xynthia , to France
@xynthia@mastodon.tedomum.net avatar

Seine-Saint-Denis: la préfecture veut envoyer des jeunes de quartier loin des JO

mediapart@mediapart.social -

Un article de David Attié, Névil Gagnepain, Mathilde Boudon-Lamraoui, Margaux Dzuilka (Bondy Blog)


snoopy , to France
@snoopy@peculiar.florist avatar

Foot à Nîmes : carton plein pour les joueurs sourds


Oui, encore un autre ! Pcq même si je deteste le sport, l'image de la compétition, Politis en a fait un très bon dossier et on le découvre sous un autre angle. :)

Sous-paywall mais on peut voter et libérer des articles.

Promue en Ligue 1 du championnat national des sourds, l’équipe est riche de ses résultats probants et de sa popularité locale. Néanmoins, des injustices demeurent, notamment à l’égard des sportifs en situation irrégulière.

MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group
@MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar

Today in Labor History April 27, 1882: Jessie Redmon Fauset was born. She was an African-American editor, poet, essayist, novelist, and educator. Her emphasis on portraying an accurate image of African-American life and history inspired literature of the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s. In her fiction, she created black characters who were working professionals. This was inconceivable to white Americans at the time. Her stories dealt with themes like racial discrimination, "passing", and feminism. From 1919 to 1926, she was literary editor of The Crisis, a NAACP magazine.


xynthia , to Technologie - 🤖
@xynthia@mastodon.tedomum.net avatar

Transhumanisme, long-termisme… comment les courants « TESCREAL » influent le développement de l’IA

mart1oeil@piaille.fr -


un deuxième article sur le sujet de @mathildesaliou

, , (moderne) .

Norobiik , to Random stuff
@Norobiik@noc.social avatar

TikTok CEO has said the company will take the fight against the new law to the courts, but some experts believe that for the , national security considerations could outweigh protection.

While is a global phenomenon, it represents a small fraction of 's revenue, according to analysts and investors.

ByteDance says 'no plans' to sell TikTok after US ban law

Norobiik OP ,
@Norobiik@noc.social avatar

The Columbia president 's reputation is toast. End of the road for her.

This is a clear warning by the DOE to other university presidents to remain even handed.

The (DOE) announced on Thursday that it will be investigating for anti-Palestinian against students.

Frederik_Borgesius , to Law
@Frederik_Borgesius@akademienl.social avatar

Nina Baranowska, @philipphacker, Alessandro Fabris & I published a new pre-print:

'Non-discrimination law in Europe: a primer for non-lawyers'

We have tried to write it in such a ways that non-lawyers can follow the text. We hope we succeeded a bit :)

If you have suggestions to improve the paper, we would love to hear them!

That's the fun thing of a pre-print: we can still amend things.


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    Tutanota , to Random stuff
    @Tutanota@mastodon.social avatar

    Hey everyone! We are trying to reach out to Google to stop their anti-competitive search practices which are harming Tuta.

    Please boost and spread the word on Twitter/X if you still use the platform.
    👉 https://twitter.com/TutaPrivacy/status/1780212042055782773

    Thank you. 😍

    fast_junkie ,
    @fast_junkie@mas.to avatar

    @Tutanota you're not getting a similar response here as on #x. I actually put the entire text of your description into a ...

    On top was a link to your on 🙄

    BUT... I scrolled though many results... you're there... I mean serious, just not there.

    Your account comes up well before anything remotely ...

    comes in so many forms... seems people who speak the are always beat down.

    fullfathomfive , to Art
    @fullfathomfive@aus.social avatar


    For the last 4 years, the Tasmanian Museum of Old and New Art has been running an installation called The Ladies Lounge. Only people who identify as ladies are allowed to enter. In the lounge, they can sit in luxury and look at famous artworks by Picasso etc, which are not available elsewhere in the museum. They are served champagne and pampered by male butlers. It was meant as a comment on exclusionary men's clubs (which still exist in Australia and elsewhere).

    Some dude got upset about it and sued the gallery for entry at the anti-discrimination tribunal. The artist, Kirsha Kaechele, said she was "absolutely delighted" that the exhibit had been taken to court. “The men are experiencing Ladies Lounge, their experience of rejection is the artwork,” she said.

    She then turned the tribunal hearing into part of the art as well, by having a group of women observing the hearing dress like her and mimic her every move. They did not disrupt the hearing, and at the end of proceedings they exited the tribunal to the song Simply Irresistible.

    Kaechele argued in her defence the Ladies Lounge was “a response to the lived experience of women forbidden from entering certain spaces throughout history” and promoted equal opportunity.

    The tribunal found against the gallery and is ordering them to allow men to enter the exhibit. MONA is removing the exhibit instead.

    Fucking love this artist 😂


    CultureDesk , to blackmastodon group
    @CultureDesk@flipboard.social avatar

    According to a working paper by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Chicago, job applicants with names that suggest they are Black are getting fewer callbacks from employers than those with names that suggest they are white. The typical employer called back the presumed-white applicants around 9% more than Black ones. That rose to around 24% for the worst offenders. The research team has now named the 97 companies they studied and assigned them grades. "Putting the names out there in the public domain is to move away from a lot of the performative allyship that you see with these companies, saying, 'Oh, we value inclusivity and diversity,'" Pat Kline, an economics professor who worked on the study told NPR.



    georgetakei , to Random stuff
    @georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
    Sunny ,
    @Sunny@universeodon.com avatar


    Ageism is the most rampant form of discrimination in the United States. It transcends race and gender identity as a basis for marginalization and hate.

    True to form, the want to convert discrimination into political power.

    broadwaybabyto , to Random stuff
    @broadwaybabyto@zeroes.ca avatar

    I’ve been feeling a lot of grief this weekend after reading about Professor Amit Patel - a nationally recognized doctor & expert in the rare disease HLH - who died in hospital when medical staff refused to acknowledge his expertise in his own condition.

    Many disabled and chronically ill individuals know how dangerous hospitals can be - but reading about a doctor (who had a spouse who was also a physician advocating for him) being unable to get the care he needed to stay alive? It’s terrifying.

    I wrote about his death, my own experiences with medical trauma and the need for a safer system for all.


    ampersine , to Random stuff
    @ampersine@mastodon.online avatar

    is caving to threats by investors, and will stop contributing to non-profit organizations — including blocking their employee resource groups from making donations to those groups.


    hosford42 , to neurodivergence group
    @hosford42@techhub.social avatar

    Requirements to put in a job description to discourage or filter out autistic people:

    • Comfortable with ambiguity
    • Strong people skills
    • Good culture fit
    • Multitasking
    • A fast-paced dynamic environment
    • Bachelor's degree or better

    I see these things and think you don't want my >30 years of programming and machine learning experience, or my problem-solving skills and comprehensive knowledge that had people mistaking me for one of the team's PhDs, or my solutions that have proven patent-worthy. Your loss.


    kkarhan ,
    @kkarhan@infosec.space avatar

    @Uair @mawhrin @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodivergence it's also just used as a tool because outside of few cases i.e. [], a doesn't make one a good fit in that space.

    neuSoM , to News from fediverse German
    @neuSoM@bewegung.social avatar

    Our appeal for the use of services 🐘 and the termination of #X/Twitter at states:

    " and , and are still dominant elements on the media that describe themselves as social. Even legal regulations have not been able to change this. Our elected politicians ... continue to be intimidated and threatened on these platforms, persecution of women is instigated, elections are manipulated and democratic institutions are attacked."

    Below is a simple version in visualized form.
    Please share the image widely - it is also suitable for sharing on the major advertising platforms 😉
    And: You can use the QR code 🔠 to direct your friends to the page to join in.

    👉 https://www.openpetition.de/unis4mastodon

    n , to Lawyers
    @n@zeroes.ca avatar

    I just got denied a in because of what I read are ly protected grounds. And hey, just like usual, they put it all in writing so it's a live fish in a small barrel.

    Are there any who care about folks that want to read my email to the company and help me gain fair compensation? I'm in Canada but applying to the US, if that helps. If this is your passion but it had a fair fee, I'd love to meet for a pro-bono quote. Just dm me your phone.

    (Any greedy lawyers excited to wring my pocketbook dry on fees can immediately quit reading, as I'm far too quick to the con so do save yourself the time and find a better mark.)

    I'm fairly sharp with these matters, so please just boost if you aren't a lawyer -- no need to reply. Do please reply if you know better hashtags to boost this.

    Thanks for ANY boost... I am a very experienced and exceptionally talented software engineer without a job (15mo!) because of my protected limitations and need to stop losing time and spirit on cases like these.

    georgetakei , to Random stuff
    @georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
    PattyHanson ,
    @PattyHanson@mastodon.social avatar

    @georgetakei This year my school district, which is the 5th largest in the country, eliminated middle school girls softball because ONE woman complained there isn't a baseball program for middle school boys. Because of her complaint 100s of girls who aren't able to play in the rec league or in the competitive leagues won't have a chance to play. The woman was told boys can play.The school league was fully funded by parents with the exception of using school fields.

    CultureDesk , to Random stuff
    @CultureDesk@flipboard.social avatar

    A script coordinator for "Seal Team," backed by a conservative group founded by former Trump adviser Stephen Miller, has sued CBS Studios and its parent company, Paramount. Brian Beneker alleges that he was repeatedly denied a staff writer job after the implementation of an "illegal policy of race and sex balancing" that he says discriminates against straight white men. The Hollywood Reporter's Winston Cho says this could be the "opening legal salvo against efforts to boost diversity and inclusion in Hollywood in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision knocking down affirmative action."


    holyramenempire , to Random stuff
    @holyramenempire@kolektiva.social avatar

    This is a serious danger warning, to me.

    "Public officials in Tennessee can now refuse to grant a marriage license to anyone at their own discretion, for any reason."

    Tennessee Republicans just quietly overturned gay marriage

    Nonilex , to Law
    @Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

    A new undercuts ’s 2015 landmark, closely divided decision legalizing nationwide, & marks a significant victory for a resurgent movement to restrict + rights.

    The law, signed by Gov (R) to little fanfare on Wed evening, allows state ofcls to decline to “solemnize marriages.”


    CultureDesk , to Stories of Black America
    @CultureDesk@flipboard.social avatar

    A Texas judge has ruled that a high school was not violating the CROWN Act by punishing student Darryl George for the length of his dreadlocks. George has been in in-school suspension or at an off-site disciplinary program for most of the school year since August. The school said that George's hair violated a dress code regarding length of boys' hair; the family argued that protective hairstyles — which are covered by the CROWN act — require a certain amount of length. The family plans to appeal the decision.


    For more stories like this, follow @theculturedesk's Stories of Black America Magazine, @stories-of-black-america-thecu.

    bibliolater , to Sweden. Lagom.
    @bibliolater@qoto.org avatar

    🇳🇴 🇸🇪 "The findings show that Sámi ethnic background increases the probability of experiencing discrimination. While individual-level economic inequality is also pertinent, this does not directly materialise as between-group inequality. Instead, minority language use is a strong predictor of discrimination experience, revealing the socio-cultural nature of ethnic inequalities."

    Rusen Yasar, Fabian Bergmann, Anika Lloyd-Smith, Sven-Patrick Schmid, Katharina Holzinger & Tanja Kupisch (2023) Experience of discrimination in egalitarian societies: the Sámi and majority populations in Sweden and Norway, Ethnic and Racial Studies, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2023.2243313 @politicalscience

    parismarx , to Tesla
    @parismarx@mastodon.online avatar

    company sued over sexual harassment and creating a work environment so hostile to black workers it was nicknamed “the plantation” says actually the minorities are the problem


    neuSoM , to Non Political Twitter German
    @neuSoM@bewegung.social avatar

    We are posting here the messages from organizations, institutions, NGOs, etc. that have opened a channel on Mastodon and left #X/Twitter. Many of their arguments cite the same points as mentioned in our open letter calling the universities to become active on Mastodon and fediverse servers.

    The messages represent a broad consensus among Internet users who want to bring the choice of social media in line with their mission statements. The first of these is the data protection foundation @DS_Stiftung.

    It writes about itself: „Acting independently in the field of , Stiftung Datenschutz links politics and the public, academics and business. It complements existing organizations and initiatives while liaising closely with German data protection authorities on state and federal levels.“
    At the end of September, she drew the consequences and broke away from X/

    neuSoM OP ,
    @neuSoM@bewegung.social avatar

    The conversion to is being pursued with great commitment at academic in Germany. The instance https://openbiblio.social , which was founded several years ago and now has 630 active library and information institutions and their staff, plays a central role in this. Accounts with large numbers of followers include @tibhannover, @stabi_berlin and others.

    But @openblio.social offers a home not only to scientific institutions, but also to public institutions such as @stabiwupp, or the voices of the movement @ZBW_MediaTalk, @unzeit, @RenkeSiems

    The portal gave the following explanation for its creation: "There are a number of reasons to be dissatisfied with the current development of . The centralized and commercially oriented service does little to combat of all kinds, or ."

    MikeDunnAuthor , to India
    @MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar

    Today in Labor History December 25, 1927: B. R. Ambedkar and his followers burned copies of the Manusmriti to protest its treatment of Dalit people (formerly known as untouchables). Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was an Indian jurist, economist and social reformer who fought discrimination against Dalits. He later renounced Hinduism and inspired the Dalit Buddhist movement. The Manusmṛiti or Laws of Manu, is thought to be the first Hindu legal text and constitution.


    taylorlorenz , to Random stuff
    @taylorlorenz@mastodon.social avatar

    After Elon Musk and other far-right influencers falsely suggested a South Carolina hospital was giving hormone treatments to transgender four-year-olds, political pressure by state officials forced the hospital to shutter their entire trans youth program despite care remaining legal in the state. https://www.propublica.org/article/musc-medical-university-south-carolina-trans-healthcare-emails

    watchmen ,
    @watchmen@mastodon.online avatar

    @taylorlorenz hate leads to and restricted

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