

first one that comes to my mind, Common Saints "Idol Eyes"

renwillis , to Random stuff avatar

Edition Day 7 - An alternative song to DRIVE to. 🚗💨

R-R-R-R-ROOOOOOOAD TRIIIPPPP!!! Let’s hear those amazing songs just meant for the road, y’all!

Camper Van Beethoven "Borderline", song was practically designed for this...

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