EvilCartyen , to Random stuff
@EvilCartyen@mstdn.dk avatar

So I've set up a federated digital garden space using a self-hosted instance of writefreely.

The posts, however, won't federate and I get a 503 when I try to access the activitypub account:


Has anyone been in this situation and solved it? Federation is of course activated on the writefreely instance.

amministratore , to Random stuff Italian
@amministratore@mastodon.uno avatar

Nel 2024, per la prima volta, si ha finalmente la sensazione di avere una massa critica di persone e piattaforme interessate a ridare vita a Internet per riportare in vita ciò che abbiamo perso e creare qualcosa di nuovo. Solo nell'ultima settimana ci sono state conversazioni fra , , , , e diversi co-autori della specifica . C'è la sensazione palpabile che questo possa essere l'anno del web aperto!


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  • toran , to Random stuff
    @toran@mastodon.tjs.is avatar

    : Write-Freely is an open source, self hosted blog and journal solution simply built for , by !

    I am seriously thinking of using this for my personal ! 🙂



    fabio , to Random stuff
    @fabio@manganiello.social avatar

    Is there a "I want in " button that I can hit somewhere?

    Seriously, it's holding everything and everybody behind.

    Context: I've decided to play with some tighter integration between my social feed and my blog.

    I can now write long posts in a more blog-friendly format on @fabio. Then leverage the Fediverse integration to quote them from my main handle.

    My Akkoma post can add a TL;DR and a bunch of hashtags. And the quoted message has a nice "Read more" link that can expand the blog post for those who want to read it directly on their timeline.

    Amazing, right?

    Well, just look how nicely it's rendered on my Akkoma instance, and how Mastodon renders it instead.

    A cryptic RE: https://my.write.freely/api/posts/post-id that doesn't even render a preview nor anything.

    The cryptic version is the one that >75% of the people who use the Fediverse will see on their timelines.

    No matter how much progress other implementations decide to do. No matter how sophisticated their UX. If the major implementation decides that quotes will never be a thing, we're kind of stuck in the state where JavaScript could do amazing things on Firefox, but most of the folks used IE, so the party was ruined for everybody else too.

    How WriteFreely blog quotes are rendered on Pleroma/Akkoma. The quoted post is nicely wrapped under the more recent post, with a "Read more" link to expand it. The preview image and title of the article are nicely rendered at the top and the bottom of the quote.

    darnell , to Random stuff in Matrix Seeking Tax Payer Money To Fund Future Development‽
    @darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

    @matrix @darnell Thanks for replying. As far as using tax payer funds to support , I know that there would be massive resistance to this idea in the 🇺🇸 (using taxes to fund anything long term is always controversial, regardless of the reason).

    I do believe managed hosting would be a better option to support your foundation, which is a path that , & are using.

    dansup , to Random stuff
    @dansup@mastodon.social avatar

    I'm honestly considering a paid verification program in Pixelfed to help sustain the project long term.

    It would be a centralized list, and would be present in clients, regardless of server.

    A blue checkmark would not only help our project financially, but would also provide a trusted visual mark of verification.


    darnell ,
    @darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

    @dansup I believe a better option would be premium hosting. Basically allow users of to host content under their own domain, & you could throw in the checkmark as a bonus. 😉

    Similar to how @matt provides premium hosting to via Write.as & @photomatt provides premium hosting via WP.com (are there any other examples‽).

    It would benefit the community plus encourage other hosts to take a second look at Pixelfed.

    matt , to Random stuff
    @matt@writing.exchange avatar

    For federated comments on @write_as, I'm gonna start with just exposing Remark.as comments to the fediverse. This should at least get the basic data there, though you still won't receive replies from Mastodon etc.

    Then I'll work on receiving replies from the wider fediverse, and finally moderation tools. We'll see how it looks with replies showing up in the Remark.as UI, and then maybe move to showing comments on blog posts themselves.

    matt OP ,
    @matt@writing.exchange avatar

    Made a bunch of progress on this today — now we're accepting and tracking the number of likes you get from the on @write_as!

    It's just not displayed anywhere. So that's the question — where do you want to see the number of likes you've received?

    I know many people use / Write.as to avoid likes and normal social media stuff. So should we just display the number on your stats page? Only to you on the post (e.g. next to "views")? Only in social spaces like Read.Write.as?

    oskoo , to News from fediverse
    @oskoo@mecha.garden avatar

    Hello again , I may need your . So, here's a list of the Fediverse software I'm about to make temporary accounts for to test all the features and differences:

    Edited to Add:

    So, did I miss anything noteworthy? Does anyone have any tips or recommendations before I choose a server for any one of these? I'll probably be going for the most popular server on each for improved federation and maintenance.

    Note: I'm using right now and Misskey forks are already overrepresented, so that's why it's not included.

    dev , to article group
    @dev@mediaformat.org avatar

    📣 This is a callout proposing a working group to improve Article interop in Mastodon, and across fediverse servers & apps

    Follow @article to join the discussion

    🔃 Share for reach

    pmakholm , to Random stuff Danish
    @pmakholm@norrebro.space avatar

    Efter 4 blog-artikler er jeg stadigvæk glad for ideen om en blog bestående af arkiverede Mastodon-tråde.

    WriteFreely er jeg derimod lidt mere i tvivl om, mere præcist integrationen med ActivityPub: Artikler bliver samlet i et feed og skubbet ud til følgere - ikke mere, ikke mindre. Hvis folk forsøger at interagere med en artikel, ryger det i et sort hul.

    Den minimalistiske brugeroplevelse af WriteFreely som blog tiltaler mig, men som del af fediverset er det mig for fattigt.

    Techaltar , (edited ) to Random stuff
    @Techaltar@mas.to avatar

    As you might have heard, WordPress & Tumblr are supposedly in the process of opening up to the fediverse & ActivityPub. E.g. even now a WordPress admin like @evanprodromou can choose to publish their articles to be viewed directly in your Mastodon feed.

    I'm going to be exploring this a lot in my video, so I'd love to know how people feel about it down in the comments. Excited? Ambivalent? Annoyed? Let me know! 👇

    Also, here's a quick poll to check how familiar people are with this process.

    aligyie ,
    @aligyie@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @Techaltar wordpress is this still a thing in 2024?

    static site generators ( ), , , headless (e.g. ), , , there are so many better things out there


    Enter_Username , to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    @Enter_Username@mastodon.ie avatar

    Wow, I asked about substitutes somewhat off-handedly, because I don't do blogs at all, but I think I'm going to set up a professional CV/updates page on https://writefreely.org/, having now looked into it.

    More specifically, I'm hoping to install it on a 3B+ with Bookworm.

    mstankiewicz , to Random stuff Polish
    @mstankiewicz@pol.social avatar

    Jakiś czas temu napisałem na @mstankiewicz wpis na temat aplikacji . Dosłownie przed chwilą dowiedziałem się, że wyszła nowa wersja programu o numerze 6, a w związku z tym przez cały tydzień trwa promocja na to oprogramowanie — -40%!
    Podrzucam Wam linka do promocji: https://goodsnooze.gumroad.com/l/macwhisper/mw640

    , ale wspomnę, że kilka miesięcy temu otrzymałem darmową licencję Pro na oprogramowanie, jednak nie ma to żadnego wpływu na pojawienie się tego posta czy moje opinie na temat aplikacji.

    bobdendry , to Random stuff
    @bobdendry@mstdn.games avatar

    So I've decided to start that I was pondering a couple of weeks ago. I'm probably going to go with due to it being , and . Unfortunately, not the simplest thing to set up from the image available (I think I should be able to tweak the Dockerfile to fix that though)

    mstankiewicz , to Random stuff Polish
    @mstankiewicz@pol.social avatar

    Tydzień temu minął dokładnie rok, odkąd jestem na . Wow.
    Pamiętam jak pierwszy raz przeczytałem o Mastodonie na jednym z popularnych polskich portali. Traktowałem go wtedy jako ciekawostkę, a nie jak moje przyszłe główne medium społecznościowe, które (według statystyk na moich sprzętach) używam o 83% częściej niż i dzięki któremu stworzyłem i uczestniczyłem w kilku ciekawych projektach.
    Gdyby nie , nie wiedziałbym czym jest , nie korzystałbym z /kbin-a od @ernest, a co za tym idzie nie stworzyłbym też ! Zapewne nie używałbym też .pl i innych usług od @ftdl, nie przywróciłbym wraz z Wiktorem do życia @cesarstwokwadratowe, nie kontynuowałbym podcastu, nie założyłbym bloga na , nie zacząłbym uczyć się tworzyć rozszerzenia do przeglądarek, nie zrezygnowałbym z używania i ani nie poznał tylu wspaniałych ludzi!
    Dziękuję Wam!

    appzer0 , to Random stuff French
    @appzer0@piaille.fr avatar
    trendless , (edited ) to Random stuff
    @trendless@zeroes.ca avatar

    Thanks to @writefreely, you can now cross-verify your :writefreely: blog (https://write.zeroes.ca) and your :mastodon: profile (https://zeroes.ca)


    Go to your Mastodon profile page and copy the address/URL (e.g., https://zeroes.ca/@trendless)

    Go to your WriteFreely Blogs ➡️ https://write.zeroes.ca/me/c and choose 'Customize'

    Scroll to the bottom; under 'Verification' and paste in the address/URL to your Mastodon profile page (e.g., https://zeroes.ca/@trendless)

    Click 'Save Changes'

    Scroll back to the top; right-click / two-finger click on 'View Blog' and choose whatever's closest to 'copy link' / 'copy address' from the menu that pops up

    Go back to Mastodon and edit your profile ➡️ https://zeroes.ca/settings/profile

    Scroll down to 'Profile metadata'; in the first field put a description for your WriteFreely Blog (e.g., ), in the second field paste your WriteFreely Blog address (e.g., https://write.zeroes.ca/trendless)

    Click 'Save Changes'

    Go to your profile; the name and link to your WriteFreely Blog should be highlighted in green.


    caos , to Owncast Live Streaming German
    @caos@anonsys.net avatar

    Hallo Fediverse! Bitte um Rückmeldung + Ergänzungen: Übersichts-Tabelle mit Fediverse-Diensten, Vergleichsdiensten und Funktionen

    Ich schreibe einen Artikel über den und in dem Rahmen natürlich auch über das . Zielgruppe sind Leute, die wahrscheinlich zum Großteil noch gar nix vom Fediverse gehört haben.
    Dazu bin ich dabei, eine Tabelle zu erstellen, in der einige Fedi-Dienste sowie deren Haupt-/ besondere Funktionen aufgeführt werden sollen.

    Das ist der derzeitige Entwurf:

    "ähnlich wie..."
    Ein Vergleich mit kommerziellen Plattformen ist natürlich immer nur zum Teil passend. Ich kenne auch keinen der kommerziellen Dienste aus eigener Erfahrung, aber für die avisierte Zielgruppe kann so ein Vergleich vielleicht trotzdem eine hilfreiche Orientierung sein. Vielleicht gibt es da aber auch Vergleiche, die passender sind. Einige Dienste (bspw. Medium, Podigee) kannte ich auch noch nicht mal vom Namen her, sondern habe das nur aus ähnlichen Vergleichstabellen übernommen.

    Zu den "besonderen Funktionen":
    Insbesondere Friendica, Firefish und v.a. Hubzilla haben so viele Funktionen, dass diese im Rahmen der Tabelle nur exemplarisch aufgeführt werden können und die Auswahl ist subjektiv. Hier wäre die Frage, ob das eine passende Auswahl ist, ob besonders wichtige fehlen oder ob andere Funktionen wichtiger oder besonderer sind.

    Wenn Ihr also Anregungen oder Ergänzungen habt, gerne her damit! Danke!


    writefreely , to Random stuff
    @writefreely@writing.exchange avatar

    Just saw v0.14 was mentioned in last week's @selfhst newsletter. Thanks for the shout out!!


    writefreely , to Random stuff
    @writefreely@writing.exchange avatar

    I've heard reports that users on aren't able to interact with blogs. Can anyone help test / verify that something is up so we can fix?

    Yuvalne , to Random stuff
    @Yuvalne@433.world avatar

    A new security vulnerability was found when combining browsers with virtually all modern GPUs (Intel, Apple, Nvidia, AMD and ARM).
    Neither nor any of the mentioned vendors are planning on fixing it.

    , by the way, isn't vulnerable to this attack, thanks to having the X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy headers. Many other fedi platforms however, including , and don't have them, at least when I tested.

    kellyn , to Random stuff

    I seem to be having problems between my server and & servers. Firefish.social seems to have this problem too. It works fine following on the though and servers have no trouble following any of them. Do other fediverse servers have issues like this? Is this a quirk in . Genuinely curious because I don't code. My sysadmin knowledge fails me here.

    fediverse_connection , to Owncast Live Streaming German
    @fediverse_connection@vivaristics.net avatar

    THE NET IS HEALING - Beginners Guide to Mastodon & Fediverse

    NewPipe ( newpipe.net ):

    bengo , to Random stuff
    @bengo@mastodon.social avatar

    In a few weeks @w3c social web community group meeting may receive a proposal to explore chartering new social web working group that would only be open to people who work at W3C member companies. (The CG is open to all). Today there was an in person discussion at TPAC, the yearly W3C-wide f2f. It was a day-of addition to the agenda. Now is a good time to join the CG, subscribe to mailing list, and start participating in the discussions. https://www.w3.org/community/SocialCG/

    reiver ,
    @reiver@mastodon.social avatar

    @bengo @w3c @evan

    Right now, the most popular Fediverse software is —

    With these up-and-coming:

    • and others

    Are the teams from all these Fediverse software involved with this new W3C social web community group?

    reiver , to Random stuff
    @reiver@mastodon.social avatar

    From a discussion about WriteFreely —

    It mentions one of the reasons people who create content — whether that content be articles, videos, posts, or whatever — join big social-media platforms.

    The answer — to reach and grow an audience.


    I discovered this, too, when I was researching why people used YouTube & other social-media. Although with YouTube there were some additional reasons, too



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