jo , to Random stuff avatar

We had quite a bit of this here at back on 14 when our MAU rose considerably. A move to didn't help. Trying to cut down costs by moving hosting introduced more unforeseen issues. We've lost a fair few people but we're more stable now. We're looking at moving to the fork of v13 (which itself is a major revision & rewrite and not compatible with FF/IS) which seems to scale well by the looks of the massive instances that run it. But all this has been a big downer, and a lot of downtime. The reality is English-language forks of Misskey have never been tested at scale and when things go wrong trying to any documentation is difficult and most likely in Japanese. They've usually just commenced with a small single instance with some non-stock features added. I hope our eventual move to Sharkey doesn't come with a similar surprise, but seeing it sticks closely to upstream Misskey I think it might be ok.


Uraael , to Random stuff


Due to multiple technical issues with this account (No Timelines, Unable to Migrate) I am shifting myself to an alternative full time. As such this is the last post this account will be making until such time as the issues are resolved, or I decide to cut my losses and delete it.

350+ of you will have received Follow invites from @Uraael. I can now see all your activity again so expect me to join your conversations again as normal. If you'd like to re-Follow me over there I'd really appreciate the company.

This account will not be going anywhere but I will be tidying it up to ensure anyone tripping over it realises it's out of service, and where to find me.

NB: This is not in any way shape or form to be taken as criticism of this fantastic instance or the equally amazing admin team. Atm this seems to be a purely technical issue that might have a horrendously complicated explanation that is unlikely to afflict any other users. Just one that's leaving me little option.

Hasta lumbago, all. mwah

Uraael , avatar

@Uraael is a Sharkey instance. Sharkey is the newest fork of Misskey (forked from a newer codebase than Firefish or any others) that aims to do what Firefish and Iceshrmp are already doing...but better/differently. I'm very impressed with it so far and also, pay attention to this bit, believe it might be my pick for the future of *Key forks.

I've a steadily firming opinion that anything based on the Misskey v12 codebase might struggle to scale upwards unless they take the leap to the new v13 codebase, as Sharkey has done. We've seen Blahaj struggling with outages at various points recently, and has been very similar; from my lay perspective I am coming to understand this as a fundamental issue of the codebase itself manifesting for any instance with a large user base. Misskey itself was apparently struggling before they addressed the back-end issues for v13. is already running a test server of Sharkey to evaluate it. Watch this space.

What I'm seeing on is delightful, and I'll talk more about it at a future point.

me , to Random stuff avatar

ソラ - 美しくて未来的なSNSクライアント
For Mastodon、Bluesky、Firefish、Misskey

MacOS💻 + iOS📲 + WatchOS⌚️で今すぐ利用可能✨

youronlyone , to Non Political Twitter avatar

@Helene I'll answer this one here. ^_^

> That illustrate my main feeling on Mastodon : so many instances, I'm missing so much from all those places I will never see. And I don't have time to duplicate myself like you do, it's already too much with T2-Bluesky-Mastodon 😬

It's a good question.

At first, it appears that one is missing a lot because there are different instances or servers. However, if we consider it from the + + + + + + + era/setup, it is actually the same thing.

  1. Even on these non-federated platforms, for example Twitter / #X, you actually miss a lot too. Or from Facebook, you actually see only those that Facebook's algorithms want you to see (you don't even see everything from your 1st Level connections [i.e. those you added as friends and those you chose to follow are also filtered by their algorithm]).

  2. If you want to follow someone using Instagram but doesn't have a presence on Twitter, you will be forced to create an Instagram account.

Or, they have a Twitter account, but they are not updating it because they chose to make Instagram their main presence.

This is where the has an advantage: you don't have to create a account to follow someone who prefers to share images and photos.

Or if you want to follow a blog, you don't have to create a account, if they added the / Fediverse add-on, you can follow them from your own fediverse account.

In the old way, you have to create an account for each platform. However, in the Fediverse way, you don't have to.

I have a Pixelfed and account, to mention a few, for my images and needs. If you like to follow images I upload and/or books I've read, you can follow me at @youronlyone and @youronlyone using your existing @Helene fediverse account.

You don't have to create accounts there, like how you would for Instagram and Goodreads.

People like me, who have multiple accounts in the fediverse network, are advance users and who have specific needs and reasons.

It is like having multiple emails: I have a separate email per service/platform. I have a separate email per games.


youronlyone OP , avatar


Ahh, you mean the “Local timeline” feed of an instance?

That, I'm afraid, is dependent on the instance's software.

For example, you can do it with (see: and (see:

(See attached screenshots.)

  • Firefish (formerly Calckey), is a fork of . Misskey is a Japanese made software.

  • Qoto is a fork of Mastodon, with more features than the original Mastodon software.

As far as I know, the mainline software will never add this feature (and was suggested a lot of times before).

I'm not sure which other Fediverse software have this feature. It's actually very useful in content discovery; and avoiding creating multiple accounts.

@youronlyone @youronlyone

A screenshot of my Qoto setup following the “Local Timeline” of other instances.

prawned , to Random stuff avatar

I agree with a lot of what Aylam said about iceshrimp more than my original comments.

I just wanted to relay what I have read from others in my original post to set the right expectations in my recommendation.


18+ darnell , to Random stuff avatar

It will be very interesting to see how open a future API will be. I doubt it will be as open as , or , but is flirting with the idea of courting developers for automated postings.

👉🏾 Instagram head says Threads API is in the works | TechCrunch

18+ prawned , to Random stuff avatar

iceshrimp works better than firefish though it is still nearly impossible for me to imagine using on mobile/cell

I have become a big fan of which runs the iceshrimp misskey fork.

I see a lot of people frustrated with firefish (bugs, leadership, moderation,etc.) and I want to recommend iceshrimp to desktop users.

Some upsides:

  1. I can go back thousands of posts in my home timeline. I was always frustrated that I could not do this on mastodon, which only allows you go back in time a 1000 posts or so.

  2. Antennas: can make custom timelines of combinations of either keywords, other local timelines, or users

Iceshrimp seems to be maintained a lot more regularly, at least so far as the general public instance of, and it does not have any bugs that prevent me from preferring it as my current software.

If you are the kind of person that is abandoning the fediverse because firefish's bugs or if you qualms with firefish's leadership or business decisions, maybe it's time to give iceshrimp a try?(In addition, any big time fediverse fan, in my opinion, should give misskey or any of it's forks, including iceshrimp, a try if they have not already also.)(I have also heard good things about another fork called sharkey)

I just wanted to give you a heads up also about some of iceshrimp's downsides and bugs including:

-clicking on posts loses ones place in the home timeline. I have had to adjust to this by right clicking to open posts in new tabs and still often click on posts by mistake and lose place

-searching posts from accounts you followed is not a thing and hints at possibly larger problems with search.

-can't follow hashtags

-the ui for writing posts just like other *key apps is bad

-does not have private lists like firefish, akkoma, and twitter where you can add people you don't follow

-no dedicated mobile app

-although, antennas are a cool concept. I have yet to create a keyword one that I regularly use. One seems to need knowledge in regex language to fine tune it properly.

18+ prawned OP , avatar

@cleitonlima @aylamz I love iceshrimp, but it was impossible for me personally to imagine using it on mobile for a couple of reasons:

  1. I have no real desire for me personally to use it on mobile or cellphone at the moment.
  2. I prefer the the web app because it has all the features such as antennas, drive, pages, and what not. I am not sure how losing my place when I click on post can be accommodated for in the web app. The only workaround I think I remember finding in another *key was to copy and paste the link in a separate browser tab, but I found it was just too much with my current device/os and was just not clicking posts, but instead saving links later to view on my desktop
Kaiteki , to Random stuff avatar

As the developer of Kaiteki I am signed into 7 accounts. One each for: , , , , , , and .

twkmr , to Random stuff avatar


okpierre , to Random stuff avatar

Oh fork it! Sharkey follows Misskey upstream changes with added features!

Github repo here:

caos , to Owncast Live Streaming German avatar

Hallo Fediverse! Bitte um Rückmeldung + Ergänzungen: Übersichts-Tabelle mit Fediverse-Diensten, Vergleichsdiensten und Funktionen

Ich schreibe einen Artikel über den und in dem Rahmen natürlich auch über das . Zielgruppe sind Leute, die wahrscheinlich zum Großteil noch gar nix vom Fediverse gehört haben.
Dazu bin ich dabei, eine Tabelle zu erstellen, in der einige Fedi-Dienste sowie deren Haupt-/ besondere Funktionen aufgeführt werden sollen.

Das ist der derzeitige Entwurf:

"ähnlich wie..."
Ein Vergleich mit kommerziellen Plattformen ist natürlich immer nur zum Teil passend. Ich kenne auch keinen der kommerziellen Dienste aus eigener Erfahrung, aber für die avisierte Zielgruppe kann so ein Vergleich vielleicht trotzdem eine hilfreiche Orientierung sein. Vielleicht gibt es da aber auch Vergleiche, die passender sind. Einige Dienste (bspw. Medium, Podigee) kannte ich auch noch nicht mal vom Namen her, sondern habe das nur aus ähnlichen Vergleichstabellen übernommen.

Zu den "besonderen Funktionen":
Insbesondere Friendica, Firefish und v.a. Hubzilla haben so viele Funktionen, dass diese im Rahmen der Tabelle nur exemplarisch aufgeführt werden können und die Auswahl ist subjektiv. Hier wäre die Frage, ob das eine passende Auswahl ist, ob besonders wichtige fehlen oder ob andere Funktionen wichtiger oder besonderer sind.

Wenn Ihr also Anregungen oder Ergänzungen habt, gerne her damit! Danke!


Uraael , to Random stuff

I ♥️ MissCalcHajFireShrimpSharKey

testing , to Random stuff

the *keys are all about forks:

Lovers is a Misskey Fork project by 1641 PROJECT (aka 1641p), born in 2023, based on CherryPick and Misskey.


and this is cherrypick:

183231bcb , to Random stuff avatar

What's the status of federation between Lemmy/KBin and Misskey/Sharkey/Firefish/Iceshrimp? I just tried loading several Lemmy and Kbin posts in Sharkey and it doesn't work. I remember having the same issue with Firefish, and I vaguely recall hearing awhile back it was something related to authorized fetch. Have their been any recent developments on that front?

balloon , to Random stuff

is derived from 2023.9.0-beta.10, so use custom CSS from Misskey (v13+).
​:blob_bongo_cat_keyboard:​ カタカタ...


jo , to Random stuff

I'm pleasantly surprised by . Any idea how many instances have moved off Iceshrimp to the Sharkey fork like Ambrosia Moe has done?

hnb , to Random stuff
AntoineD , to Random stuff

Dans læ , on s’envoie plein de réaction par émoji 🤩😍👍🎉

Pendant ce temps sur , ce sont de simples ⭐

Je suis allé voir du côté de , c’est la PR de l’enfer depuis mai dernier, et qui fait suit a 2 autres PR annulées 😅

On a hâte d’échanger des émojis avec vous !

bengo , to Random stuff avatar

In a few weeks @w3c social web community group meeting may receive a proposal to explore chartering new social web working group that would only be open to people who work at W3C member companies. (The CG is open to all). Today there was an in person discussion at TPAC, the yearly W3C-wide f2f. It was a day-of addition to the agenda. Now is a good time to join the CG, subscribe to mailing list, and start participating in the discussions.

reiver , avatar

@bengo @w3c @evan

Right now, the most popular Fediverse software is —

With these up-and-coming:

• and others

Are the teams from all these Fediverse software involved with this new W3C social web community group?

youronlyone , to Non Political Twitter avatar

Q: If the allows different platforms / software / services to interoperate, then why have multiple accounts everywhere?

A: Features.

I have a account at @youronlyone

I also have a account at @youronlyone

There is also my account at @youronlyone

Let's not forget my account at @youronlyone

While the above examples can be used for images, Pixelfed was built for, well, images. It was made to cater for uploading photos ah sharing your digital artworks.

Meanwhile, Bookwyrm is best for, can you guess it? ! It features bookshelves where you can categorise your collection. You can also track your reading. Leave reviews. can too, if they want.

It's no different to comparing the old vs vs vs . All of it can host photos and albums, but Instagram is focused on sharing images. Twitter for . Facebook for socialising (or ads). Goodreads for books and reviews.

The difference? The latter are disconnected. While the former, the fediverse, are interoperable.

Remember, you don't have to create multiple accounts. Keep one firefish or Mastodon or or or account, you can still connect to users using Pixelfed, , , , , and, if they will ever launch support as they told us, and .

notizie , to Le Alternative Italian avatar

XMPP + SNIKKET: Guida in italiano per installare in self hosting un server Xmpp


Ecco una breve guida sulla pagina (sì, Misskey mette a disposizione la possibilità di creare delle pagine...) creata da @lsintoni

darnell , to Random stuff

I am glad that @syuilo is considering releasing an official Misskey app for iOS! Hopefully iPadOS is included!


I believe it would be cool if some of the third-party developers were able to help out with the project. Also, I hope they include an in app payment feature to make it easier for donations or even for premium features (buying a T-shirt or hat with your Misskey handle on it would be cool).

#️⃣ , , , , , ,

darnell , to Random stuff avatar

@dansup is partially federated.

Minds can follow , , , et al, accounts & be followed by accounts in return.

However, Minds is unable to ping Fediverse accounts when mentioning user handles.

They are attempting to solve this but I think they need help as Minds does not seem to making progress on that front.

testing , to Random stuff


i knew that it is possible to delete other *key users' replies to my posts by deleting my original post, but i haven't known that deleting an original post entails deletion of other *key users' quotes of the deleted post > this is so cool ​:abunhdhappy:​

<center>i like it ​:Blobhaj_Ani_Hearts:​</center>

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